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Messages - Roman Navratil

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Hello everyone!

Im glad im back here and can inform you a little bit about the progress on our project 2.5D horor adventure game called "Until I'm Gone". If you dont know what the heck im talking about, you could glance here ;-).

The development is going good and we have new talented people in the team (programmers, graphic designer, animators and VAs), and we all are still working on the project as hard as our studies/works allow us.

We have also made a determination to inform the players more about the project and progress, that means at least 1 web update per 2 weeks! So if you have not been visiting our web ( ) too much so far due to its "small updating frequence", you have no a good reason for revalueing your decision :-).

And the most importing news (probably) is that we have released first multimedia files from the game, concretely first 2 examples of the VA (voice-acting) you will hear in the game. And this is just the beging, more multimedia files are about to come...! To download the files (streaming seems to work "weird" these days) go to our news section on our website

Faraway Studios team

After few months im back, and I would like to inform you about the progress and news in our project- "2.5D" 3rd person horor adventure game- "Until I'm Gone".

Firstly- let us say that the progress is going well. Lots of things have happened from the last "update". If you are visiting our webpage periodically then you propably know that we toke part in ADOC2006. Especially for this event we had released special "WIP" screens (larger versions can be found on our website)
(Whats WIP? WIP means "Work In Progress", so it is clear, that what you see, isnt really done and ready to use ingame at all, but it gives you quite a good picture what can you expect, what all we have to do etc. They are for example renders of few things/characters etc.)

And the most interesting recent news is that UIG will be translated not only into english but also to more then 5 other world languages! (check web for details).

And the last information, for some fans probably the most exciting (though there has been a lot more stuff happening around the project, but i cannot mention it all here), if you would like to take part in the project, and you can speak some language the game hasn't been translated into so far (for example Spanish, Italian, Portugese etc.) you can contact us (contact on our web) because we are currently looking for translators.

Soon you can look also to our first english interview, and more "mutlimedia" files to be released on our website.

If like this project, keep us your focus, we really appreciate it!

And thanks for reading such a long post ;-).

Faraway Studios team

Obecné fórum / Faraway hledá pomocné WME programátory
« on: September 08, 2006, 08:53:17 PM »
Hledáme pomocné programátory pro urychlení vývoje naší hry Until Im gone.
Jednalo by se o práci na "tématické skupince scén" (což bychom mohli označit prostě za "kapitolu", byť hra nebude dělena do kapitol) . "Globální věci" má na starosti hl. programátor, vy by jste pracovali "pouze" na scénách (popis, scriptování, dialogy atd.)

V případě zájmu se prosím ozvěte zde:



Game announcements / Re: Restless - new game from Viperante
« on: August 02, 2006, 08:25:15 PM »

So many profi games are based on WME these times (Restless, Destinies, Alternativa, UIG... ;-) ). Cant belive this, Mnemonic is becoming a  rich man a i gues :-).

Game announcements / Re: Restless - new game from Viperante
« on: August 01, 2006, 12:28:13 PM »
Its based on WME i suggest?

Screeny super, hlavne to sklepeni nebo co to je:-) Moc se tesim, preji zdarne dokonceni:)

Jop jop, je to sklepení, dobrý úsudek :-).

I already said it, but again: WOW!

I LOVE the screenshots, and the story sounds very interesting, too - I really await this game, so hurry up :-)

Im glad you like it (for the second time :-) ) we´ll do, what we can to finish the game at winter 2006, at the most high quality what we can do :-).

Game announcements / Until Im Gone- NEW Screenshots!
« on: June 19, 2006, 06:36:45 PM »
Hi all
After some (longer) time period we have decided to uncover little bit more about our "winter melancholy horor adventure game project" called "Untill Im Gone" ( ), which is still going to be released as a freeware. The game, unlike few other comparable project which gradiently fall away, keeps going on, but it costs tolls in the meaning of release dates, which are hard to observe in freeware project; our current release date is set to Q3-Q4 2007 and we belive that this is the one! As you can see we have released 3 new pictures from the game and new info is also about to come soon. And still we are trying as much as we can to let you feel that you are really "in the game", in unhospitable times of winter in Pitfall mountains, with strange people and strange things happening around you which all lead into one explanation and one end...
For fullsized images visit please our website where you can also find many other screenshots, information and more.

With kind regards

Roman Navratil
Faraway Studios

You haven´t heard about us for some time, have you... (if you remember us at all :-) ).

Our (old) Web hasn’t been updated for some time. This was due to several things - mainly because we have been working on our project - "Until I’m Gone" rather than on a Webpage. The second reason was that we have been creating a new Web, which is now ready and uploaded. So forget about our old address, and remember the new one -

But we also have some bad news for you... We had to delay the release of "Until I’m Gone" from May 2006 to Winter 2006 (the reason that we had to do this can be found on our Webpage). But as a small compensation we have released completely new screenshots (large variants on our web), and information, which can be found on

So don´t worry, the game isn´t dead at all (as some of you might have thought) we are continuing onwards, and Winter 2006 should be the really final release date for this project. So look forward to Winter 2006, it´s gonna be really cold... For the latest information, new and up-to-date screenshots, visit us at .

Faraway Studios team

I don't know what you talk about ;-) , but I just wanted to say: WOW! The new(?) screens look uber-good!

"I´m glad you like it :-)"

Aj tak to "polls" "nám" bohužel uniklo :-(.

Obecné fórum / Until Im Gone: Nový web, nové info, nové screeny
« on: June 14, 2006, 04:56:27 PM »
Chtěl bych vám oznámit že se nám konečně podařilo "zprovoznit" nový web a při té příležitosti jsme vypustili jak další informace, tak nové screenshoty.

Nová adresa webu je nyní

Technické fórum / Re: Nesedící skryte g
« on: February 26, 2006, 01:14:52 PM »
A stává se vám ostatním tedy často že skryte g nesedí? Děláte je ve 3d studiu max (v jaké verzi)?

Technické fórum / Re: Nesedící skryte g
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:53:52 PM »
Dík za rady, ještě jsem slyšel něco o tom že to obecně často nesedí (od Hansera) a že to je problém "optické deformace hloubky", je to možné?

Technické fórum / Nesedící skryte g
« on: February 23, 2006, 09:37:14 PM »
Chtěl bych se zeptat co dělám špatně při tvorbě skrytych g. Při ohraničování objektu z puvodni sceny a vubec tvorbě walk plane, waypointu atd. postupuju přesně podle toho kde by ve scéně otevřené v 3d studiu měli být, když se ale na všechno podívám ve WME nebo přímo ve hře, je "vše" dost posunuité a nesedící. Čím je to způsobeno, dá se s tím něco dělat (předem upozornuju že nejsem programátor :-) ). Dík za každou radu.

Obecné fórum / Re: Faraway hledá dalšího WME programátora
« on: December 27, 2005, 06:48:51 PM »
No bychom právě potřebovali někoho: dobrého, pracovitého a na "plný úvazek", takže není ani divu že jsme ještě nikoho takového nenašli... :-(
..ja jsem ti uz par dni zpatky psal na mail, ze bych to bral - mam ted docela volno, pze nas projekt v soucasnosti nemuze z ruznych duvodu pokracovat (hlavne se jde o distributora), takze bych vam s tim moh pomoci, ale jen do te doby, nez se opet naplno rozjede nas vlastni projekt - kdyztak mi napis na ICQ a dohodnem se co a jak...

No bychom právě potřebovali někoho na opravdu plný úvazek.

Urcite bych byt Tebou hansera neodmital. Plny uvazek by znamenal nalezite ohodnoceni u lidi, kteri uz s WME maji zkusenosti. Hanserova nabidka je vice nez dobra a myslim, ze
stejne zjistis, ze se bude cekat na grafiku a ne na programovani.

No já bych Hansera samozřejmě bral všema deseti :-)! Jenže jen na měsíc...? To by myslím fakt nemělo moc cenu. BTW na grafiku by se moc nečekalo, momentálně nám docela hodně "přebývá" vzhledem k tomu kolik procent hry máme hotovo po stránce kodu.

Jinak tím člověkem "na plný" úvazek jsem myslel to, že by se věnoval jen našemu projektu tak naplno jak by mu to jen podmínky (práce/studium atd.) umož

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