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Topics - ClémentXVII

Pages: [1]
Feature requests, suggestions / MIDI?
« on: April 26, 2003, 04:25:07 PM »
Err.. sorry if this has already been posted, but I couldn't find any references to it...

Is there any MIDI playback possibility with WME? Or do we have to write our own dll to play these sounds?

The advantage of MIDI is that files can be really small while maintaining some good quality...

Technical forum / Scaling actors?
« on: February 13, 2003, 08:48:46 AM »

Is it possible to make actors look smaller in the background, and scale up when they come in the foreground?

Should I define 'scaling' zones in the scene editor, or how does it work (or not)?

Technical forum / Walking Behind objects...
« on: February 03, 2003, 11:46:33 PM »

In order to make some tests for a game, and because I'm not the artists type, I use some backgrounds from Monkey Island to make Molly visit Puerto Pollo...

The question is: How can I ensure that the actor walks behind objects that are on the front pane (e.g. trees, bushes). Do I have to select the tree as a region?

Is there something as a 'Z' buffer equivalent?

Or do I have to cut the tree out of the picture, and insert it as an object into my scene?

Feature requests, suggestions / DirectX ... OpenGL/SDL?
« on: January 23, 2003, 11:31:27 PM »

I see that you're using DX api for animating/displaying everything on screen. Is it possible/easy to select/use another renderer?

I'd like to make a cross-platform adventure, i.e. use the same code to produce binaries for Window, Linuxs, MacOS,... Unfortunately, none of the adventure authoring tools I saw could bring me this. :'(

Using another renderer would make it easier to port the application. I know that this would mean changing a lot of things in the engine... and I don't know how it's been built ;-), but it's feasible...

I can understand this wouldn't be a priority feature, because your engine is still beta (but very promising!! I've been testing it for some days now, and I really am impressed!), so let me know how things are working ;-)


Feature requests, suggestions / Sprite animation
« on: January 23, 2003, 09:28:11 AM »

I just heard about your engine at adventuredevelopers and downloaded it, it's great!

The GUI is pretty easy to understand, and allows us to navigate easily across the project.

I have a small question about the animation of actors:

From what I've seen, there are separate animations for talking, walking, using,...  is it possible to enable 'superposition' of different animation like in some Lucasarts games, in order to enable an actor to walk and talk at the same time, or do I have to draw a Walk'n'Talk animation separately?

I think it may be possible using some kind of layer system, defining an area of the body that uses a walk animation (e.g. body), and adding a 'talking head' on top of it.

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