- Total Time Spent Online:
- 1 days, 13 hours and 3 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 116 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 9 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
- February 16, 2025, 04:46:20 PM
- Welcome, Guest
IRC channel - server: waelisch.de channel: #wme (read more)
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- Game announcements
44 posts of the member's 116 posts (37.93%)44
- Technical forum
38 posts of the member's 116 posts (32.76%)38
- Foro técnico
19 posts of the member's 116 posts (16.38%)19
- Bug reports
3 posts of the member's 116 posts (2.59%)3
- Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies
3 posts of the member's 116 posts (2.59%)3
- WME Lite
2 posts of the member's 116 posts (1.72%)2
- Community bulletin board
2 posts of the member's 116 posts (1.72%)2
- General Discussion
2 posts of the member's 116 posts (1.72%)2
- WME sources discussion
1 posts of the member's 116 posts (0.86%)1
- Game design
1 posts of the member's 116 posts (0.86%)1
- Foro técnico
19 posts of the board's 371 posts (5.12%)5.12%
- Game announcements
44 posts of the board's 2150 posts (2.05%)2.05%
- Bug reports
3 posts of the board's 208 posts (1.44%)1.44%
- WME sources discussion
1 posts of the board's 195 posts (0.51%)0.51%
- Community bulletin board
2 posts of the board's 406 posts (0.49%)0.49%
- WME Lite
2 posts of the board's 523 posts (0.38%)0.38%
- Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies
3 posts of the board's 795 posts (0.38%)0.38%
- Technical forum
38 posts of the board's 15228 posts (0.25%)0.25%
- Общий фор�?м
1 posts of the board's 611 posts (0.16%)0.16%
- General Discussion
2 posts of the board's 2951 posts (0.07%)0.07%