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Author Topic: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)  (Read 52962 times)

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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2010, 08:57:26 AM »

I downloaded Kinjal edition and copy to WME directory over older files.
But when I use Game.RestoreGamma() etc. wme doesn't recognize commands and gives script error.( Call to undefined method 'RestoreGamma'. Ignored.



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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2010, 02:24:06 AM »

I had checked it right now, everything works fine. What version do you use?
If Game.SetGamma()/GetGamma() works fine, Game.RestoreGamma should works too.

Andrej (Blue Arc)

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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2010, 07:47:30 PM »

I add any new window in WME Kinjal Edition. The first I remove tiled image but nothing will changed! It is bug in Window Edit? Does anybody have the same problem?  :)


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2012, 09:50:01 AM »

I have received a few suggestions in my mailbox past week about my WME edition, so decided to make new version with a few changes, because looks like a few people still use my edition :]
v1.9, 16 June, 2012:
 ADD: function Scene.ChangeScene has been updated: added two new arguments - [bool useModernTransit = false] and [int FadeDur = 200]
       useModernTransit - if set to true, modern scene transition feature will be used, which force fade out previous scene by making it disappear slowly.
       FadeDur - allow you to tweak fade duration. Applicable for modern and old fade out. Higher values - slow disappearing, low values - fast disappearing.
       Example: Game.ChangeScene("scenes\level.scene", false, false, true, 400);
       Modern transition and old transition are stackable.
 ADD: functions Game.IsFullScreenSwitchSupported and SetWindowedMode updated: now if game resolution is larger than user's desktop resolution, the game will be running in full screen mode without ability to switch into Windowed mode.
 ADD: Added new config/registry option: UseGameNativeResolution to [Video] section. If set to 1, video resolution will be set to game resolution. Solve the issue when running game with 1024x768 resolution on monitor with 1920x1080 resolution.       
 ADD: Project files and some source codes ported to VS2010 (VS2008 project files not supported anymore, so I don't think WME KE 1.9 will compile with VS2008)
 ADD: Output debug window in Visual Studio will receive game log messages. Useful when running game from Visual Studio.
 ADD: Now, debug logging is can be enabled when "wme.log" is found in game directory, in addition to DebugMode variable in wme.ini/registry.
 CHG: Deleted "- Wintermute Engine" from game window title. Yeah I know, Mnemonic will be unhappy, but some publishers (like Bigfish) require this.
 CHG: Changed default save files directory to APPDATA (for ex. <User>\AppData\Roaming\CompanyName\GameTitle\). Same done for Game.ScreenshotEx2 function.
 CHG: Discontinued DirectX-8 version.
 Note #1: You should use only Debug_D3D9 or Release_D3D9 to build.
 Note #2: wme.sln its a project file that you need.
 Note #3: To debug WME exe project from Visual Studio, open "wme" project properties, switch to Debugging tab, and set there following values:
          Command -> ..\..\..\Binary\wme_D3D9.exe
          Command Arguments -> -project "D:\path_to_project\project.wpr"
          Working Directory -> D:\path_to_project\

Download link: --- contains both Binary and Source.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 10:05:16 AM by Kinjal »


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2012, 09:08:35 PM »

WME Community Edition v2.0 (based on WME 1.9.1), 26 June, 2012:
 [ + ] Added limited support for hardware cursors.
       Related functions:
         bool Game.EnableHardwareCursors(bool flag) - enable or disable hardware cursor.
         bool Game.SetHardwareCursor(string external_path_to_cursor_image, int cursor_type) - allows you to specify a cursor image for specified cursor action type.
              external_path_to_cursor_image - path to hardware cursor, which location is HAVE TO BE start from directory where game exe is located. DCP-archives are not supported.
         bool Game.IsHardwareCursorsEnabled - return true, if HW cursors are enabled.
       Example of use (you can place this code in beginning of game.script, for example):
Code: [Select]
         global HWC_NORMAL = 0;
         global HWC_ACTIVE = 1;
         global HWC_NONINTERACT = 2;
         global HWC_HOVER = 3;
         global HWC_NORMAL2 = 4;
         Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor.cur", HWC_NORMAL); // Will search cursor.cur in "PATH_TO_GAME_EXE\cursors\cursor.cur".
         Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_active.cur", HWC_ACTIVE);
         Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_noninteractive.cur", HWC_NONINTERACT);
         Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_hover.cur", HWC_HOVER);
         Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_normal.cur", HWC_NORMAL2);
         1. Hardware cursors will work only in fullscreen mode. If you switch to windowed mode - software cursor will be shown automatically, and back to hardware cursors when you switch to fullscreen mode again. So, if you want to use hardware cursors, you still have to keep your software cursors.
         2. Hardware cursors are not supported for entities (with custom cursors). When you mouse over on such object, related entity's software cursor will be shown.
         3. You can use only .cur or .ani files for hardware cursors. Other extensions/types are not supported.   
         4. If you do everything right, but HW cursors still won't show, please look into WME.log for errors.
 [ + ] Added new stats: graphics (dc = draw calls, pc = polycount, tex = total texture size in video memory), sounds (total, playing, paused).
 [ + ] Added "VSyncEnabled" setting to "Video" section in WME.ini
 [ + ] Added bool Scene.ShowGeometry2D property.
Code: [Select]
         if (Keyboard.KeyCode == VK_F2)
           Scene.ShowGeometry2D = !Scene.ShowGeometry2D;
       Green color - region rectangle.
       Red color - sprite rectangle.
 [ + ] Added quick save to Game.SaveGame. Now it looks like this: Game.SaveGame(int Slot, string Desc, bool useQuickSave). You have to update your game scripts prior to use Game.SaveGame and add third parameter (true or false), otherwise game will crash on attempt to save a game.
 [ - ] Fixed potential crash with modern scene transition.
 [ - ] Fixed a few first-chance exceptions happens in WME debug version only.

Download link:


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2013, 07:38:44 AM »

i downloaded files but i can't use "VSyncEnabled" property.
i created a new file named "wme.ini" in the compiled folder and wrote this:
Code: [Select]
am i doing something wrong?
thanx :)


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2013, 11:03:52 AM »

I am not absolutely sure, but try to use

Code: [Select]


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2013, 11:25:29 AM »

i tried that too but that didn't help.
i'm trying to write that myself using a plugin.
does anyone know how to disable/enable vsync using plugin code?


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2013, 08:03:53 AM »

hi, when i try to recompile wme solution using vs 2010, i get this error:

Code: [Select]
Error 164 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'D3dx9tex.h': No such file or directory D:\hk\wme-ke_v2.0_bin_src_26june2012\Source\src\engine_core\wme_base\Include\dcgf.h 98 1 wme_base

how can i solve this?


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2013, 12:36:58 PM »

Is DX9 SDK installed?

hi, when i try to recompile wme solution using vs 2010, i get this error:

Code: [Select]
Error 164 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'D3dx9tex.h': No such file or directory D:\hk\wme-ke_v2.0_bin_src_26june2012\Source\src\engine_core\wme_base\Include\dcgf.h 98 1 wme_base

how can i solve this?


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2013, 02:52:09 PM »

No i totally forgot that :D
thanx :)


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2014, 11:26:13 PM »

I recently updated WME to Kinjal last version to fix the full screen v-sync problem. And it fixed it perfectly, now the game works as it does in windowed mode.
I couldn't get rid of the DEBUG green stats on the right of the screen though.
I compile the game with the "project > compile packages" and then add the wme.ini file with this:


The V-sync works great, and the UseGameNativeResolution makes the game use less RAM. But I can't get rid of the debug stats.

How Can I fix this?.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2014, 03:31:19 PM »

Does anyone know how to use the fade in and fade out atributes properly?  Using Kinjal version my game stopped fading out from scene to scene. So I started using the "cross-fade" effect in some cases, but the "fade to black" is not working. 

I'm using this to cross-fade ::  Game.ChangeScene("scenes\TheOffice\TheOffice.scene", false, false, true, 1000);

And this to make scenes fade to black :: Game.ChangeScene("scenes\TheOffice\TheOffice.scene", true, true, false, 1000);

The cross fade works fine, but the fade to black is not working, scenes switch to one another instantly. Am I doing something wrong here?.



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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2023, 02:44:09 PM »

Hi sorry if a "revive" this very old topic but, did someone could sendme the latest version of the kinjal wintermute engine? I can't find it anywhere :(

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 02:46:20 PM by ciacioz »


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2023, 03:41:50 PM »

Collecting obscure wme related things used to be a hobby of mine for reasons unknown.  ::slug ::slug ::slug
So here it is in 7zip archive
Latest version is 2.0 and has changed name from kinjal (1.9.1) to community edition.
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