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Messages - Pedro Pires

Pages: [1]
LusoAventura é um projecto que tem como fim juntar os amantes de jogos de aventura portugueses e brasileiros numa comunidade onde possam falar entre si na língua materna da paixão que até agora só têm podido conhecer em Inglês.

Não que haja algo de mal com o Inglês. Mas caramba, o Português é uma língua linda que também merece ser protagonista de um jogo de aventura! :D

Espalhem! Publicitem! Apareçam! Divirtam-se!


Non-Portuguese people: this is an ad for LusoAventura, a project which I hope to see grow until it becomes a community for portuguese and brasilian adventure game lovers. Thank you for your pacience. :)

Hmmm, BaSS has been made freeware by Revolution Software, so it's probably legally safe. I'll try to find it out, thanks for the tip. :) The other games are trickier ground, legally - I want a repository of portuguese games, not a warez site, or even abandonware. I found a blog where you could get Gabe Knight 2, The Dig, and 5 other games all translated to Portuguese - really. But it's seriously warez stuff, which I'd like to stay away from for this project.

Glad to know there's more of us around! I'll be sure and post everywhere I can think of when the site's done and the forum's ready!

Hello there. I'm a newcomer to these forums, and I'm more of an AGSer than a WMEer <gasp!>. But my purpose here is not connected to either, I'm here simply because this is an adventure game forum.

Well, simply put: I'm looking for Portuguese adventure games, or games which have been translated into Portuguese. There are italian, russian, spanish, french, german, english, american and etc. adventure game communities. There isn't a Portuguese one. I'm choosing to believe that's because no one thought of it before, so I'm trying to fill the gap. :) And the first step is to collect every adventure game which can be played in Portuguese.

I don't even know if there are any Portuguese WMEers - I knew for a fact that there were Portuguese AGSers, so I tried there first. If you're there, people, gimme a hand so we can have our own space, what do you say? ;D

Currently I have these games:

Apprentice Deluxe
The New Adventures of Zak McKracken
A Lenda da Gávea
Mad in Cashcais

Any help at all would be tremendously appreciated!  :D

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