Hi Guys,
my name is Jean, I'm from Germany and 23 years old.
I always loved point'n'click adventures since i've owned "broken sword" for the playstation.
So I also often tought how funny it would be to create an own adventure game, keeping most of the old characteristics up (like the jokes, the good storyline, authentic actors, etc) but
with a bit improved controls (i guess "tunguska" did a good job) and amazing graphics and details, either 2d, 2.5d or 3d, no matter.
You know where I'm talking about so lets skip that.
Finally after years of programming expirience and some logic skills i found wintermute, and i'm pretty sure it can give all the good
tools to create an amazing adventure easily, since i only see that from programmer perspektive.
Now there's the point.
I know, if you really wanna do such a amazing adventure, maybe like the first "broken sword", just with better graphics and sounds, u've to do a lot of work in many
categories and every job should be done perfectly...a bit much for just one guy, as you could think.
So i really like to kick it off, i have:
- no story/board
- no graphics
- no sounds
- no code
but the will, the ideas, the programming skill (the wintermute concept and "framework" is very easy to get knowledge of), enough time and the love for adventures.
So where are my mates for:
- management
- story/board
- graphics (2d,3d it not really should matter, both can be cool)
- sounds/voices
and all that stuff? Guys I'm serious, and i hope you also serious. If you are talented, ambitious, funny and maybe a bit crazy join that idea and we could have much fun,
and maybe the ones who play that too