Hiya! Thought I'd do this too
I'm 20, Male
From Sweden
I'm studying videogame design at a university
Loom, Grim Fandango, Fahrenheit (Not in order)
It's hard to just name 3, of course I love alot more and I'm very interested in the adventure/point and click genré
I chose those 3 because,
Loom - It's a short and absolutely stunning tale with beautiful aestethic visual (besides I'm also a sucker for those pixels
Grim Fandango - It's amazing, If you havn't played it, do it now
Fahrenheit - Besides giving us one of the coolest trailers of all time
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAi0Uy02WDs I love it for what it actually is. When this came out the point and click genré was pretty much dead, hanging on a lose thread. Then this game came out and kicked ass with it's new type of direction in which it stirred the genré in. It's gameplay and design is on par with the design at that time
My wintermute project so far includes one project that is still in it's drawing board phase, I'm super swamped so I do hope I can actually be able to make something considering that Wintermute is actually more powerful and greater than most people think!
* how old are you all?
* where are you from?
* what is your occupation?
* what is your three favourite adventure games?