« on: December 16, 2004, 02:52:40 PM »
I´m in the planning stage of making an adventure and thinking about how to handle inventory objects. In the most common adventures I´ve played so far, the main character can pick up any kind of object, without knowing WHY.
For instance why should I pick up a peace of string in real life, if I don´t have a real reason to do so. In real life I would only pick this up, if a KNEW that I could build a fishing rod with it (stupid example). So shouldn´t the character only be allowed to pick this peace of string up, if he knew that he had to build this fishing rod. I clue could help the player along.
I know, it could be very annoying for the player to have to go back to some location, but it would be more realistic.
What do you think abou this?