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Messages - 3dFoin

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Happy New Year everyone :D It's 2017 and we are summoning the annual Lucky Pack!

Lucky Pack contains all of our 3D models: Dark Knight, Female Warrior, Male Peasant, Female Peasant, Krasue, Dragon, Short Goblin, Goblin Assassin, Basilisk, Statue Pack, The Baby, Hydra, Fantasy Snake, Saber Tooth, T.Rex, Dragon Bat, Dragon Bug, Royal Knight, Eric The Shooter, Gargoyle, Elongata, Watcher, Dragon Worm, Triceratops, Royal Sorceress, Genie, The Girl, Mushroom Monster, Royal Archer, Sould Eater, Wyvern, The Chick, Badass Spider, Dragon Turtle, Royal Executioner, Manticore, Action Hero, Mermaid, Devil Cat, Fantasy Lizard, Female Royal Knight, Female Ninja, Centaur, Orthos, Raptor, Strong Zombie, Royal Wizard, Fire Bringer Statue, Dragon Boss, Modern Wizard, Ogre, Female Centaur, Ancient God Statue, Animated Hand Statue, Unicorn and the new Fairy plus Fantasy Interface Pack (total $1008) and the price is $99 only!!! (for more than 40GB of textures and models), you save $909 (90%)!!!

Which means it's likely 2.4 dollars for each of our high quality game-ready model.

But not just that, you will get 2017 3dFoin Membership, which mean you can download all the models that come out in 2017 also. Amazing right? XD

This pack appears randomly once a year so you don't know when you can expect it. It can only be purchased 5 times, so only 5 persons can buy all of our high quality models with such an incredible price, after that, the pack will vanish. That's why we call it the Lucky Pack. ^^

Are you right on time or are you too late? You can try your fortune at:

Good luck! :D

BTW we have a new model also it's the Fairy:



Hi guys, we have a new model, it's the Ancient God Statue

It's only $1 thanks to the Summer Sale XD

Download the Fire Bringer Statue and Dragon Head Statue they're free :D

Also check our fantasy characters and creatures out :D all are 60% off

What are u waiting for? :D

Game design / [3dFoin] Female centaur - 55% off all items Spring Sale
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:48:20 AM »

Spring is making its first moves, so to welcome the new season and mark the equinox we will be holding this Spring Sales event.  :D

55% off all items

Also we have a new female centaur:


Also you can  get the Fire Bringer Statue for free:

So, what are you waiting for XD

Hi everyone :D It's that time of the year and we are summoning the annual Lucky Pack!

Lucky Pack contains all of our 3D models: Dark Knight, Female Warrior, Male Peasant, Female Peasant, Krasue, Dragon, Short Goblin, Goblin Assassin, Basilisk, Statue Pack, The Baby, Hydra, Fantasy Snake, Saber Tooth, T.Rex, Dragon Bat, Dragon Bug, Royal Knight, Eric The Shooter, Gargoyle, Elongata, Watcher, Dragon Worm, Triceratops, Royal Sorceress, Genie, The Girl, Mushroom Monster, Royal Archer, Sould Eater, Wyvern, The Chick, Badass Spider, Dragon Turtle, Royal Executioner, Manticore, Action Hero, Mermaid, Devil Cat, Fantasy Lizard, Female Royal Knight, Female Ninja, Centaur, Orthos, Raptor (total $858) and the price is $123 only!!! (for more than 30GB of textures and models), you save $735!!!

Which means it's likely 2.8 dollars for each of our high quality game-ready model.

This pack appears randomly once a year so you don't know when you can expect it. It can only be purchased 3 times[/b], so only 3 persons can buy all of our high quality models with such an incredible price, after that, the pack will vanish. That's why we call it the Lucky Pack. ^^

Are you right on time or are you too late? You can try your fortune at:

Good luck! :D

BTW we have a new model also it's the Raptor:

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:22:08 AM »

Hi guys, we have a new creature, it's a two-headed-dragon-like one, Orthros:

ORTHROS (or Orthus) is a two-headed, serpent-tailed dog, a brother of monsters such as Cerberus and the Chimera. Orthros is extremely violent, ruthlessly tracks down its target with its superior strength and incredible agility.


We're running July Sale - 50% all items so what are you waiting for :D

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: May 29, 2015, 08:43:10 AM »

Hi guys, we have new model again it's the centaur:

Centaurs are a common mythological figure, with the body of a man where a horses head would be.

And we're running the Awesome Sale - 60% off all items so what are you waiting for XD

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:43:18 AM »
Hi guys, :D we have new model again, it's the Female Royal Knight:

She's a powerful knight whose deafening blows send enemies running with their tail between their legs.


We're running the Awesome Sale - 50% all items so what are you waiting for XD

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:40:42 AM »

Hi guys we have new model a gain, it's the Fantasy Lizard:

Fantasy Lizards are awesome for fantasy games and suited to be used in many types of map like forest, jungle, desert, plain etc. They're strong mobs who can bite, claw or spit poison to paralyze and kill their prey.


Also we're running the New Year Sale:

- Get 50% off any model purchase
- Buy 3 or more models: 55% off
- Buy 6 models or more: 60% off

Yayyyy! So what are you waiting for? XD

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:05:12 AM »

Hi guys, we have new model again, it's the mermaid:

 Mermaid not only can be used as a decorative-quest NPC, but also a mobs or playable character with 2 set of animations:

We're running November Sale - 50% off all items so what are you waiting for XD Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: September 24, 2014, 04:42:23 PM »
Hi guys, we have new models again, it's the Action Hero:


and Manticore:

also check out our new Fantasy Interface:

we're running the September Sales, 50% off all items, and even more: you can use the code "September" to get 55% discount YAYYYYYYYYYYY

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: February 06, 2014, 09:08:35 AM »
Hi guys, :D

We have had so many requests for a 2 legged dragon that it has just been released for your developing pleasure. Here come the Wyvern:

A distant cousin to the true dragons, Wyvern is a legendary winged creature with a dragon's head, which may be said to breathe fire or possess a venomous bite, a reptilian body, two legs, and a barbed tail.

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:28:56 AM »

Merry Christmas everyone :D, we have new model again, it's the Soul Eater:

Soul Eaters are the offspring of Devils originating from the darkest of planes and realms. In the underworld, they hunt and eat wandering souls. Masters of the

mind magic and having sharp claws, their attacks effect both player's HP and MP.


We're running Christmas Sale - 50% off all item til Dec 31 So what are you waiting for? XD

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: July 16, 2012, 04:35:38 PM »
Thanks Spellbreaker, I've removed some images to make the topic lighter ^^

Hi guys, :D we have new model again, it's Gargoyle:

Gargoyle model is suitable to use as a boss or strong enemy with flying and physical/magical attacking animations.


Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: June 08, 2012, 06:49:09 AM »
Hi guys :D, we have new model again: the Royal Knight:


Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all, here come the hero for your game: the Royal Knight. He's cool, handsome, masculine, glamorous and so on and so forth and he's ready to kick all the ass in the world. Comes fully equipped and formatted with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 45 game-ready animations!

We're having 1 Year Anniversary Sales, so you can buy Royal Knight today for only 15.2 (60% off) :D
Hurry don't miss it:

Game design / Re: [] Saber Tooth
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:17:20 AM »
Hi everyone :D We have new model again, it's Dragon Bug:

There are so many angry dragon bugs live in dense woods. They are desperate to kill the visitor of their place. Let's catch some of them and put into your game! :D


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