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Topics - Lebostein

Pages: [1]
Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Anime Studio -> WME Sprite
« on: July 14, 2009, 01:04:31 PM »

in dependence on the free download of Anime Studio (, here is a tip to export animations to wme sprites (almost) directly.

1. With this free Anime Studio 5 version, you can't export single png files (in Pro version only). But you can export a png based QuickTime movie:
Here you can download an example movie:

2. Download my little python script, to convert a png based QuickTime movie to wme sprite:

3. Edit the script header:

Code: [Select]
# =======================================================================

wme_directory = 'S:/WME_Games/Loeffel/data/'
wme_subfolder = 'actors'

moviepath = 'C:/TEMP/'

frame_hotspot = [70, 240]
frame_delay = 24
frame_alpha = 255

# =======================================================================

wme_directory = directory of your game data folder, important: end with '/'
wme_subfolder = an existent (!) subfolder for the new sprite (actors, interface, items...)
moviepath = path of your png based QuickTime movie, important: an underscore to separating name (Henry) and action (Jump) is required!

Save the script!

4. Start the script:
with double click on the script or in console: >>> python

5. Check your game directory:



Now, double click on the sprite to load it into the sprite editor. Have fun!

Software and games / Anime Studio 5 (formerly Moho) for free!
« on: July 13, 2009, 01:22:59 PM »

For a limited time we're letting new customers download the previous version of Anime Studio absolutely FREE! We hope you'll take advantage of the offer, fall in love with the program and then upgrade to the latest version.


Technical forum / change background color?
« on: January 28, 2009, 09:31:14 PM »

in wme, the background color is always black (when I create an empty room for example). I need a white paper to draw all my sprites and interfaces on it. How can I change the default background color? If it's impossible, how I can draw a global white sprite before scene and interface graphics are displayed?


Game announcements / 1 1/2 Ritter
« on: December 10, 2008, 03:23:44 PM »

the adventure game "1 1/2 Ritter" ("one and a half knights") based on a german (fun-)movie was created with wintermute engine. (Demo in german available)

A new and interesting example for the commercial use of the engine...

Technical forum / Game.GetMusicPosition() starts with 2999...
« on: March 30, 2008, 06:42:17 PM »
When I examine the Game.GetMusicPosition() and no music is playing, I see "0", Ok. When I start music, the Game.GetMusicPosition() starts with "2999" (3 seconds) immediately. Why?

When I play a song with length 15000 one time, then Game.GetMusicPosition() returns:


Technical forum / Get widget from LoadInventoryBox()
« on: March 17, 2008, 04:21:54 PM »

I want to update a text object (static control with name "line") in my Inventory Box. How I can get the ID of this object? I have tested the follow things, but without success:

Code: [Select]
var gui = Game.LoadInventoryBox("interface\inventory.def");
global gui_line = gui.GetControl("line");

Code: [Select]
var gui = Game.LoadInventoryBox("interface\inventory.def");
global gui_line = gui.GetWidget("line");

Must I extract the ID from included window first?


Done / EXPAND_WIDTH = - X don't work
« on: March 07, 2008, 11:01:11 AM »

my font should look like old Lucas Arts fonts. My chars has 2 pixel black outlines. For a beautiful look I need 2 pixel negative overlap:

The problem is, that a negative EXPAND_WIDTH don't work. When I output a group of words like "Hello, my name is Guybrush.", then after every space WM makes a linebreak or shows illegal characters and so on. With single words negative EXPAND_WIDTH works. Other problem is, that chars are not completely printed:

1. Is this a bug or not provided?
2. How can I control the space width?

Thanks, (sorry for my english)

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