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Topics - Banbury

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / GetFiles and packages
« on: December 23, 2007, 11:30:34 AM »
Directory.GetFiles seems to work only for physical paths (eg. "c:\somepath") but not for packages. Is there another function to get a list of files in a package?

General Discussion / Place for small website?
« on: January 31, 2007, 09:08:11 AM »
I just wanted to upload a sample for WME but it seems, that I have misplaced my website in the Worldwide Web. So I'm currently looking for a new place for a really, really small site. Right now I have neither time nor inclination to search for a paid hosting service. So I wonder if someone here knows a place where I could settle down for free. I have modest needs and the page is mostly used for the download of small files in the 1MB range.

Thanks and greetings


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WMECom 1.1
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:35:23 AM »
I was finally able to compile a new version of the WMECom plugin, with the new plugin features of WME.

WMECom 1.1

This version removes all the akward wrapping mechanisms I had to use in the previous versions, thanks to the new ability to create plugin objects from within plugins (thanks Mnemonic!). It's also no longer necessary to release objects manually.
Using COM in WME is now just as easy as in Visual Basic :).

Code: [Select]
// this class initializes COM support and has to be a created once (and only once) before you can use any other COM object
var com = new WMECom();

// Create a new COM object
var xml = new WMEComObject("MSXML2.DomDocument");
// node holds the COM-Object as a WME plugin-object
var node = xml.createElement("Node1");

node.text = "This is a new node.";




Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WMECom plugin - COM Automation
« on: September 22, 2005, 07:21:41 AM »
after two failed attempts to create something useful for WME, I have created something that is releasable and hopefully useful.
WMECom is a plugin that adds COM Automation support to WME scripting. There are a lot of applications and libraries out there that support COM/OLE, e.g. MS Office or MS XML, and these can now be used within WME (with reasonable limitations). See below for an example, that uses MS XML to create an XML document.

Version 1.01:
- fixed bug where IDispatch properties were returned as boolean (probably a bug in WME)
- removed 9 parameter limitation from function calls

WMECom 1.01

There is a short ReadMe in the package, but I had no time (or inclination :D) to write a complete documentation. The sample shows every feature of the plugin. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I will try to help as best as I can.



Code: [Select]
// this class initializes COM support and has to be a created once (and only once) before you can use any other COM object
var com = new WMECom();

// Create a new COM object
var xml = new WMEComObject("MSXML2.DomDocument");
// This variable holds the original pointer to the node
var node = xml.createElement("Node1");
// and it is passed to the function without wrapping

// We have to wrap it here, before we can use properties and functions.
var o_node = new WMEComObject(node);
o_node.text = "This is a new node.";


// Objects of type WMEComObject should be released when no longer needed.

Technical forum / BUG: Array creation
« on: May 03, 2004, 08:32:03 AM »
this is not so much a bug as an oddity, but I wasn't able to create an array with a single value with:

arr = new Array(<some value>);

The array stays empty with a length of zero.

You can rightfully ask now, why I would want to create an array with a single value :).



Technical forum / A bug
« on: March 05, 2003, 08:10:22 AM »

the following command crashes the compiler:

actor.Talk(s[Random(0, 4)]);

It results in a runtime error in dcscomp.dll and a complete crash, before the line is even executed. It's not a big problem, but it was unexpected.



Technical forum / Talking region entities?
« on: February 24, 2003, 08:31:27 AM »
If I use Talk() or TalkAsync() on region entities, nothing happens. I have checked, that my code is actually executed, and I have assigned a font to the entity.
How else can I create an invisible speaker without creating a transparent sprite?



Feature requests, suggestions / DLL functions
« on: February 19, 2003, 08:49:30 AM »
I have another really simple wish ;):
Calling functions from standard C++ DLLs.
As a programmer I'd like to add my own support functions for calculations and maybe some AI.



Technical forum / Some bugs
« on: February 03, 2003, 08:17:55 AM »
I'm busy converting my adventure to Wintermute.
I've found a few bugs or things that don't work as expected:
- Scene.Filename always returns [null].
- the TalkAsync method doesn't set the IsTalking and Ready flags.
- the Talk method suppresses all events. If I have a long monologue, there is no way to skip it.

Everything else works great for me. I absolutely love the GUI part of Wintermute. It's very easy to use.



Feature requests, suggestions / More datatypes
« on: January 28, 2003, 08:33:20 AM »
Dear Santa,
I wish WME had more DataTypes like Lists, Hashtables and Trees. Trees would be very helpful for conversations. Also a way to create your own datatypes with properties and methods would be neat.



(Sorry that I'm a little early with my wishlist  :D)

Technical forum / Stopping cutscenes
« on: January 28, 2003, 08:27:00 AM »
how do I stop scripted cutscenes with a keypress? The key event doesn't respond while the cutscene is running. Do I have to place a 'Sleep' behind every function? Does the TimeSlice functions have something to do with it (I wasn't able to call it due to lack of documentation)?



Feature requests, suggestions / Foreground objects
« on: January 21, 2003, 08:24:23 AM »
I just tested the 1.01 Beta and I'm really impressed. This is easily the best engine around. And it has a real programming language.
There is one thing, that bothers me though. I have to cut out all the objects, behind which my characters can walk. This is pretty awkward, if one has completed background bitmaps. Maybe you could have a look at the way Sludge solves this problem. It's much easier to paint over the objects with a single colour.



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