Wintermute Engine > Technical forum

Important: WME forum - the only support channel

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Thanks for your support :)
I believe in the end it will be beneficial for everyone.

One issue why you get so many questions might be the documentation of the engine. The documentations would have to be updated so that you don't spend hours in the forum browsing though threads that may or  may not contain a solution. They WME Book is a nice idea unfortunately there are a lot of red pages that would really help me out XD. Especially the 3D section is barely documentated which results in much try and a failing and asking. Another issue is that info is splitted over 3 sections: WME Resource Center, WME Book and Forum. The Forum being the place with most info, unfortunately rather unstructured info and many dead ends. Don't get me wrong! I know it's a whole lot you're doing, and I'm aware WME is free but maybe you could reduce your workload by completing the WME Book documentation. Or maybe some mods and supporters could help, since you all know the engine better than those who come here to look for info. I'll try to complete it aswell after my various problems have been solved.

This goes to all of you people! Please help to complete the documentation!!  ::rock

Hello everyone, i' agree with the idea of completing the WME Book ::thumbup, but thats require a lot of work and time, something who anyone have today ; and other hand, maybe its more helpful the answer to a specific question... who knows... THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR  TIME  ON THIS...

Saludos a todos desde Chile!!! ::rock ;D


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