Ok, question time again...!
(Number One gives you three points, two gives you 6, and three gives 5)
1. Quick one - icons.
2. Hard one - game settings and registry paths
3. Slow it down, bro' - or the "why does all those one thousand windows inside one another slow down my game so much?"
1. Why can't you use icons in Win98. This sounds strange. Why? (why you can't use icons in WIN95/98/2000, that is, not why it sounds strange...)
(I happen to have Win98 myself)
So you mean that if I take my game to someone else's computer
and compiles the game there, it will work? And then the
icon will be visible on all computers, including Dos/Win3.x/Win95/98/2000/NT/XP/Linux and any other comput0rs, including my gameboy(!).
(just kidding...

Sorry, but the WME icon doesn't look too good in my eyes...
Though the engine roXx!!
2. Somehow it seems you can only choose your settings once per lifetime(!). Because when the registry settings is added to Windows... the settings window won't ever come back again.
Only when I removed the path in the windows registry it appeared once more, only to be gone again forever the next time I started the game.
(How often do you expect players to "hack" the windows registry?)
I then removed the registry path specification of my game inside WME.
Then it works with the settings every time with the compiled game... but... Now the settings is not saved any longer.
I'm not sure what I want really,
but what if a player selects the 16 bit option, and now the game looks bad, really bad.
Or they select the hardware acceleration enabled or disabled, and the game becomes too slow or ugly or whatever.
Then they can't change back. Ever.
3. I noticed my game runs somewhat slow on my computer (PII 350 mhz 64MB RAM, WinFast 3D S320 WINFAST ADAPTER)
Not a really big deal, just the cursor doesn't follow very smoothly.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I have pretty many windows.
I have for example small windows, like small "scenes" that open sometimes when you look at something or do something, open a box and things like that. Originally I tried to load different windows for all the "small scenes", but the objects you took from them came back every time the window reloaded. I guess this can be corrected with variables, so the best solution might be to just load the windows one at a time instead of have all of them running, only invisible, like now.
You might think it's a miracle I can even run the game at all on my old and slow computer, but I don't have lots of animations, mostly static pictures in this first-person adventure of mine.
So one question is - does windows slow down things much even if they're invisible (that means that they're still active, so it probably is like that anyway)?
Nr 4: I fixed this one while I was offline.
5: Bonus question...
I have have a few variables I use in almost every script.
It definitely sounds easier, but what about memory and such...
I'm thinking about having them all in the base.inc file.
This doesn't take away much memory and power does it?
I mean, I'm reasoning like this - if you add a line to the base.inc it will be added to EVERY script that you're running. Am I right? Am I right? Simple mathematics on my part. I'm probably wrong. But still...
Sorry for all the long questions. Give and take, you know.