Since you're using the overhead view, perhaps it would be enough to simply compare the Y coordinate of the actor and the wall. And if they are close enough, you'd change the alpha of the wall.
Something like (untested):
// get the wall entity
var SomeWall = Scene.GetNode("some_wall_name");
// if the absolute distance is less then 50, set the alpha value to 128 (half-transparent)
if(Math.Abs(actor.Y - SomeWall.Y) < 50) SomeWall.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 128);
// otherwise make the wall non-transparent
else SomeWall.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
This is the basic concept. In reality, you'd probably make a script running in a loop, and the script would check all walls and set their transparency.
Once again, totally untested, just to give you some idea:
var MainLayer = Scene.MainLayer;
// endless loop
// process all entities in the main scene layer
for(int i=0; i<MainLayer.NumNodes; i=i+1)
var Node = MainLayer.GetNode(i);
if(Node.Type=="entity") DoWallTransparency(Node);
// go to sleep for some time
// this is the code described above, moved into a function
function DoWallTransparency(Wall)
if(Math.Abs(actor.Y - Wall.Y) < 50) Wall.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 128);
else Wall.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);