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Topics - Lion

Pages: 1 2 [3]
How to make that the animation of conversation consisting of 3 parts was play:

- the beginning of conversation,

- looped animation of conversation

- and the termination of conversation?

I have a gait at the character.

How to me to make that it on each step had a random sound of steps?

To attach directly to sprite a random sound it is impossible...

How to make that a sound it was play from a script with positioning(panning)?


on "LeftClick"
   this. PlaySound ("sounds \hexagon_rotate_left.ogg", false);

does not work, the sound always sounds in the center.

At us game resolution 1024 x 768, whether is an opportunity to start
it in other resolution 800 x 600?

Whether It is possible to run for animation during long loading a scene?
I tried DiplayLoadingIcon, but animation sprite does not work...

I wish to make moving of the actor to a concrete position of waypoint.
How it is possible to receive coordinates of waypoints of scene?

How to transform floating-point data type to integer data type?

var ttt = 250 / 10;  (floating-point data type)

var fff = ttt; (integer data type) ????

Technical forum / One actor comes on other actor
« on: August 25, 2006, 11:47:16 AM »
Whether it is possible to make so that one actor did not become on other actor, and bypassed it?

Technical forum / Problem with PlayAnimAsync
« on: August 21, 2006, 08:44:29 PM »
For playing random animations I use PlayAnimAsync (Filename).

I have noticed two troubles:

- when this function PlayAnimAsync() is caused, all animations on the screen freeze.
- after execution PlayAnimAsync(), I do ChangeScene(). Very often the program crashes and creates dump.

It is possible for something to make with it?

Technical forum / Problem with scrolling by moving actor
« on: August 18, 2006, 09:16:41 PM »
Why when the movement of actor causes scrolling of scene, it(actor) blinks and strongly shakes?

It is happen:
Scene.ScrollPixelsX = 2 or more.

Technical forum / Errors in WME
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:44:33 AM »
I have found some mistakes:

1. When I in a scene, on a background draw a picture.
At start from the editor all is good.
And when I compile the project and I start.
From above pictures there is a dark seam in the form of a line.

2. In script I use:

function SetTitle(Text)
  title = Text;
  title = "";

The operator  Sleep(3000); should work 3 seconds,
and it sometimes works much less.
I need to draw the text some time, and then it to clean.
What I not so do?

Technical forum / How to make two active actors
« on: May 25, 2006, 02:34:26 PM »
How to make two active actors so that it was possible to switch them and that goes one that another?

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