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Messages - Chaos

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Technical forum / Re: "Five Lethal Demons" Saving Interface
« on: March 22, 2011, 09:06:02 AM » mistake!...I think I should have PM Mnemonic directly instead.I know that he doesn't attend to messages with technical questions,but this case is an exception.So I gave this thread as finished.

Technical forum / "Five Lethal Demons" Saving Interface
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:25:33 AM »
Mnemonic: some time ago you gave me the link to download the saving Interface you coded for "Five Lethal Demons".I was having a problem everytime I saved,remember?Finally I realized what the problem was,apparently the file Input.window is damaged or corrupted somehow(It gaves me an error message when I try to open it with the editor.)Since I downloaded the original file a long time ago,I did it
once again to see if this time it works,but no way...So,could you do me a favour and check the file and see if the Input file is corrupted,and in that case upload it again so I can finally have it?The truth is I liked this interface very much,you did a great job and I would love to have it on my game.Thanks!  :D

Technical forum / Pinball game on WME
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:03:05 AM »
Hi guys...I can´t hardly wait to see your faces after this one,but anyway...  ;D
A Pinball game on WME...(It is obviously a mini game feature we would love to add to the game.)
Anyone?  ;) If at least someone has attempted to do something similar with ball physics any help will
be more than welcome.

Technical forum / Re: Limits
« on: March 21, 2009, 07:21:21 AM »
 I believe not.As long that you have the definition file "Items" it should work fine.Just remember that,now,you will have to take the time to link each sprite,images and scripts to the scenes files on this definition file,according to the scene they appear respectively.In fact technically you should be able to link it to any file inside the "Data" folder(Another reason why WME's so hard to find something you cannot do with it ;)).Also I believe it won't make any problem when you finally compile your game,so you absolutely shouldn't worry about it anymore.

Good bye!

Technical forum / Re: Music Plays Too Long
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:42:54 AM »
That's strange because how large the music files are shouldn't really be a problem.

Just imagine that you have a music file that last 90 minutes and you started it with Game.PlayMusic,as soon as you go to the other scene,doesn't matter when,if you set it to stop before playing the new one it should work perfectly.(Obviously this should be at the start of the new scene's script)

My guess is that maybe the file adress that you linked to when you use the StopMusic maybe is not right.(remember that it should be the exactly the same file you started on the last scene).Or perhaps you should try using Game.StopMusic in the script that send you to the next scene(wheter clicking on a hotspot or an exit)on the line before Game.ChangeScene.Good luck and hope you manage to figure it out!

Bye! ::wave   

Technical forum / Re: Music Plays Too Long
« on: March 20, 2009, 05:11:45 AM »
Catacomber,I think you could easily add a "Game.StopMusic" at the start of each scene always before you set "Game.PlayMusic" so it will always stop the music that was playing on the previous scene,before playing the new one.Or if you want it to give it a more professional finished do not doubt of fading musical channels,you will find exactly how to do it on the WME documentation.

Also don't forget that as birdline said you can play,pause,resume and control the music volume at anytime you need.Well,I hope that helps you a little,Bye!

Cheers :D

Technical forum / Re: Making a Fade-In of Inventory Bar
« on: March 02, 2009, 06:04:42 AM »
Akusa,I've just installed this piece of code on the game and give it a try.And it certainly looks incredible!
Great job!! ;D I thought that maybe I will need to adjust the speed of the fading somehow,but no,it runs
as smooth as I wanted.Thank you very much!


Software and games / Re: Machinarium
« on: February 28, 2009, 05:42:15 AM »
If they did such a master piece as "Samorost" as a very Indie and small project,just imagine how it is going to look "Machinarium" with a full-scale project such as this. :o The truth is I was looking forward this game since the firsts news of the project were announced,and I can't hardly wait its release.And as a comics illustrator,I only could fell absolutely blown away by the magnifical artwork,that I could only compare with the most artistical european comic books,on their total freedom of bizarre imagination,and their visions of these fantastical worlds.Believe me,when I see games like this I immediatelly feel the urge of throwing away all my 3D software,and start drawing all by myself again,and bring back some REAL art to games!BTW Machinarium RULES!!! ::rock 

Technical forum / Re: Saving interface as in "Ghost in the Sheet"
« on: February 28, 2009, 04:07:58 AM »
My mistake! :P You're absolutely right.The thing is my PC it is being repaired right now,and I was using my old computer at the moment.I have the 1.8 version installed on it so that’s not actually the problem,what happened was that some time ago the NET.framework stoped working(That’s why it doesn’t open any .Window files) and because I changed to my new PC back then,I never really fixed it.So I’m 100% sure this saving interface will work perfectly fine on my new computer.And I have to say it looks absolutely magnifique.Thanks for your assistance and time, Mnemonic.Dekuji ti!(I hope I spelled that right and didn’t insult the guy instead. 8) )Bye!

Technical forum / Making a Fade-In of Inventory Bar
« on: February 26, 2009, 06:41:59 AM »
Hi all,

 When I played "Limbo of the Lost"(the worst case of Cut and Paste on the history of gaming ;) ) there was a feature I realized it could look good on my game.I'm talking about the Fade-In the Inventory(and items)does every time you opened it.I know I can make it using sprites,but I'd like to know any way to do it throughout the script.So it will need a function that sets the transparency of the Inventory,and also that simulates a fading.It is very important to note that in my game the Inventory Bar is completely transparent all the time,so it will have to deal only with the Items.

Many thanks to any helping hands.   

Technical forum / Re: Saving interface as in "Ghost in the Sheet"
« on: February 14, 2009, 06:18:30 AM »
Hello again,Mnemonic!No,it just can't be that,because I just checked it out and that's only the image assigned to the Main Menu,that the engine could not find(an "absolute").The truth is I installed this saving interface on the Wme Demo,but anyway I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.Believe me that I followed all the instructions from the "readme.txt".Anyhow,now I've cleaned the Log from all "absolutes",so you can take a look at it without any distractions.Perhaps it got something to do with the undefined methods.See ya! 

06:44: Engine initialized in 125 ms
06:44: Using texture format: 21
06:44: Loading game 'saves\save001.dsv'...
06:44: Error opening file 'saves\save004.dsv'
06:44: Syntax error in EDIT definition
06:44: Error loading WINDOW definition
06:44: Error parsing WINDOW file 'interface\system\input.window'
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 186
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'Center'. Ignored.
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 190
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'GoSystemExclusive'. Ignored.
06:44: Syntax error in EDIT definition
06:44: Error loading WINDOW definition
06:44: Error parsing WINDOW file 'interface\system\input.window'
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 186
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'Center'. Ignored.
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 190
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'GoSystemExclusive'. Ignored.
06:44: Syntax error in EDIT definition
06:44: Error loading WINDOW definition
06:44: Error parsing WINDOW file 'interface\system\input.window'
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 186
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'Center'. Ignored.
06:44: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 190
06:44:   Call to undefined method 'GoSystemExclusive'. Ignored.
06:44: Shutting down...
06:44: Shutting down scripting engine
06:44: ********** DEBUG LOG CLOSED ********************************************

Technical forum / Re: Saving interface as in "Ghost in the Sheet"
« on: February 13, 2009, 08:53:52 AM »
Well,thank you very much Mnemonic!

BTW Man,you're always on fire!!! ;)

 I played "Five Lethal Demons" a few years ago and if my memory doesn't fail me the interface was very similar indeed.In fact I believe it is much better for the game I'm making because it appears as a floating selection while the game remains paused on the back,while in "Ghost in the sheet" you are sent to another scene(the Loading scene).But the problem is I just installed it on my project,and realized that the loading function works perfectly but I can't make the saving work! ??? So,I'm posting a portion of the Log,and I hope you could help me with this,maybe it's just some function undeclared or something.(I just hope Mnemonic doesn't give this thread as already answered and check it back again)     

Code: [Select]
05:05: Maximum texture size: 4096x4096
05:06: Engine initialized in 3429 ms
05:06: Using texture format: 21
05:06: Error opening file 'ui_elements\backgroundwi4.bmp'
05:06: CBSprite::LoadFile failed for file 'ui_elements\backgroundwi4.bmp'
05:06: Error opening file 'saves\save000.dsv'
05:06: Syntax error in EDIT definition
05:06: Error loading WINDOW definition
05:06: Error parsing WINDOW file 'interface\system\input.window'
05:06: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 186
05:06:   Call to undefined method 'Center'. Ignored.
05:06: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 190
05:06:   Call to undefined method 'GoSystemExclusive'. Ignored.
05:06: Loading game 'saves\save001.dsv'...
05:06: Error opening file 'ui_elements\backgroundwi4.bmp'
05:06: CBSprite::LoadFile failed for file 'ui_elements\backgroundwi4.bmp'
05:06: Syntax error in EDIT definition
05:06: Error loading WINDOW definition
05:06: Error parsing WINDOW file 'interface\system\input.window'
05:06: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 186
05:06:   Call to undefined method 'Center'. Ignored.
05:06: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game.script', line 190
05:06:   Call to undefined method 'GoSystemExclusive'. Ignored.
05:06: Shutting down...
05:06: Shutting down scripting engine
05:06: ********** DEBUG LOG CLOSED ********************************************

Technical forum / Re: Independent Menu for each playable character
« on: February 11, 2009, 07:32:39 AM »
Well,that's great!! ;D Thank you Net and Mnemonic for your most welcomed help!Yes,I understand very well the need to delete the previous Menu,it's exactly as when I set the script to create and attachment shadow for the actor every time the scene is loaded;you have to always delete the previous attachment,or you could end up having two shadows overlapping.Honestly,it was really important for the design of the game to have this feature,and now I'm very glad I finally have the answer so thank you again.Au revoir!!! 

P.S:In fact I believe now I could easily adapt this to have a 3rd character,an idea I'm considering right now.

Technical forum / Independent Menu for each playable character
« on: January 30, 2009, 09:04:05 AM »
Hi Wintermuties:

  I'd like to know if there is a way to make the Interactive Menu(Hand-Eye-Mouth) show a different set of sprites every time you switch between characters,according to the one you are currently playing.In my game I have two playable characters(a female,and a male)and my idea was that the Menu shows the hand,eye,and mouth of the one you selected. I've already put the animated sprites of the hand,eye,and mouth of the female character,but I still can't find a way to have two Menues.Also when I think of all the WME games I had played in the past ("FMA","Lotl","Dirty Split")in all of these adventures the Menu never changes,so I started to believe that there could only be one Interactive Menu,and now I am even thinking on discarding the idea and create a brand new generic Menu identical for both.I believe many surely had already tried this in case it is possible(it's not like inventing the wheel,is just a simple feature)and will have no trouble on helping me on this matter.Bye! ::wave   

Technical forum / Saving interface as in "Ghost in the Sheet"
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:34:28 AM »
Hello!I'm working on a Sci-Fi adventure now,using the astonishing WME(Of course!).I am very interested on having some code to change the default saving interface of WME(the saved games all in columns from top to bottom) to be just as the one used in "Ghost in the Sheet" with the little screenshots that you click over to save your game.Since I'm more a visual artist(I work as a comic books illustrator)and not much of a programmer myself any kind of help will be more than welcome.So,to anyone kind enough to help,thanks!

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