Game design / odnorf's 'dreams' project
« on: January 13, 2004, 12:44:58 AM »
hi all 
i just surfed around these forums for a while again today, and wound up at odnorf's "dreams" project web site... and WHAT AMAZING SCREENSHOTS!! I've been toying around with graphics in Photoshop these past few weeks, and I'd really appreciate it if some kind soul (maybe you, odnorf? *s*) could help me out here:
* how was the 'dreams' head line created? what font is used, and how did you apply the spattered effect?
* the screenshots are _amazing_, how did you accomplish that effect? how many different image layers do you use, how is the glowing colors done, and again, the spattering - how IS that done? hmm...
Scarpia [back from a loooooooong break in which I've moved to a different town, bought a beautiful new laptop and started my B.Sc. in Comp.Science]

i just surfed around these forums for a while again today, and wound up at odnorf's "dreams" project web site... and WHAT AMAZING SCREENSHOTS!! I've been toying around with graphics in Photoshop these past few weeks, and I'd really appreciate it if some kind soul (maybe you, odnorf? *s*) could help me out here:
* how was the 'dreams' head line created? what font is used, and how did you apply the spattered effect?
* the screenshots are _amazing_, how did you accomplish that effect? how many different image layers do you use, how is the glowing colors done, and again, the spattering - how IS that done? hmm...
Scarpia [back from a loooooooong break in which I've moved to a different town, bought a beautiful new laptop and started my B.Sc. in Comp.Science]