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Messages - HelLRaiseR

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Foro general / Re: Web de la comunidad hispana de WME
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:09:45 PM »
¡¡¡Enhorabuena por el site!!!

Lo del dominio tiene pinta de ser interesante a la larga  ;)

Mantednos al tanto.


Es una empresa de desarrollo de juegos que está en proceso de constitución. Andamos preparado el primer juego comercial y cuya demo esperamos que vea la luz dentro de unos dos meses. A ver que pasa, porque ya lo hemos tenido que retrasar, aunque ahora seguro que saldrá porque vamos a optar a una subvención y hay que tenerla si o si :)

Foro general / Re: EasyWME
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:05:34 PM »
La idea es buena, aunque no consigo imaginarme una implementación final. ¿La idea es hacer algo visual que luego genere código?

Foro general / Re: Web de la comunidad hispana de WME
« on: April 01, 2009, 09:51:45 AM »
Mira en la página de descargas, el Project manager, el Runtime y parte de la documentación ya ha sido traducida por Jose. Mira también en la wiki, ya hay alguna cosilla traducida.

Foro general / Re: Web de la comunidad hispana de WME
« on: March 27, 2009, 10:05:42 AM »
A ver si ahora le damos caña y empieza a haber contenidos y mas proyectos en castellano. Poned la dirección en los foros  en los que participeis habitualmente, ADAN, Stratos, etc. que hay que darle publicidad.

General Discussion / WME hispanic community website is available
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:09:27 PM »
The website of the WME hispanic community is available. the address is

Foro general / Web de la comunidad hispana de WME
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:07:23 PM »
Ya está disponible la web de la comunidad hispana de WME, la dirección es

Game announcements / Re: El Engaño De Barbapoca
« on: March 18, 2009, 02:46:42 PM »
Tiene buena pinta, os deseo suerte con el proyecto.

It's look well. I wish good luck with the project.

Technical forum / Re: To Mnemonic: Problem with the wiki
« on: February 26, 2009, 01:57:24 PM »

Technical forum / Re: To Mnemonic: Problem with the wiki
« on: February 26, 2009, 09:35:20 AM »
OK. Thanks Mnemonic.

Foro general / Sobre James Peris
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:14:25 AM »
Pues nada, me he bajado la demo del James Peris y la verdad es que es un puntazo, muy, muy divertida, me ha gustado especialmente la bronca continua con el narrador, es una cosa que no había visto antes y es muy original y divertida, aunque algunas veces se repiten cosas.

Yo subiría un pelin la dificultad, te la meriendas en un plis.

Ya he visto las limitaciones que teneis sobre todo en el aspecto gráfico debido a la falta de equipo, si quereis puedo echaros un cable en el apartado gráfico. No os puedo prometer una gran dedicación, posiblemente solo cosas puntuales, pero tengo algo de tiempo para alguna cosilla, aunque ando bastante liado con el proyecto mio.

En fin, felicidades por el juego y a darle caña.

Technical forum / To Mnemonic: Problem with the wiki
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:01:54 AM »
Hi Mnemonic, I post this in the forum becouse the private message system does'nt work. When I send a message the forum says: "user not found", but the name of the user is correct. This error has been reported for other users in the spanish forum.

Well, the problem with the wiki

I think that I've a mistake with the wiki. It's appear that I don't have translated the content, I'm afraid that I have replaced two articles, the tutorial about the footsteps sounds and the tutorial about multi entrances in a room.

I think that the error that cause my mistake, is in the configuration of the wiki, becouse I don't have the english icon, but I have two spanish icons in the language section, when you can see in this picture:

I've a copy of the spanish contents, Could you restore the original contents in english?

Thanks and sorry.

Foro técnico / Re: Traducciones de los contenidos de la wiki
« on: February 25, 2009, 10:38:59 AM »
Pues como bien dices, el primer cuadradito es el de español. ¿Quiere decir esto que me he cargado los documentos en inglés? Vaya faena.

Voy a comentarselo a Mnemonic.

Foro general / Re: Bienvenidos al foro general en español.
« on: February 25, 2009, 10:36:57 AM »
Pues bienvenido entonces, y a ver si vemos pronto esos resultados  ;)

Technical forum / Re: how to change sound walking ?
« on: February 23, 2009, 11:49:40 AM »
You're welcome.

Game design / Re: Gameplay Evolution
« on: February 20, 2009, 12:25:04 PM »
1) fast travel - double clicking on a room exit and get instantly teleported.

I don't like the teleportation, I prefer to have a "run" animation and execute,y); whe the player makes a double click

2) hint system - shows all interactive objects in the room that will be important, like exits or items etc.

Only for newbies, If you has two game modes (normal or newbie), is good, if not, no.

3) action menu/action coin - already standart in wintermute. But still very interesting, i think this gameplay element was invented by LucasArts in CMI and is the final result of reducing its verbal system to its basis. Sierra and other companies already where using a similar system but it was a very annoying "click right for the next verb", where you had to scroll through all minus one button if you are unlucky. LucasArts fixed this issue with its action coin and im a little bit disappointed that this feature is still missing in most commercial games.

The Lucas system is very simple and fast, the "hand icon" is valid for get, use, and makes special actions, in some cases the "talk icon" can be used to talk and eat. With the two systems is possible to do the same actions, but the Lucas system requires more imagination for the player. The sierra system required more work for the programmer. I prefer the Lucas system, I don't work much more with the menu system and requires more inteligence / imagination for the player.

Then i was thinking about gameplay elements that are still a typical problem with adventure games. One thing is the annoying standart sentence "i cant do this!"
Games like A Vampyre Story try to solve this with funny dialogs. So instead of getting "i cant do this!" or "that does not make sense!" you get the sentence "Oh hello little door. How are you doing?".
That is ok for a game that uses humor but it has some disadvantages:

Yes, the "I can`t do this" is horrible, I prefer the second option. Obiously, this option result in more job for the programmer. I've in disapoinment with you idea, I think that this system can be used in any kind of game, humoristic or serious, if the game is serious you can design every object for provides help to the player and you can limit the actions (not is locig that the player talk with a door, then you don't must permit that the player talk with the door). Of course, this is more work for the programmer and the designer.

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