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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - Azrael

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Technical forum / Re: Journal
« on: July 04, 2012, 01:10:01 PM »
I suggest you to use window for that, you can create buttons (for the list) and static control (for the text area)

Technical forum / Re: Current Scene
« on: May 27, 2012, 01:41:56 PM »
You can use

Code: WME Script
  1. Scene.Name == "....."

It return the name of the current scene.

Technical forum / Re: String tables bug?
« on: April 20, 2012, 02:30:53 PM »
You need to use:

Code: WME Script
  1. someStaticControl.Text = Game.ExpandString("/syseng0200/");

Technical forum / Re: Can't get AfterLoad to trigger
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:26:29 AM »
AfterLoad works also for us, never had problem with that.

Technical forum / Re: "ActorEntry" event on Region object
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:04:46 AM »
There is another actor in the scene that is inside this region?

Technical forum / Re: Long scenes
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:27:29 AM »

Code: WME Script
  1. Scene.SkipTo(actor);


Code: WME Script

WME Lite / Re: Errors compiling for ipad
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:12:10 AM »
Ok solved, i don't know if it's just me or the new xCode but when you open the project it's set for armv7 by default (and it's the "active architecture").
If somebody else have the same problem go to "Build Settings", on "Architectures" row click on "armv7", choose "Other" and add a new architecture with the +. Now simply write "armv6" and it should work :)

Thanks a lot Mnemonic, wmelite seem to work quite good now :)

WME Lite / Errors compiling for ipad
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:28:30 PM »
I've created a test project for ipad, it works well with the Ipad Simulator but when i try to test it on a real device it doesn't compile.

The first error is:
"[BEROR]No architectures to compile for [ARCHS=armv7, VALID_ARCHS=armv6, i386]"

Then i go to the "Build Settings" and add "armv7" to the "Valid Architectures". It was "armv6 i386" now it's "armv7 armv6 i386".

But now i have a new error:
"Ld /Users/azrael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wmelite-aregolaikwmsxtaipuhimuunwblh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ normal armv7
    cd /Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite
    setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/llvm-g++-4.2 -arch armv7 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk -L/Users/azrael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wmelite-aregolaikwmsxtaipuhimuunwblh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos -L/Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite/../dep/bass/lib -L/Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite/../dep/boost/lib -L/Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite/../dep/FreeImage/lib -L/Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite/../dep/freetype/lib -L/Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/wmelite/../dep/SDL/lib -F/Users/azrael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wmelite-aregolaikwmsxtaipuhimuunwblh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos -filelist /Users/azrael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wmelite-aregolaikwmsxtaipuhimuunwblh/Build/Intermediates/ -dead_strip -lz -miphoneos-version-min=4.2 -framework StoreKit -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreGraphics -lbass -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system -lfreeimage -lSDL -framework CFNetwork -lfreetype -o /Users/azrael/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/wmelite-aregolaikwmsxtaipuhimuunwblh/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

ld: in /Users/azrael/Desktop/asd/wmelite/xcode-ios/dep/FreeImage/lib/libfreeimage.a, file is universal but does not contain a(n) armv7 slice for architecture armv7
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/llvm-g++-4.2 failed with exit code 1"

It seem to me that a lib dosn't support armv7Any ideas? :P
The macbook pro it's with Lion and the latest version of XCode. The ipad it's an ipad 2 with ios 5. I downloaded the latest source and dependencies of WME Lite.

Thanks for the help :)

Game announcements / Re: Face Noir
« on: September 06, 2011, 03:38:12 PM »
Thanks to all, sorry for not replying first but it's a very busy time  ::slug

I'm glad to announce that Daedalic Entertainment will publish Face Noir fully-localized on Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We hope to found publisher for other territories soon :)

Technical forum / Re: Problem with "actorEntry"
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:32:05 PM »
I use the same code on some scenes, it should work. Obviously it depend also on you scenes.

I don't think it will be easy to do.

For example a good way to check what is inside an area should be on "LeftClick" taking the initial coordinates and on "LeftRelease" the final. Than check if some actors are inside these coordinates. But to do this you have to change how game handle "clicks" because usually if you "LeftClick" in a entity the related script start. You probably have to change the basic scripts to check both "LeftClick" and "LeftRelease" so if you "LeftClick" and "LeftRelease" on a hotspot the related script start, otherwise nothing happen.

Another problem is that actor's coordinates are at their feet. Sorry if i can't explain correctly but for example if with your area you take only the head of the actor you will not select the actor, because actor's coordinates refer to a point at his feet.

Also there will be some more minor problems, it depends on what you are trying to achieve.

Technical forum / Re: Problem with "actorEntry"
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:41:19 AM »

Code: WME Script
  1. var ActorRegion;
  2. on "ActorEntry"
  3. {
  4. ActorRegion = Scene.GetRegionAt(actor.X, actor.Y);
  5. if (ActorRegion.Name == this.Name)
  6.     {
  7.     Game.ChangeScene(.....);
  8.     }
  9. }

Technical forum / Re: a lot of new things
« on: April 19, 2011, 07:08:56 AM »
the idea is that the character move foward the table and chair and the same with the front with out making sprites...

If i understand correctly you must have a .3DS file for geometry, a .geometry file with the same name of the 3DS and stencil shadow activated for the scenes.

Another thing i have an old code from the forum for the inventory, any one has a working inventory like old grim fandango? The simple thing of a scene with a hand selecting objects and to activate with i key and arrow to change objects ans space to select

We create something similar ( ), it's not very easy but with some work you can do it.
You need a scene with a special actor (we used one only with the arm, since the rest it's not visible) to attach the 3D items (actor.AddAttachment()) ant the scripts for the objects.

another thing is i make this:
so the idea is when it came from other scene mode to a better x,y but doesn't responce always go to the default point...
#include "scripts\"

// here comes the stuff which initializes the scene

// I want the actor to say something the first time the game is played
// And I want the actor appear in different places depending the place (Previous Scene) he came from.

   case "":
   case "Front":
      actor.SkipTo(519, 525);
      actor.Direction = DI_UP;
   case "Back":
      actor.SkipTo(488, 239);
      actor.Direction = DI_UP;

   case "escalera":
      actor.SkipTo(296, 548);

     actor.SkipTo(519, 525);
      actor.Direction = DI_UP;
     Game.Interactive = true;


actor.Active = true;

I see a "case:" that should not be here (marked in red above). Also you have to be sure that the name it's the same name of the scene you come from.

Technical forum / Re: a lot of new things
« on: April 13, 2011, 07:07:34 AM »
thanks azrael, now i´m more integrated with the new futures of the engine, another thing, stairs in 2.5, any idea? mybe a ramp?

Yes a ramp should work, but the final result may be not to realistic.
We preferred to use an animation since the stairs in our game are only passages between scenes.

another thing i find it´s to move to one room to another with
on "ActorEntry"
the thing is that i set where to skip the actor but doesn´t respect the position.

There is a walkplane under the destination's coordinates?

Technical forum / Re: a lot of new things
« on: April 11, 2011, 08:35:47 AM »
You can find many things in wme documentation.
2) 3D actor's Attachment functions:
- actor.AddAttachment(Filename, AttachmentName, ParentBone)
- actor.RemoveAttachment(AttachmentName)
3) using windows shouldn't be too difficult;
4) you can use the particle emitter, it's not real 3d, but you can achieve good results;

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