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Topics - metamorphium

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Community bulletin board / Happy Birthday Jerrot!!!!
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:55:07 PM »
Happy birthday old man. You can soon compete with Cthulhu by this rate. :)

We wish you everything you'd like to have and we hope to have you around WME community for at least another 35 years!

So here's to you and don't forget us being a bigtowner now. :)

 ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer ::beer

Hi muties,

this one will be short but for those of you who are using theora entities in your scripts and thought they are not interactive, I provide the following trick, how to mend this.

Logic behind the following code is, that WME now supports creating own regions even if there's none. So we'll creating bounding region ourselves manually.

We'll presume your theora is square 128x128 points, other shapes are just a matter of using more region points.
First in Scene Edit create an empty entity and call it test, then in scene_init.script type something like this:

Code: WME Script
  1. var ent = Scene.GetNode("test");
  2. ent.PlayTheora("your ogv file goes here",true,"your mask goes here"); // so our theora is playing now!
  4. ent.CreateRegion(); //we create a new region so our entity will become interactive
  6. var region = ent.Region;
  8. region.AddPoint(ent.X, ent.Y);
  9. region.AddPoint(ent.X, ent.Y + 128);
  10. region.AddPoint(ent.X + 128, ent.Y + 128);
  11. region.AddPoint(ent.X + 128, ent.Y);
  12. ent.Interactive = true;

Piece of cake, no? Now you can easily click your theora entity.

But wait what if you want to move it around on the screen? Simply update the region nodes based on current theora position!

Code: WME Script
  1. var ent = Scene.GetNode("test");
  2. var region = ent.Region;
  3. region.SetPoint(0,ent.X, ent.Y);
  4. region.SetPoint(1,ent.X, ent.Y + 128);
  5. region.SetPoint(2,ent.X + 128, ent.Y + 128);
  6. region.SetPoint(3,ent.X + 128, ent.Y);

That's all folks. Hope you find it as useful as I did for my game. :)

Feature requests, suggestions / Async saving
« on: December 27, 2009, 01:17:54 PM »
Hi there,

is it hard to create an asynchronous version of Save Game (background saving)? It's kind of big request of portals (save on every step in a way new Monkey Island or Sam and Max do).


Can't reproduce / Game.StartupScene glitch
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:54:31 PM »
upon calling Game.Reset() this value set in project manager gets nulled. Either it would be good to remember the state or simply cancel this new logic altogether and use the old trusted full scene path. Or am I the only one using for New Game option the aforementioned command? :)


Feature requests, suggestions / Theora - set video position
« on: July 22, 2009, 08:29:58 AM »
Subject says it all.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: ok, thinking about it those three methods would be great:

GetTheoraPosition();  -- returns the frame, the video player is currently on
SetTheoraPosition(frame); -- sets the video playback to the specified frame
GetTheoraLength(); -- returns the number of frames the video contains

Fixed / Game.EndDlgBranch()
« on: November 17, 2008, 03:44:16 PM »
Just for a record. :)

If Game.EndDlgBranch() is called while there's no branch started, WME desktop crashes or manifest weird behavior.

Replicable in WME demo by putting Game.EndDlgBranch(); for example to door script (left click handler) and then clicking on the door. :)


Game announcements / Colour of Murder gets 5/5 on FFC
« on: October 31, 2008, 06:37:36 PM »
I'm excited to announce, that WME game by MDNA games called Colour of Murder got whooping 5/5 points in the first review:

You can learn more about the game here:

Cheers Mikael!!  ::beer ::beer ::beer

Won't fix / Savegame thumbnails bug
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:32:29 PM »
Hi Mnemonic,

I ran into a bug with saving positions. If you save the position the thumbnail image is updated only if this was a brand new savegame position. If you however overwrite the already
existing save game, not only the image is not updated (until next game restart) but also it issues this error:

20:17: Saving game 'C:\Users\[NDA]\Saved Games\[NDA]\save004.dsv'...
20:17: Warning: invalid instance 'm_WaitObject'

The correct thumbnail shows upon the game restart.

We have a supposed release this week, do you think anything could be done? We're using thumbnail buttons for save/load so this is very vital for us.

Thanks a million!

Bug reports / Desktop crash in WME
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:55:29 PM »
Hi Mnemonic,

I've found and replicate (and already workaround) desktop crash. I don't know if it can be fixed but it's the one which has been sent to you by email.

I've a script which has vaguely something like this:

Code: WME Script
  1. this.AttachScript("scenes\salia3\scr\HoleGame.script");
  3. while (!Salia3WreckFound)
  4. {
  5.   Sleep(1000);
  6. }
  8. this.DetachScript("scenes\salia3\scr\HoleGame.script");
  9. while (this.IsScriptRunning("scenes\salia3\scr\HoleGame.script")) Sleep(50);

Now in the attached script is a loop:

Code: WME Script
  1. while (true)
  2. {
  3.   {
  4.       if (Game.MouseX < 1000 && Game.MouseX >= 15)
  5.           e.X = Game.MouseX;       
  7.         if (Game.MouseY < 740 && Game.MouseY >= 15)
  8.           e.Y = Game.MouseY;
  9.     }
  10.     Sleep(80);  
  11. }

In another script is ending condition for the first script. But if you try to detach script while the loop is active, wme desktop crashes. Workaround in my case was to substitute
while(true) for while(!Salia3WreckFound).

Just wanted you to know...

Fixed / Crashing WME
« on: August 09, 2008, 09:46:52 PM »
Hi Mnemonic,

I've got very strange behavior to report. It's connected to certain parts of my new game. The behavior manifests desktop crashes with no log messages or generated dmp files. The only report I was able to get was from windows messages where WME made exception  0xc000000d offsetted to 0x000e0f77

I can easily replicated the crash, but the catch is that it never crashes in the same place. Sometimes it crashes sooner, sometimes later. Is there any way how to get out some debug file for you so it can be found out what is going on?

I'm running it in Project Manager mode so I guess bugslayer was there by default, no?

Edit: I've also copied everywhere the bugslayerutil.dll from previous builds, but it's the same. No dmp generated.

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Gits like talk window
« on: August 04, 2008, 11:25:20 AM »
I was many times already asked how I did in Ghost in the Sheet the talk window. So I've decided to share the code. Basically it works like this. I have a couple of images with special characters (Larisa, Scott etc.) named approprietly.

when my Talk method is called, it takes 3 parameters: srcString (line to speak), srcActor (which is used to select propper image for the speaking character and xPosition which sets the
start of the talk text block (some images are at the beginning of the window, some at the end).

As most of the lines are spoken by Ghost, the defaults are set to the window so you can call it like


if you need reply from Larisa, it would be:

Ghost.Talk("blablabla", "larisa", 500);

Code: WME Script
  1. method Talk(srcString,srcActor,xPosition)
  2. {
  4.         var twin;
  5.         if (srcActor == null) twin = "talk"; // basic window with ghost
  6.         else
  7.         twin = srcActor; // NPC window
  9.         var tmpState = Game.Interactive;
  10.         Game.Interactive = false// we save the interactivity state for later and turn it off
  12.         var dlgWin = Game.LoadWindow("windows\dlgWindow.window"); // load the dialogue window
  13.         var  talkRobotEnt = Scene.CreateEntity()// create the entity used for talking
  14.         var tString = Game.ExpandString(srcString)// prepare the localized string to handle formatting
  15.         var tLength = tString.Length;
  16.         var lines = ToInt(tLength / 300) + 1; // find out how many lines will we need
  18.         dlgWin.SetImage("windows/"+twin+".png");   // set the image
  19.         dlgWin.Y = 425
  21.         // set the caption parameters
  22.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlePosRelative = false;
  23.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosXCenter = false;
  24.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesWidth = 680;
  25.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = 90;       
  27.         if (xPosition != null) talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = xPosition;
  30.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosY = 630 + 15* lines;  // position the caption in the window based on number of lines
  33.         talkRobotEnt.SetFont("fonts\verdana.font"); // set the speech font
  35.         talkRobotEnt.SoundPanning = false// make the sound centered
  36.         talkRobotEnt.Talk(srcString, null, "", "", 0)// say the line
  38.         Game.UnloadObject(dlgWin)// dispose of the window
  39.         Scene.DeleteEntity(talkRobotEnt); // kill the talk entity
  41.         Game.Interactive = tmpState;   
  43. }

Nowadays I'd make it a bit differently, but you get the idea...

Game design / MOVED: Opacity maps?
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:24:35 AM »

Game design / MOVED: Texture Swapping?
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:24:20 AM »

Bug reports / Invalid instruction.
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:59:56 PM »
Hi Mnemonic,

strange problem popped on me in log:

23:58:59:  Fatal: Invalid instruction -557797922 ('scenes\Salia6\scr\scanlines.script', line 74, IP:0x0)

where the line is: if (Scene.EndLines) break;

this line works ok most of the time, just once I got this. Any ideas? (not that it would block game or something, but still, I don't like unexplainable stuff in my code :))

Hi folks,

The team behind recently released WME adventure game "Ghost in the Sheet" is now working on securing funding for two new titles. Both will be 2 1.2D adventure games. We're currently looking for someone who'd contribute as a 3d / environment animator for our technology demos. If the funding is secured, we can provide a per animation paid position for the course of the development.

As both projects are (more or less) secret, please PM me with the details about your work and we will in turn provide you with some additional informations.

We're convinced that with our experience of bringing a game to the market in 8 localizations, we're more than capable to handle bigger project and as we are already deep in the technology demos progress, we'd appreciate enthusiastic person skilled with animation on board.

Thanks and let me know,

Cardboard Box Entertainment

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