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Messages - Kapryagos

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / Re: Problem: DropItem or SceneNode-Saving
« on: November 11, 2010, 03:09:34 PM »
Thanks, Mnemonic -- although my first thought was quite like "omg that sounds annoying like an orange!" it is a quite simple workaround in the end, actually!
I just have to put two lines at the beginning of the scene entity's script and changing the global var within the leftclick event. It works fine! :)

Code: [Select]
global taken_aromata;
//... setting "SetSprite" to null may not be the most elegant way to solve it, but it works more flawless than trying it with "Active".

Technical forum / Re: Problem: DropItem or SceneNode-Saving
« on: November 11, 2010, 07:58:11 AM »
Well, concerning that I should note that both item-scripts have a third script included which contains the combining function -- this seems to be the easiest way to make the combination work both ways. (like "1+2=3" equals "2+1=3")

But honestly, my actual problem is that the item disconnection is no more as soon as I re-enter the scene. I checked it (by checking the "this.Item" value of the reappeared scene entity: It is connecte again, but that happens not until I enter the scene. So entering the scene resets the value. What can I do against that?

Technical forum / Re: Problem: DropItem or SceneNode-Saving
« on: November 11, 2010, 07:10:16 AM »
Well, .DeleteItem was my first thought, but it caused the usual problems like either deleting the script or even kind of freezing the game.
To prevent this I also could set the .DeleteItem command to the end of the whole "combining item function", but that seems not possible for me when my playing character comments the action with Talking -- it would look very strange if the actor said something like "got it!", adds another paragraph of monologuous comment and then the change within the inventory would be seen... that would look awkwardly unnatural...
... so I decided to use the second workaround method with disconnecting the item relation. Primarily this would solve the problem when I use .DropItem, but when I use .DeleteItem the command still freezes the game. :/
Therefore it really seems to me I should achieve to keep the state of the changed scene entities when reentering the scene -- which does not work properly yet.

EDIT: Also I have to delete 2 items in one action -- so putting the .DeleteItem cmmandS at the end would not work, I guess, since the script would stop before the second item would be deleted...

Technical forum / Problem: DropItem or SceneNode-Saving
« on: November 11, 2010, 02:56:09 AM »
Hello everyone!

I seemingly have the typical problem where the scene entities related to an item get set back to their original place in the scene after I drop them.
Of course I searched for a way to solve it (here on the forum) and I found it: I added a line to my custom Take-function where the scene entity's relation to the item gets disconnected...
It worked!
But then I confronted a new part of the same problem:
When I take an object, leave the scene to fetch another item, come back to the first scene and then drop both items while making a new one out of them, the first item reappears!
But as I found out after some trials, the entities' disconnected relations are connected again when I enter a scene again.

* "Remember nodes states" in SceneEdit is flagged.
* I tried ".SaveState" on the scene entities to be taken as well as on the scene -- didn't change anything.

I beg for a hint since I have been trying on this for several days now! @_@

Technical forum / Re: dialogues and objects
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:34:28 PM »
I don't know if this will be helpful in any way,
but I also did a "npc-does-not-speak--change-var-then-npc-does-speak"-thing, and I solved by simply writing the beginning dialogue in two versions. Version #01 is the real dialogue, version #02 is the same but without any response by the npc excpt for "Sleep(3000);" ...
... I coded it that way that both dialogues are several functions, because that way I get the best overview.

Code: [Select]

var arisu_geheilt;

on "LeftClick"
if(arisu_geheilt==1) {        // <== this is the var to be changed during another simple dialogue (without response box)
} else {

As said, I don't know if I could help with that, but maybe it will give you a hint.
I merely wonder why you chose such a complex var -- even something like "var i;" would be enough to make it work. :)

Technical forum / Re: GetAttachment-Problem ?
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:37:39 PM »
Worked -- thank you! :)

Technical forum / GetAttachment-Problem ?
« on: October 17, 2010, 02:41:28 AM »
Hello. I want to attach a head to my actor, separately from the body. But in this case, I'm talking about a 2D-Actor.
So I used "AddAttachment" to put an entity onto my actor (named Honda)...
Code: [Select]
  SPRITE = "actors/Honda/hondahead01.png"

So far it worked, but when I try to manipulate that attachment, my code does nothing, and neither do I get any informative debug-log.
(The following code is meant to change the attached file to fit the actor's direction.)
Code: [Select]
this.AddAttachment("actors/Honda/hondahead01.entity", true, -45, -384);
var Hondahead = this.GetAttachment(0);

while(true) {
if(this.Direction=="DI_LEFT") {
if(this.Direction=="DI_RIGHT") {

I have tried several variations of this code, changing the "DI_LEFT" to "LEFT" etc., calling the attachment's filename instead of an index number, and other details.
But since I won't get any failure messages in the log I don't know what is wrong and I must suppose that there several faults in it, which increases my confusion.
So I beg for help, please!

Technical forum / Re: Writing into the response box?
« on: October 01, 2010, 10:47:55 PM »
Is it possible that the response box itself is blocked from being manipulated by script?? Because although I manage to manipulate the window itself and all its controls, it seems that it doesn't work to write:

var dlgr = dlgw.GetControl("Response box");

Adding a script to the response box in WindowEdit and either trying the same thing there or using a "this."-pointer didn't work either to maipulate the response box itself.
(All I want to do is changing the Y position of the response box to after my custom text-box above...)

Can you help me?

Technical forum / Re: Writing into the response box?
« on: September 29, 2010, 02:10:46 PM »
Thank you very much! : D

Technical forum / Re: Writing into the response box?
« on: September 29, 2010, 02:00:49 PM »
Thanks! :)
I'll have to learn understanding how to access it then. The "GetResponsesWindow" command is a bit unclear to me since I don't see how access the actual response box with it. Trying to define a "var dlg = Game.GetResponsesWindow;" within the dialogue function did not work, so I guess with that command I merely pointed to the window itself instead of its response box?  ???

Technical forum / Writing into the response box?
« on: September 29, 2010, 01:45:50 PM »
Hello, I'm new here. :)

I just started having a look at WME and I wonder: Is it possible to write text into the response box (no response, merely some text introducing the responses)?
What I would like to do would be an RP-style dialogue system like in the the old Black Isle games, rather like a "log" of dialogues.

Thanks for helping me out. :)

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