Wintermute Engine Forum

Wintermute Engine => Technical forum => Topic started by: Barry Burton on August 18, 2015, 10:05:54 PM

Title: Questions about 3D
Post by: Barry Burton on August 18, 2015, 10:05:54 PM
- How do I make it so the 3D actor can still move against collisions instead of coming to a complete stop when near the collisions? What I mean is, I want it to keep playing the walk animation while moving against a collision like in Resident Evil instead of it coming to a complete stop using direct keyboard controls.

- How can I make it where the actor can transition to a new camera angle in the 3D geometry just by walking through a region and where it retains your exact position in the 3D instead of defining a new starting position in the scene_init? In other words, the actor walks through a region and it changes the background to a new one and changes the camera from 0 to 1, etc.

- How exactly does DirectWalk and DirectWalkBack tell the game to use the walk animation in the script? Say I wanted to implement holding down shift + arrow key up to make the actor run and play a run animation. In the example, there's no indication that it's telling the game to play the walk animations, so how exactly does it know to play the animation? Is it hard coded?

- Finally, how can I make it so it continues to play the walk animation even when turning left or right?
Title: Re: Questions about 3D
Post by: Barry Burton on August 19, 2015, 06:37:09 AM
Can someone please answer? All I want to know is if these are all possible/doable or not, not asking anyone to write the code for me.
Title: Re: Questions about 3D
Post by: anarchist on August 19, 2015, 07:47:20 PM
Hi. I can't answer all your questions with certainty because I work with 2D actors but I will try to answer some:

- Camera: The Scene object has a method named SetActiveCamera(CameraName) which you can use to change the camera. You can use  Scene.SetActiveCamera in the ActorEntry event of the region.

- Run animation: "walk" is the default animation used when the actor is walking. You can change it by changing the actor attribute  actor.WalkAnimName and setting its value to "run" or whatever name you used for your running animation.

- Turning animation: There also exist actor attributes TurnLeftAnimName and TurnRightAnimName that define the turning animations.

- Keep walking when blocked: I don't know about this for certain. Maybe it is the "hold" animation in the actor definition file.

I found this info in
Inside a game -> 3D characters support -> Scripting support
Scripting in WME -> Script language reference -> Actor object