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Topics - DocBass

Pages: [1] 2 3
Technical forum / An actor walking "off the stage"?
« on: July 19, 2008, 10:23:47 AM »
Is there any way to have the actor (2D) walk out of the X axis of the game stage? So for example if he is exiting the screen on the right, I am trying to make him walk entirely off the screen before switching. Currently he will just go to the edge, stop walking, then the game switches. I have tried extending the floor much to the right to give them the space to do so, but it still stops him at the edge. I know it is also possible to start the actor off the stage in a scene_init if the floor exists where you want him to be. However I just can't get it to work when trying to get him off the stage. Is this possible? If not, could it possibly be a feature request? :) I know it would greatly help the presentation if the character the player is using appears to continuously walk between scenes as opposed to stopping at the edge of a screen, then starting to walk again when the next one appears...Thanks!

Technical forum / "RightDoubleClick" without "RightClick"?
« on: July 19, 2008, 10:04:19 AM »
I am trying to assign two different functions to RightClick and RightDoubleClick. RightClick is to bring up the interaction menu when hovering over an item as can be expected. RightDoubleClick is meant to be a different function entirely, but equally as important. The problem is if I try and RightDoubleClick over an interactive object, it simply brings up the menu. It will work when the menu is already up and I RightDoubleClick again, but I am trying to avoid this kinda of inconsistency.

Is there a way to check for a RightDoubleClick, or perhaps wait for one, before passing through a RightClick event? Or do I just need to think of a different way?  :)

Technical forum / MakeHSL colorizes images?
« on: July 18, 2008, 01:27:57 AM »
I am trying to use MakeHSL to adjust the saturation and luminance of some sprites. If I use luminance alone it seems ok. However if I include any other values for saturation it colorizes the sprites. Instead of making it darker with less color saturation, I get darker with just different colors. Is that correct? Also if I ever do a GetHValue or anything like that on a sprite, it always returns 0 until I actually set the value. It appears that to reset a sprite to its original appearance I need to use MakeHSL(255,255,255) as well. I am not sure if I am just misunderstanding how this works. When I adjust pictures in photoshop with HSL values and stick to saturation and luminance, it only adjusts those properties. However in the game I am just getting behavior I wasn't expecting. Thanks!

Feature requests, suggestions / Blend mode: Overlay
« on: July 12, 2008, 09:46:08 PM »
It would be really cool and useful to have some more blending modes, notably "overlay" in addition to "additive", "subtractive" and "normal."   Overlay mode could in fact could enable us to do things with the visuals that are extremely useful. ;D

Technical forum / particles generated in region?
« on: July 06, 2008, 10:26:50 AM »
Is it possible to have a particle emitter bounded by a region that is laid out in the scene? It is easy to attach a particle emitter to a region, but it appears that the only area that can generate these particles is a bounding box determined by the values you set for x, y, width and height. It would be awesome if we could lay out a shape and have that emit the that possible? I see no way to do it currently. Thanks as always.  :)

Technical forum / Multiple moving entities slowing down a scene
« on: June 28, 2008, 09:29:25 AM »
Greetings all-

I'm needing to create a scene that would have a random number of moving entities, let's say ideally anywhere between 5 and 50. However going above 15, even on a really beefy system is a problem. The reason is apparently the entity.GoTo function (so you probably know what kind of entities I'm loading here). If I use large numbers however this really slows things down until they get moving. So it will drop down to 30 FPS or so, while the game runs very slowly, then once all the entities are moving it picks up speed again and everything runs fine. However mouse clicks are still "slowly" recognized, even if things run ok. It's almost as if I can see them going through a loop as they start moving one by one, even though I've tried the regular GoTo function and the GoToAsync version. Is there any way around this? The code I am running is really not complex at all, so I am wondering if there is anything I can do to speed up these operations, even though I know these calls are built in. It seems like such a simple thing, I am surprised it would slow down the game in this manner. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Technical forum / Debugging console problem
« on: June 19, 2008, 05:45:08 AM »
I have noticed that recently the debugging console is not showing any of the variables for the scripts, globals or the "watch" panel. It only shows the error log. Here is a picture, I have whited out the upper left window to hide details ;-). However the bottom shows the problem. I have global variables selected yet it is not showing. Is this a possible bug or is there something wrong on my end? Thanks!

Technical forum / vertically scrolling screen and Scene.SkipTo()
« on: April 17, 2008, 07:46:41 AM »
I have a vertically scrolling screen that I am trying to start at the bottom (where the actor starts) so that as you walk up the screen scrolls up, naturally. However using Scene.SkipTo(actor.X, actor.Y) does not start the scene at the bottom, nor does hard coding the numbers seem to work. This works correctly on a horizontally scrolling screen, but it seems that it does not work for the vertical variety. Am I doing something wrong?

Technical forum / One actor, two inventories...
« on: February 24, 2008, 03:35:24 AM »
I'm trying to create a setup where our primary actor has two inventories, his main one and a sub inventory of sorts. The way it would work is lets say our actor has a bag that is in the first inventory. You click on the bag and another inventory opens up on another area of the screen of what is inside the bag. Trying to figure out how to do it, but have not succeeded yet. Is this possible?

Technical forum / Project completely crashing
« on: February 16, 2008, 11:15:29 PM »
It seems out of almost nowhere our project will not even start up. We are getting an "Application error" where it says Wintermute Engine encounted a problem and needs to be closed. I have tried to strip down the content in the game to indentify where this is occuring but no luck so far. Also, the game will compile fine, but when you run it either in WME or on it's own, it always crashes without even getting to a gameplay screen. We have forwarded the reports, but at this point are at somewhat of a loss.

Is there anything in particular I should look for that is known to cause this? Thanks everyone.

My apologies if this is in the wrong forum.

Technical forum / Querying duration of current music
« on: October 06, 2007, 09:55:42 PM »
Is there a way to query the duration of the current music and have a value returned in milliseconds? I see nothing in the docs, and the only way I can think of doing it is to hard code values for tracks yourself. It would be cool to have some way to do this, though I am not sure if it is currently possible or easy to add? Possible feature request?  0:)

Technical forum / Different icon for selected inventory items
« on: October 05, 2007, 06:16:13 PM »
Is there a way to have a different graphic for an item, after you have selected it? It seems you can easily change the cursor in different situations, but I am wondering if there would be any way to change the actual item. So lets say you have a rock that fills up your square box in your inventory, but you want the rock to be smaller after you have selected it for applying it to the scene somewhere....doable?  ;D

Technical forum / Interactive Windows
« on: October 03, 2007, 06:55:31 PM »
I am trying to make interactive windows for inventory purposes. I will have a close up of an item in it's own window, and the item is done by creating an entity that is placed into a window. I can get the caption to show up when highlighting the item, however the right click menu functions are not selectable even though I have added the typical code for them. The menu appears "behind" the item and is not able to be left clicked. Is there a way to bring this menu to the top, and it is important we don't go system exclusive as well. Thanks!

Technical forum / Packaging path problems, and absolute paths in scene edit
« on: September 09, 2007, 04:13:59 AM »
Hi Mneumonic. We have been trying to separate our scene code from the graphics we have created for those scenes in different packages and it appears to be breaking things when building scenes in scene edit. Whenever I try to set a sprite in scene edit, it adds the package name to the path. So for example it gives us this for a sprite:


Now this is fine when running in debug mode but as soon as you compile it, it won't work since there is no folder anywhere named after the package. It's looking for a folder that does not exist. There are also no "duplicate" folder names so there should be no problem with priorities or anything like that. It's just searching for a folder with the same name as the package.

Also, After separating our code and creating these new packages, and trying to redo some scenes, it is assigning some sprites as an absolute path name within the scene edit. This is very strange as this has not happened before and just started today. Now obviously this stuff can be fixed by editing the text of the scene files, however this would slow things down quite a bit. We are using the latest beta if that makes any difference. Any idea why this would occur and what I can do for the first problem mentioned?

Technical forum / Changing entity sprites at runtime?
« on: August 22, 2007, 03:50:52 AM »
Is it possible to change the sprite an entity uses at all? Currently we have scenes set up with all possible sprites for certain entities in place, with most of them just inactive. Depending on certain variables, the respective entities are made active or inactive upon entry into the scene.

However would it be possible for something like this to be implemented?


So that the one entity could load a number of sprites when the scene is entered? Obviously this doesn't work currently but would it be possible in the future perhaps? This would allow us to have multiple sprites in a directory such as doorOne.sprite, doorTwo.sprite etc and then if there was a variable entitled "DoorNumber" that stored these strings, it would load automatically. Of course that would also be dependent on if these files are interpreted at runtime whenever you enter a scene...

Currently we just do
if(blah blah == true)
     var1 = Scene.GetNode("node1");
     var2 = Scene.GetNode("node2");
     var3 = Scene.GetNode("node3");
     var4 = Scene.GetNode("node4");
     var5 = Scene.GetNode("node5");

     var1.Active = true
     var2.Active = false
     var3.Active = true
     var4.Active = false
     var5.Active = true

else if(blah blah)
      //similar code with same vars here

This seems fairly inefficient to us however to do it like this. Anyway, just curious if anything similar to what I suggested is possible, or if it could be requested for the future.  ;D

Thanks again for all your generosity and kindness Mneumonic.

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