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Messages - Adventure-Macher

Pages: [1]

we are developing an Adventure-Game with the Wintermute-Engine, and going to be finished a prototype. The development is now about 1 year on the run! But also if we didn't find early a Publisher, we want to pay complete development by ourself, finish it and publish it on Download-Platforms. We are working with 4 developers on it and we need help from another Coder, so that we will be faster. It is a commercial/professional licensed adventure project.
Sorry, but I can't tell here more in the forum. You get more informations when contacting me by PM.

So, this coder should has experience with Wintermute-Engine and also a finished product at minimum.

If you are interested (helpful will be if you are based in germany or speak good englisch), please write me a PM.

Best, Marco

Technical forum / Re: entering area, then new layer
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:32:43 PM »

thanks. So I can put a new layer when "ActorEntry"? And what should I do, then "ActorLeave"?

Technical forum / entering area, then new layer
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:41:56 PM »

I have an area, with a region. So there is a closed wall, with a door. I will make it, that the character go automaticaly through the door, and in this situation, the wall will flip out and the player can see somethink of inside this entered room. So I have another layer, putting on closed-walllayer. The main-background shows the complete open room.

Can I handle this with a script? When entering the area from the door to the inside of the room, then the script will run. And when going out of the room, the script will stop.

Will this be done by:

    The name of the new entity


Technical forum / Re: actors
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:20:53 PM »
Ahhh, it works.
Ok. Thanks.

Another question, regarding thes fixed issue:
Normaly, the character stands each time I enter the screen on the defined position. Ok.
But what can I do, If I can enter the image from different directions? For example:

Room 1   -   Room 2
    |                |
Room 3   -   Room 4

I can enter for example Room 2, by going from Room 1 or Room 4 into it. So the Character should also stay on another position...

Technical forum / Re: actors
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:16:44 PM »
in all scenes-directorys in the subdir, there is the line "actor.Active = true", in the scene_init.script.
What did you mean, that the actor is skipped out of the scene?

Another question to actors: Will it be possible, that I can control the actor additional with the cursor-keys?

Technical forum / actors
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:05:19 PM »

I start developing with this engine. First I learn about the engine in the tutorial.
Now I try something. I made a few rooms and script, that the player get into another room, when moving to areas, which are "linked" with scripts.
That works fine. But in all new rooms, without the main/first one, I didn't see the character?!
When I am placing it in the other rooms, there is no changing and there is still no character. What is the mistake?



I am looking for a Coder/Programmer, for a commercial/professional adventure development.
So, we speak about a job with experience with Wintermute-Engine and also a finished product at minimum.
Also we will pay for the work.

If you are interested and based in germany, please write me a mail over this system here.

Best, Marco

Help wanted and offered / Scripter/Programmer/Artists for a new team
« on: October 30, 2008, 09:10:23 PM »

I am looking for team-members to build a new team which will create a professional adventure.
I get the rights of a known game, with all quests and story-elements to create a commercial remake of this game.
The game should have rendered backgroundscreens like in the game Black Mirror, for example. So no realtime 3D is needed - if only for the characters. But this will be discussed.

My personal experience is, that I've been professional in the games-biz for over ten years. In this time I produced over 40 games for PC, Nintendo DS and Wii.
German based developers are welcome to get a perfect connection for the work.

Please write me a message to get more information’s.

Cheers, Adventure-Macher

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