Technical forum / Talking region entities?
« on: December 22, 2012, 08:10:24 PM »
I´ve been trying to make a region entity Talk. (Like the audio of a tape recorder or a conversation over the phone). But, although the code seems to be fine, nothing happens. I found in the fourm that this same thread has been posted in the past. But the solution for it is now outdated. I wonder if anyone knows how to do this or if the only way would be to create an invisible actor or a transparent sprite entity.
Code: [Select]
StateTheOffice.Visited = false;
// add scene states here
actor.SkipTo(226, 435);
actor.Active = false;
actor.Talk("Who´s disturbing my rest at this hour?");
phone.Talk("I´m sorry Mr. Hammond, I´m desperate, my wife has been taken");
actor.GoTo (502, 450);
actor.Talk ("I hate to be disturbed at this time in the night, but this smells really bad.");
actor.Talk ("So let´s find her, and see what´s behind the curtain");
actor.Active = true;