Hhehoa, never realized there was this kind of "get to know other forum members" thread, so here goes...
I'm 20 (soon 21)
from Finland (No, there's no polar bears walking in the streets)
Currently my occupation is office secretary (or officewhore if you prefere) basicly it means that I do all the shitty work that no one wants to do. And there really is a reason why they are called shitty work... But luckily in fall I'm going to start my studies in computer science (whee!) and no more office work for a long time!
Oh of course I forgot to mention the games. Well It's really difficult to put them in order, but I really loved countdown, monkey island series, blade runner, lure of tempress, hero's quest (or quest for glory1 if you like), both simon the sorcerer games (the 3d was crap), space quest series, lost files of sherlock holmes, willy beamish, the list is almost endless...