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Topics - Connway

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Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / RPG on WME
« on: December 18, 2008, 09:29:48 PM »
Wasn't exactly sure which forum to put this in, it's not exactly a game or a demo. Kind of like a simple demonstration really.

Not much to say except that I decided to make an RPG using WME. I know that the engine isn't designed for RPGs, but I still wanted to give it a shot, and so far it seems to be working. It has proved to be quite a challenge, but an enjoyable one nonetheless. The project I'm posting is really me learning how to use WME and understand how it works.

Why am I doing this?
  • It's a challenge
  • I wanted to do something over winter break

I would post a screeny or something, but I don't think anyone wants to look at my programmer art.
Currently I am using a placeholder combat system that just does simple stat subtraction.

Hopefully I will be able to expand on this and make an enjoyable game.

Latest Version: (r30)
Standalone package: Click Here
Source: Click Here (FileFront)

Technical forum / Help for a beginner
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:26:34 PM »
I'm new to the Wintermute Engine and have started a simple project to help me learn the basic functions. I have read some of the Wintermute Documentation, but not all of it.

I've encountered some problems with my project. As you can see from the below shots, the stick figure stops short of top wall and can go way too far down the bottom wall.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the problem, but I have set the hot spot to the bottom-right corner of the sprite images.

But, as you can see below, I cannot place the top of the head of my sprite outside any of the "floor" region.

Basically, I'd like the engine to block the actor from moving if the feet reach a certain point.

Any help would be appreciated.


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