- Total Time Spent Online:
- 3 days, 20 hours and 8 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 361 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 74 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 1 votes
- February 19, 2025, 11:57:12 AM
- Welcome, Guest
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- Техниче�?кий фор�?м
124 posts of the member's 361 posts (34.35%)124
- Общий фор�?м
86 posts of the member's 361 posts (23.82%)86
- Technical forum
80 posts of the member's 361 posts (22.16%)80
- General Discussion
23 posts of the member's 361 posts (6.37%)23
- Feature requests, suggestions
11 posts of the member's 361 posts (3.05%)11
- Game announcements
11 posts of the member's 361 posts (3.05%)11
- Fixed
5 posts of the member's 361 posts (1.39%)5
- Not a bug
5 posts of the member's 361 posts (1.39%)5
- Bug reports
4 posts of the member's 361 posts (1.11%)4
- Community bulletin board
4 posts of the member's 361 posts (1.11%)4
- Техниче�?кий фор�?м
124 posts of the board's 767 posts (16.17%)16.17%
- Общий фор�?м
86 posts of the board's 611 posts (14.08%)14.08%
- Suggestions
1 posts of the board's 12 posts (8.33%)8.33%
- Not a bug
5 posts of the board's 113 posts (4.42%)4.42%
- Fixed
5 posts of the board's 138 posts (3.62%)3.62%
- Bug reports
4 posts of the board's 208 posts (1.92%)1.92%
- Done
3 posts of the board's 162 posts (1.85%)1.85%
- Community bulletin board
4 posts of the board's 406 posts (0.99%)0.99%
- General Discussion
23 posts of the board's 2951 posts (0.78%)0.78%
- Feature requests, suggestions
11 posts of the board's 1427 posts (0.77%)0.77%