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Messages - Catacomber

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Technical forum / Re: Change sprite entity font
« on: August 24, 2009, 04:58:11 AM »
Try the font for Responses.def.

Technical forum / Re: Item Interactions don't work as expected
« on: August 23, 2009, 04:00:45 AM »
actor.Talk("If I attach the battery to the solar panels I may be able to charge it.", "");

I'm just curious.  Why do you have the , ""?

instead of

actor.Talk("If I attach the battery to the solar panels I may be able to charge it.");

Again, I'm just curious--I've never done it the way you did it.

Just noting the beautiful beauty of 2d:

It's amazing 2d graphics--not a game--but note the beauty which can be expressed equally in a game as in a movie:

From what I understand, it's all 2d art.

Forgive me for loving the lasting beauty of 2d art:

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 22, 2009, 03:57:21 AM »
Is it possible to put a wrapper around the game itself (the exec file) that would enable porting to iphone?  Rather than tweaking the source code to be iphone compatible?  I notice from a little reading that such a thing might be possible. In fact some game engines that port games to multiplatforms use that as a method to do the job.  I don't understand wrappers yet but it looks like an easier way.  Still researching.  :  )  I think the Wintermute engine does its job very well--if it were possible to somehow wrap the exec file onto other platforms that would be great. If you don't think I'm talking about something possible, feel free to rap me on the head.  :  )

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:24:29 PM »
So hard--not impossible.  :  )  Am beginning to read and work through this:

Chugging down Objective C at the same time.  :  )  The book (manuscript right now) basically teaches you how to build a game editor for iphone.  It is very clear.  If I can work through this and actually get things to work so I understand it, then will see if can identify what are the windows components of wme source and whether they can be replaced at all and work.

It's a worthwhile project, imho, and I know it will take a long time and be hard but it it's not impossible--it's kind of interesting.  So right now all I have to be able to do is read and understand the wme source code.

But would really like to compile it so if someone can do it successfully without errors using Visual C 2008 and DirectX9 and the DirectX8 platform if necessary, detailed instructions would be appreciated.  :  ) 

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 12, 2009, 06:22:15 AM »
If anyone can get this to work with the suggestions that have been posted in this thread, would you please post here exactly what you did?

I would guess that it's possible to change the screen dimensions for the outputted game?  If you can go bigger, you can go smaller?

I would like to see if it's possible to get WME ported to iphone.  I think it's possible but not sure how to proceed.  I know it's not impossible but I'm not a professional programmer. I am just a little self-taught Cat.  :  )  I know Ogre 3D is porting to iphone.  And I know that once you have a file that can be loaded into and tweaked in project builder on mac, you can make an iphone capable game. That is how some other game engines appear to get their games ported to iphone.  You use the base game engine to create a game and then use C++ or Objective C to load it via iphone SDK into an iphone ready game.  It's just an interesting thought. : )  I am far away from being able to do it but am keeping it in the back of my head as I study making a game engine for iphone.  : )  The big game engines like Unity and Torque seem to take this approach imho from what I have read.  At least with Torque, from what I have read, you build the game in the Torque engine, whether 2d or 3d, but then use C++ scripts to load it in the iphone sdk as you can't use Torquescript.  That info could be wrong.  Am only going by what I've read.

I'm very happy with Wintermute for PC but thinking if other engines can be ported to iphone, why not Wintermute.  :  ) 

Don't say it's impossible.  Just say it's hard.  Hard I can deal with.  :  )

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:45:11 PM »
Thank you. I will try again later this week and with Visual Studio 2008.  : )

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 08, 2009, 01:49:48 AM »
[I can't go back to DirectX8 from DirectX9 without reinstalling my operating system which would mean...more work than I am willing to do.  : ) so need another solution!... if possible] : )

Compiling with Visual C++ 2005 and Direct X9 (and Windows Platform SDK in), I get error that can't open this file: d3d8.h--

Code: WME Script
  1. c:\wmesource\src\engine_core\wme_base\d3dtypes.h(32) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3d8.h': Invalid argument
  2. Build log was saved at "file://c:\WMESource\src\engine_core\wme_base\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
  3. wme_base - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
  4. ------ Rebuild All started: Project: wme_ad, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------

This is the file d3d8.h:

Code: WME Script
  1. // Copyright 2009 Jan Nedoma
  2. //
  3. // This file is part of Wintermute Engine.
  4. //
  5. // Wintermute Engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
  7. // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  8. // (at your option) any later version.
  9. //
  10. // Wintermute Engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
  14. //
  15. // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  16. // along with Wintermute Engine.  If not, see <>.
  17. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20. #ifndef __D3DTYPES_H_
  21. #define __D3DTYPES_H_
  23. #ifdef WME_D3D9
  24.         #ifdef _DEBUG
  25.                 #define D3D_DEBUG_INFO
  26.         #endif
  28.         #include <d3d9.h>
  29.         #include <d3dx9.h>
  30.         #include <D3DX9Xof.h>
  31. #else
  32.         #include <d3d8.h>
  33.         #include <d3dx8.h>
  34. #endif
  37. #ifdef WME_D3D9
  39.         typedef struct IDirect3D9* LPDIRECT3D;
  40.         typedef struct IDirect3DTexture9* LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE;
  41.         typedef struct IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER;
  42.         typedef struct IDirect3DIndexBuffer9* LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER;
  43.         typedef struct IDirect3DDevice9* LPDIRECT3DDEVICE;
  44.         typedef struct IDirect3DSurface9* LPDIRECT3DSURFACE;
  46.         typedef struct _D3DMATERIAL9 D3DMATERIAL;
  47.         typedef struct _D3DVIEWPORT9 D3DVIEWPORT;
  48.         typedef struct _D3DLIGHT9 D3DLIGHT;
  49.         typedef struct _D3DCAPS9 D3DCAPS;       
  52.         typedef struct ID3DXFile* LPDIRECTXFILE;
  53.         typedef struct ID3DXFile* LPDIRECTXFILEOBJECT;
  54.         typedef struct ID3DXFileData* LPDIRECTXFILEDATA;
  55.         typedef struct ID3DXFileEnumObject* LPDIRECTXFILEENUMOBJECT;
  56.         typedef struct _D3DXF_FILELOADMEMORY DXFILELOADMEMORY;
  59.         #define LockVB(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, ppbData, Flags) Lock(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, (void**)ppbData, Flags)
  60.         #define LockIB(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, ppbData, Flags) Lock(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, (void**)ppbData, Flags)
  61.         #define CreateVertexBufferUni(Length, Usage, FVF, Pool, ppVertexBuffer) CreateVertexBuffer(Length, Usage, FVF, Pool, ppVertexBuffer, NULL)
  62.         #define CreateIndexBufferUni(Length, Usage, Format, Pool, ppIndexBuffer) CreateIndexBuffer(Length, Usage, Format, Pool, ppIndexBuffer, NULL)
  63.         #define LockVertexBufferUni(Flags, ppData) LockVertexBuffer(Flags, (void**)ppData)
  64.         #define LockIndexBufferUni(Flags, ppData) LockIndexBuffer(Flags, (void**)ppData)
  67.         // the following used to be TEXTURESTAGESTATES but are now SAMPLERSTATES
  68.         enum
  69.         {
  70.                 D3DTSS_ADDRESSU       = 13,
  71.                 D3DTSS_ADDRESSV       = 14,
  72.                 D3DTSS_BORDERCOLOR    = 15,
  73.                 D3DTSS_MAGFILTER      = 16,
  74.                 D3DTSS_MINFILTER      = 17,
  75.                 D3DTSS_MIPFILTER      = 18,
  76.                 D3DTSS_MIPMAPLODBIAS  = 19,
  77.                 D3DTSS_MAXMIPLEVEL    = 20,
  78.                 D3DTSS_MAXANISOTROPY  = 21
  79.         };
  81.         #define D3DENUM_NO_WHQL_LEVEL 0
  82. #else
  83.         typedef struct IDirect3D8* LPDIRECT3D;
  84.         typedef struct IDirect3DTexture8* LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE;
  85.         typedef struct IDirect3DVertexBuffer8* LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER;
  86.         typedef struct IDirect3DIndexBuffer8* LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER;
  87.         typedef struct IDirect3DDevice8* LPDIRECT3DDEVICE;
  88.         typedef struct IDirect3DSurface8* LPDIRECT3DSURFACE;
  90.         typedef struct _D3DMATERIAL8 D3DMATERIAL;
  91.         typedef struct _D3DVIEWPORT8 D3DVIEWPORT;
  92.         typedef struct _D3DLIGHT8 D3DLIGHT;
  93.         typedef struct _D3DCAPS8 D3DCAPS;
  96.         #define D3DXMatrixDeterminant D3DXMatrixfDeterminant
  97.         #define LockVB(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, ppbData, Flags) Lock(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, (BYTE**)ppbData, Flags)
  98.         #define LockIB(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, ppbData, Flags) Lock(OffsetToLock, SizeToLock, (BYTE**)ppbData, Flags)
  99.         #define CreateVertexBufferUni(Length, Usage, FVF, Pool, ppVertexBuffer) CreateVertexBuffer(Length, Usage, FVF, Pool, ppVertexBuffer)
  100.         #define CreateIndexBufferUni(Length, Usage, Format, Pool, ppIndexBuffer) CreateIndexBuffer(Length, Usage, Format, Pool, ppIndexBuffer)
  101.         #define LockVertexBufferUni(Flags, ppData) LockVertexBuffer(Flags, (BYTE**)ppData)
  102.         #define LockIndexBufferUni(Flags, ppData) LockIndexBuffer(Flags, (BYTE**)ppData)
  104. #endif
  108. #endif // __D3DTYPES_H_

But for my purposes right now I just need to be able to read the files, which I can do. However, I would like to be able to compile them.  : )

@ lacosaweb

I hope you have sorted out or can sort out your problem since this is, after all, your thread.

Software and games / Re: Cheetah 3d
« on: August 07, 2009, 07:57:40 PM »
Your work is gorgeous, HelLRaiseR!!!! I love the colors and the mood.  I think will try Cheetah and go from there as I have no 3d experience and to buy Cinema4D without experience could be a waste.  :  )  I think Cinema4D is something to think about after I get more experience.  :  )

Thanks.  : ) 

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 07, 2009, 06:51:20 PM »
There is some help here I think:

But am a little confused as to steps:

Is it  (1)  "remove the "8" from all the names. There is now a generic DXGetErrorString function, which handles all DX8/DX9/DX10"   ??which "names"??

(2)  Open the file 'PlatformWin.h'. At the top of the file change:

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400


#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500

and (3) either get an older SDK, or download the file somewhere and put it to the SDK\lib directory, or if you're up for the task, you can actually remove all DirectInput references from WME. It's not really used, I should have removed it long time ago.


If one chose to remove all DirectInput references from WME, what sort of statements am I looking for? Can't compile or open anything but readme until later.

I found this link which has a download of the June 2007 DirectX sdk with instructions

But again---installing this---won't it blow away my DirectX9?

If method of removing all the DirectInput references will allow me to keep DirectX9, that would be a preferred way, imho. 

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 07, 2009, 05:22:01 PM »
I found this in the readme:

"There are four configurations available: Debug, Release,
Debug_D3D9 and Release_D3D9. The former two compile DirectX 8 version
of the engine, the latter two DirectX 9 version."

So if I have either DirectX8 or 9 installed, shouldn't I be all right?  I haven't tried compiling yet and can't until tonight or tomorrow--probably tomorrow as am wiped out.  :  )

Only reason am asking questions before trying to compile is that someone scared me about compiling and I want to know what to expect.  :  )

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 07, 2009, 05:01:21 PM »
On the computer I would like to compile on, I think so---will check tonight.  Also have to check which version of Visual Studio Express I have there.  I remember going through a process to link up Visual Studio Express to a new DirectX I put in but this is a few months ago so I've forgotten everything and I'm not at that computer right now.

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 07, 2009, 03:44:52 PM »
Mnemonic, thank you.  If I use the DX 8 SDK will it overwrite my current later version DirectX files?  Do I have to put it in a special place---like the compiler?  I've done this before to run something but forgot what I did and whether my DirectX current version was wiped out.

Thanks for your help. 

WME sources discussion / Re: Errors in compilation
« on: August 07, 2009, 04:16:27 AM »
What compiler should I try for this: Java? 

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