I've been fooling around with amateur adventure game ideas for yonks now, ever since I fell in love with the format as a kid. Now, looking at the impressive, ever-developing Wintermute engine, I'm tempted to try and bring one to life!
So I read your article and found it extremely incisive and useful - an excellent demonstration and reference for how variety can be the spice of your game! I had just a few suggestions ...
* What about "Double Character" puzzles, i.e. Sam 'n' Max, the Indy games, the Dig, BASS etc. where you have to get your friend to do something you can't? Obviously not applicable to every game (and probably not most amateur games) but it's another way to go ...
* Might be interesting to have a "How NOT To" section ... Discworld 1 and Simon the Sorceror 2 would be ripe for that ...
* Just a teensy point - there's an insult swordfight in every Monkey Island game EXCEPT II. But I'm sure everyone knows what you mean.

Right, this post is much longer than I intended ... anyway, thanks for a great article and for inspiration!