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Messages - Neo_Crisis

Pages: [1]
Game design / Re: My art
« on: January 30, 2006, 05:24:56 AM »
Thanks ;D ,yeah I've been busy working on projects. ::rock

Game design / My art
« on: January 14, 2006, 06:32:52 PM »
Check out my artwork at:
go to about me/gallery page. :)

Game design / Re: Adventure/Action with WME?
« on: January 14, 2006, 05:39:12 PM »
Oops! I forgot to answer your other question...

Also I want to make it (the game) where you have to use differents characters to get a certain item or to solve a puzzle. ex: there an item to heavy to move or get for the main character, so you which to the secord main character who is stronger, to get the item.

I'm not a pro on scripting in WME so someone else might be able to give you real code on this solution, however the basic principle is to use a conditional test. In your case, I would recommend a simple IF..THEN test.

My example in pseudocode :

IF lifting = true THEN
  IF liftingchar = actor2 THEN
    display "You lift the box. It's so heavy I think it's full of bricks!"
    put item in inventory
    display "You aren't strong enough to lift this item!"
    drop item

Ok, thanks Columbo ;D

Game design / Re: Adventure/Action with WME?
« on: January 13, 2006, 07:43:59 PM »
Thanks. :) It will be long long time before It start working the game. I'm working on a 2D animated short film ,which the game will be based on. :) I'm in the (very) early stages of making the short film (character design and profiles,etc) I got a friend who will be working on the storyline/script for the short film and I'm  going to work on the story/script for the game. :) I also got to learn game scripting and stuff. :D So I got a long way to go before I design the game.  ::beer

Game design / Re: Adventure/Action with WME?
« on: January 13, 2006, 05:41:24 PM »
Ok here's an example: The main character/hero has a sword so  in certain scenes he has to use his sword to attack an enemy(s) or item. (as for the item part ex: the charatcer is trying get an item that is behide a wooden door, there is no key,he uses the sword to cut the wooden door down.

Also I want to make it (the game) where you have to use differents characters to get a certain item or to solve a puzzle. ex: there an item to heavy to move or get for the main character, so you which to the secord main character who is stronger, to get the item.

Oh yeah can you use wav files to do fully voiced text (I'm thinking about geting voice actors)

Game design / Adventure/Action with WME?
« on: January 13, 2006, 06:33:33 AM »
Hi,I new and new to game design, I'm learning codes and stuff I downloaded WME the other day. ::rock I was wondering if it's possible to make a point and click adventure/action game using WME? (remember I'm new to game design :D) Thanks

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