Wintermute Engine > Feature requests, suggestions

DirectX ... OpenGL/SDL?

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I see that you're using DX api for animating/displaying everything on screen. Is it possible/easy to select/use another renderer?

I'd like to make a cross-platform adventure, i.e. use the same code to produce binaries for Window, Linuxs, MacOS,... Unfortunately, none of the adventure authoring tools I saw could bring me this. :'(

Using another renderer would make it easier to port the application. I know that this would mean changing a lot of things in the engine... and I don't know how it's been built ;-), but it's feasible...

I can understand this wouldn't be a priority feature, because your engine is still beta (but very promising!! I've been testing it for some days now, and I really am impressed!), so let me know how things are working ;-)


Yes, I agree with you. Using OpenGL would make porting to Linux considerably easier (I know absoultely nothing about Mac OS) and I'd like to do it eventually, because Linux is a very sympathetic OS :). But as you said, it's currently a very low priority... Sorry.

Great! :D

So there IS a chance (even a small one) that one day, we'll be able to create games and build them on Linux ;-)

Hmm.... Although I'm not even dreaming of doing such a thing, damn it could be cool. Imagine a compiler option of:

Create executables for:

[ ] Windows
[ ] Linux
[ ] MacOS

*LOL* that'd be *inconceivably* cool.

But I guess someone who REALLY wanted to make a game for _three_ different platforms would probably write their own engine.  ;)


It could be possible to have just one executable, but the engine would have to be written in managed C++ or C#...

There is an Open-Source implementation of the new .Net framefork from MS, called Mono, which has some cool features... imagine running exactly the same executable on all three machines...

But the interface would have to be written in Gtk#, which doesn't have many advanced features yet... wait and see?


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