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Bug reports / Re: SceneEdit crash
« on: May 21, 2016, 10:25:39 PM »
I run the command. It took some time to finish:

Code: [Select]
C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan.  This process will take some time.

Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.

Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.


But it made not difference.

Bug reports / SceneEdit crash
« on: May 21, 2016, 05:28:04 PM »
This problem started lately. I recently updated my gpu drivers to latest version.

When I open SceneEdit, the SceneEdit window appears fine and I can click around and do some work. But after some seconds, the window crashes. I have tried installing v1.10 but the problem persists.

Windows event log:
Code: [Select]
Log Name:      Application
Source:        Application Error
Date:          2016-05-21 19:06:01
Event ID:      1000
Task Category: (100)
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      CA-PC
Faulting application name: SceneEdit.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50081787
Faulting module name: COMCTL32.dll, version: 5.82.9600.17810, time stamp: 0x553afcee
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0002d160
Faulting process id: 0xd14
Faulting application start time: 0x01d1b37aa8e6741d
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\WME DevKit\SceneEdit.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll
Report Id: e8f8a603-1f6d-11e6-85b5-1c6f652d7aea
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-05-21T16:06:01.000000000Z" />
    <Security />
    <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\WME DevKit\SceneEdit.exe</Data>

The log from SceneEdit does not appear to have recorded the error:
Code: [Select]
19:05: ********** DEBUG LOG OPENED 21-05-2016 (Release Build) *****************
19:05: Wintermute Engine ver 1.10.1beta, Compiled on Jul 19 2012, 16:18:06
19:05: Platform: Windows XP or higher  (Build 9200)
19:05: DirectX version: 9.0
19:05: Scanning packages...
19:05:   Registered 0 files in 0 package(s)
19:05: Initializing scripting engine...
19:05:   Script compiler bound successfuly
19:05: Loading plugins...
19:05:   wme_sample_pixel.dll
19:05:   wme_snow.dll
19:05: Scanning packages...
19:05:   Registered 0 files in 0 package(s)
19:05: Enumerating Direct3D devices...
19:05: Enumerating DirectSound devices...
19:05: Game aspect ratio:    -1.#IND00
19:05: Monitor aspect ratio: 1.777778
19:05: Game aspect ratio is the same as monitor aspect ratio.
19:05: Backup resolution:  0 x 0
19:05: Available video devices:
19:05:   AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series (accelerated)
19:05:     Driver: aticfx32.dll
19:05:     Monitor: 0
19:05: Available audio devices:
19:05:   Primary Sound Driver
19:05:   Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:05:   Realtek Digital Output(RCA) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:05:   Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
19:05:   /syseng0019/[no sound]
19:05: Auto selecting devices for windowed mode:
19:05:   Video: AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series (accelerated)
19:05:          Windowed:yes  Colors:16bit  T&L:no  Multisample:0
19:05:   Audio: Primary Sound Driver
19:05: Maximum texture size: 16384x16384
19:05: ----- Open file: 'F:\Job\Games\DrDoyle\scenes\scenes\WhitehavenHallExterior\WhitehavenHallExterior.scene' -----

Technical forum / Re: How to empty an array
« on: May 06, 2016, 11:27:11 PM »
Hi Dan. You can simply reassign the variable it a new array:

Code: WME Script
  1. arrayVariable = new Array();

or you can set Lenght to 0 (I haven't tested this, it's according to the documentation):

Code: WME Script
  1. arrayVariable.Length = 0;

Technical forum / Re: Highilighting a scene Region Entity
« on: April 23, 2016, 02:46:11 PM »
Hello eborr, thanks for the response.

I am afraid that your first proposal will not work for me. I am not using entities (coloured yellow in Scene editor), I am using region entities (coloured green in Scene editor), which are entities without a sprite. The drawing of the bookcase is part of the background and I simply traced the region entity around it. Therefore, the decoration region that I add does not have an effect on the region entity. It only affects entities with a sprite. Not a bad idea when using entities though  ;)

Your second idea would require to cut graphics from the background to create sprites for entities. Instead of going this way, I would follow your first idea instead and have normal sprites for entities and a decoration region to apply a graying effect on the entity's sprite.

I will wait though just in case someone has a solution for region entities, so I don't have to convert all region entities of every scene into normal entities.

Technical forum / Highilighting a scene Region Entity
« on: April 22, 2016, 11:18:56 PM »
Hello everyone

In my scenes I have mainly region entities. I am trying on MouseEntry to achieve:

- either highlight around the region entity
- shade the inside of the region

For instance, in my background I have a bookcase. I traced a region entity around it. Now I would like when the mouse hovers above the bookcase to have a highlighting effect.

I have tried:

Code: WME Script
  1. on "MouseEntry"
  2. {
  3.         this.AlphaColor = 255;
  4. }
  6. on "MouseLeave"
  7. {
  8.         this.AlphaColor = 0;
  9. }

But this doesn't have any effect.

Any ideas?

Thanks HCDaniel. I don't have time to investigate further but I have found a hack to solve the problem. On entering a scene, I first turn the main actor to the oposite direction and then to the correct one (using actor.TurnTo()).

I will investigate when I am done with our game. If you have more info or have time to upload the executable, I would be grateful.

Hello guys, thanks a lot for your replies.

@valter.home It seems that is is only TalkAsync() that causes the issue. I have tried with Talk() and the actor doesn't turn to the opposite direction. Initially I wasn't using duration, I just used TalkAsync("                             ") but had the same bug.

@HCDaniel I was suspecting that it might be something like this. I didn't want to blame the engine until I got some more input from others. I suspect that this is the problem. The common scenario for this to occur is:

1) Enter location and, without moving you talk to an actor. Let's say direction is Left.
2) Click on exit, click on map location.
3) Map loads and actor is facing Right.
4) Either if I walk Right to talk to the other actor or if the actor is near and just talk without moving, the main actor turns Left only while TalkAsync() is running. When TalkAsync() finishes the actor returns to the correct direction.

If before (4) I walk my main actor Left and then turn Right to talk, the issue does not occur. Is this the bug you are referring to?
I see that the link you provided is for WMELite. I am not using Lite. I am using WME v.1.9.001

Hello everyone. I have a very weird issue I cannot solve.

I have only left and right animations for my main actor. No up, down or diagonal animations exist. I simply use the left and right animations everywhere:

Code: WME Script
  1. ; $EDITOR_PROJECT_ROOT_DIR$ ..\..\..\
  3. ACTOR
  4. {
  5.         NAME = "MainActor"
  6.         CAPTION=""
  7.         SCALABLE = TRUE
  8.         INTERACTIVE = FALSE
  9.         X = 400
  10.         Y = 460
  11.         SCRIPT="actors\MainActor\MainActor.script"
  13.         FONT = "fonts\outline_red.font"
  15.         ANIMATION
  16.         {
  17.                 NAME       = "idle"
  19.                 LEFT       = "actors\MainActor\left\idle.sprite"
  20.                 RIGHT      = "actors\MainActor\right\idle.sprite"
  21.                 UP         = "actors\MainActor\right\idle.sprite"
  22.                 DOWN       = "actors\MainActor\right\idle.sprite"
  24.                 UP_LEFT    = "actors\MainActor\left\idle.sprite"
  25.                 UP_RIGHT   = "actors\MainActor\right\idle.sprite"
  26.                 DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\MainActor\left\idle.sprite"
  27.                 DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\MainActor\right\idle.sprite"
  28.         }
  30.         ANIMATION
  31.         {
  32.                 NAME       = "walk"
  34.                 LEFT       = "actors\MainActor\left\walk.sprite"
  35.                 RIGHT      = "actors\MainActor\right\walk.sprite"
  36.                 UP         = "actors\MainActor\right\walk.sprite"
  37.                 DOWN       = "actors\MainActor\right\walk.sprite"
  39.                 UP_LEFT    = "actors\MainActor\left\walk.sprite"
  40.                 UP_RIGHT   = "actors\MainActor\right\walk.sprite"
  41.                 DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\MainActor\left\walk.sprite"
  42.                 DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\MainActor\right\walk.sprite"
  43.         }
  45.         ANIMATION
  46.         {
  47.                 NAME       = "talk"
  49.                 LEFT       = "actors\MainActor\left\talk.sprite"
  50.                 RIGHT      = "actors\MainActor\right\talk.sprite"
  51.                 UP         = "actors\MainActor\right\talk.sprite"
  52.                 DOWN       = "actors\MainActor\right\talk.sprite"
  54.                 UP_LEFT    = "actors\MainActor\left\talk.sprite"
  55.                 UP_RIGHT   = "actors\MainActor\right\talk.sprite"
  56.                 DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\MainActor\left\talk.sprite"
  57.                 DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\MainActor\right\talk.sprite"
  58.         }
  59. }

I display the dialogue in comic book bubbles above the actors. I don't use actor.Talk(), instead I have my own mechanism that prints the text in a static control inside the bubble. But, I use actor.TalkAsync("", null, 10000) to trigger the talk animations of each actor.

My issue is that, sometimes my main actor uses the opposite direction animation. When I click on another actor, he walks toward the point I want him to stand, turns to the other actor (I explicitly call MainActor.TurnTo(direction)). e.g. He has direction 2 (DI_RIGHT) but, while TalkAsync is running, he turns left (i.e. the "left" talk animation is played). Game.Msg(MainActor.Direction) displays 2 which is the correct direction.

This does not always happens. One functionality of my game is that when user clicks on the exit, he immediately exits without walking. So, if I am at a scene and talking to another actor and I am turned left while talking, then I click on exit, go to another scene (through the map), and talk to another actor, this issue occurs. When I click somewhere to walk around and then go back and talk to the other actor, the issue vanishes, but not always!

Is there something I don't understand about TalkAsync or actor directions?

Now I understand what you propose. You are proposing an implementation similar to that of Ghost in the Sheet, which has talking entities where the subtitles are moved.

I guess I should had tried this from the beginning instead of almost completing the game and realising that some dialogue is not displayed properly. I will probably go the way you propose but, for now, I will try to fix my current implementation.

Thank a lot eborr for your time!

Technical forum / Re: Issues with Packages and Patch
« on: January 14, 2016, 09:31:45 PM »
The problem is that you haven't copied the exact folder structure.

The original has path scenes/Dream/scr

The patch one has path scenes/Dream/src

A very annoying little bug that simply needed fresh eyes to look at it.

An interesting suggestion eborr, but I am afraid I cannot find how to set text of an entity or an entity container. I think what is needed here is an attribute or function that tells us whether the current text cannot fit in the static control.

It would be possible to achieve what I want if SizeToFit() returned us True when the control is resized or False if no resizing was performed. I would then be able to resize the control back to the original size, reduce the amount of text and try again until the function returned false.

Hello eborr, thanks for the response.

Currently to solve this I do as you say, I limit the characters and go back to the previous word if the chunk doesn't fit. Because of the uneven font, sometimes the static control seems empty (I have a static control inside a speech balloon of a specific size).

As for the functions I mentioned, those are functions of the Static object
I wondered, since we have those functions available, whether we have more data available, such as the actual length of the text on the screen or something similar.

I have a static control that must remain at the preset size. The font I have chosen does not have characters of a standard size e.g. character "1" is much smaller than "0".

I have a large text which I am dividing into chunks which I show on the static control. When user clicks, the next chunk is shown.

My problem is that, because of my font, I can't divide the dialogue into chunks of a particular size. I need some way to check whether the text I set to the static control can fit inside it. There must be some way to know this, since we have access to methods like SizeToFit and HeightToFit.

Is there a way to achieve this?

Technical forum / Re: 2.5D game and hidden geometry
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:51:11 PM »
What you want is something a lot of us would love to have  ;) But I don't think it is that easy.

Technical forum / Re: 2.5D game and hidden geometry
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:26:34 PM »
I did a short test 2.5D game (2 scenes) and will speak from my short experience.

You first create your scene in your 3D program i.e. 3D Studio Max. Then you create a camera and put it where you want to achieve the scene you wish. For instance our scene was a house with a front garden. We set our camera in front of the house, looking at the house.

Having set your camera you then render the scene. By rendering the scene you create your image file, for instance background.png (you can use several formats). Then you export to create geometry.3DS.

You then create a scene in Wintermute. Set the background to background.png and also load geometry.3DS. And you are done  :)

What Wintermute does (as far as I can guess) is use the geometry.3DS to calculate where the floor, walls, obstacles etc are to be able to place your actor, apply collision detection (e.g. when there is a wall stop moving the character) and where to clip the actor (e.g. where to cut the actor if there is something in front of him).

The connection between geometry.3DS and background.png is the camera you created and exported in geometry.3DS (you must have noticed that you can change the camera in Scene 3D options). You used that camera to render background.png, and so they match.

The user only sees background.png, not knowing what happens under the hood.

Bear in mind that geomtry.3DS does not need to have the full scene. Before you export it, you can remove any details or textures.

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