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Messages - PeterSVK

Pages: [1] 2 3
Tak to sa už nemôžem dočkať než to víde, vyzerá to peckovo. Fandím vám a držím palce nech to vydržíte až do vydania  :)  ::thumbup

Looking reaaaaaally forward to it !  ::beer

btw. Ak sa môžem spýtať, v čom to kreslíte a v čom animujete ? Flesh ?

Awesome  ::thumbup ! Thank you a lot ! 

Technical forum / Re: BIG FPS problems + loading time question
« on: May 13, 2010, 07:12:25 PM »
yes, i added some entities to my scene and it stars again, so i resized aaaaaall pictures and animations of my actor from 600x500 to something like 312x250 and its muuuch better again....

Technical forum / Re: Walking sound - [SOLVED]
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:51:53 AM »
yes, i done it already  :)

Technical forum / Re: Walking sound
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:48:24 PM »
Great! works perfect... Thank you very much !

Technical forum / Re: Walking sound
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:02:06 PM »
Thank you Metamorphium, i just have one last question [i hope :D], if i use this technique, then i need just very short sound file for only 1 footstep ?

Technical forum / Walking sound - [SOLVED]
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:30:34 PM »
Hi again, does anyone know how to do this ? i was thinking about several options but none of them will work i think, so is there any script for it ? THX  ::wave

I want normal footstep sound, when actor walks sound is playing and looping, if he stop the sound will stop too...

Technické fórum / Re: Inteligentní kursor
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:45:13 PM »
jj, proste tam hod region entity a pekne oznacis kde sa uz ma kurzor zmenit [Neodporucam to davat presne na objekt, ale aj nieco okolo neho] + 2krat click a je to :] Cez ten SceneEdit to je najjednoduchsie uplne, dalo by sa asi este aj cez event "MouseOver" myslim ale to je uplne zbytocna komplikacia....

Technické fórum / Re: Chci poděkovat za podporu
« on: May 03, 2010, 06:43:50 PM »
K podakovaniu sa pridavam aj ja, bez aktivneho fora a ludi ktory su ochotny pomoct pri akomkolvek probleme by WME nebol najlepší, ale len vynikajúci  ;)


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Rain particle effects
« on: May 03, 2010, 06:08:52 PM »
Great! This made a reaaaaally big impression on me !  ::thumbup

Technical forum / Re: BIG FPS problems + loading time question
« on: May 03, 2010, 05:18:17 PM »
I dont know [until know] if it is my fault or if it is normal.So now, how big is effect that has number,size of image[MB] and size of image[in pixels] on performance.If i better do smaller pictures or less pictures ?

but, THX anyway, you are right, i dont need that much  ::thumbup

EDIT: Now, i have only 11images and the animation look absolutly same  ;D i feel like an idiot  :o

Technical forum / BIG FPS problems + loading time question
« on: May 03, 2010, 03:07:53 PM »
Hi, I got another problem.I just start working on new adventure game and i have this problem.Whole game contains only 1scene [if MENU doesn't count] and an actor.And actor is, i think where the problem is. Actor can walk in 8 ways, like default. Walkcycle to every way has 21images .png in the size of 68,00KB[size of every].Every image is 500x600.So, i start the game, click on a new game and i have 8 scripts running, everything is fine, but when i click somewhere for actor to walk, the whole game became soooooo laggy.I start the game from packeges and from WME window too.Result is same.This FPS laggs occurs,i think, randomly when animation of actor starts.Sometimes it is not laggy and actor is walking normal, sometimes it is more laggy, sometimes less.But it occurs with cirka 70percent chance I i Click somewhere and actor start to animate, whole game is verry laggy for cirka 5-15sec., then the animation is normal again.

Second question is about loading.What is loading at the start of the game and what is loading at the start of the scene ? My game is on the very start and has 25MB and is loading in my opinion too long.... is there any loadbar or load bar script so the gamer dont need to wait for load with black screen ?

PS: I dont have very good computer, but if loading depends on the size of game, when i will finish it, it ll be loading for ages...
PPS: Sorry for my english  :)
THX every1 who will reply

Technical forum / Re: PDA scrolling with scene
« on: October 24, 2009, 09:37:05 PM »
finally, i solved it  ;D a little different way but solved. every time it opens PDA, scene moves to that PDA and if player close PDA, scene returns to the actor  :P

Technical forum / Re: PDA scrolling with scene
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:12:54 PM »
sorry for that :P now it's changed :)

EDIT: i was thinking about making region in another "scene layer" like sky behind window in tutorial... but i cant make regions in any of "scene layers" except main....

Technical forum / PDA scrolling with scene
« on: October 24, 2009, 05:03:36 PM »
Hi again  ::wave
i got another problem wich i dont know how to solve alone  ;D
So, i got PDA wich is build from some entitis deleting and loading wich have some LOCations.But when actor is moving and scene is scrolling, PDA is just standing on same place and acting like some normal thing in my goal is to make PDA scrolling with scene, so it will have LOCations where to appear on the screen, but when scene will be moving, PDA will be moving too... any ideas pls ? thx vey much  :P

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