I know that the commercial license fee is probably decided on a case by case basis, but could you give me some idea about what to expect?
Let's say, for example, that I created a 1024x768 resolution 2d adventure game that I planned on selling online; something of a similar quality to Curse of Monkey Island with about 20 hours of gameplay. I would not expect or require any particular developmental support (because the engine already has all the features that I would require and I can create all of my own media assets) other than the bug-fixes that I am sure you will create anyway as a matter of course. What could I expect to pay to obtain a commercial license for something like this?
I'm sure that you will agree that it is essential that potential developers to know the cost of licensing Wintermute before expending significant developmental time and effort using it, and I'm certain that other users would find this information useful too.
Fantastic engine, by the way. I'm very impressed by your work!