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Topics - SBOVIS

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Technical forum / Counting players actions
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:59:23 PM »
   I want to be able to count the players actions, is this possible?

For example when the player exits a scene = 1 step, when the player uses any of the 4 options, TAKE, LOOKAT, ACTION, SENSE on the menu = 1 step.

Then I want if the steps = 20 then this happens.....

steps = 50 then this happens....... etc

Can a global variable be setup and each action makes its value +1 then when it gets to a desired number the player is sent to a specific scene where a scenario is played out?

Technical forum / Fatal Error question
« on: April 09, 2007, 11:07:01 PM »
   Ever since I have updated to 1.7.2 I keep getting these fatal error messages in my WME.script

Fatal: Invalid instruction -557797922 ('scenes\scr\prisoncell\scene_init.script',line 100,IP:0x0)

When I look at this script and error line it refers to a line with a  break; at the end of it.

This never used to be an issue in previous versions of WME, does anyone know what this means?

Many thanks

Technical forum / 2D Engine Speed
« on: March 30, 2007, 11:50:04 AM »
Hi all,
        I am nearing the end of my project (2 year implementation) and was wondering if there is any future plans to speed up the 2D engine?

Running a scene at 1024x768 with an actor a JPEG background and roughly 6 scene entities seems the norm, but at times the engine does seem to slow and then catch up with itself, as if caching memory.

On various machines fom 512mb to 2gb there seems to be the same issue where you run a scene once and it slows and then quit and run it again and it is fine.

Is there any house keeping that could be done to help the engine perform better?

Does the engine rely on a 3D card with acceleration for 2D more than say other 2D adventure creators?

I have used FPSC (First person shooter creator) & 3D gamestudio before and these editors run far smoother in 3D than WME doing 2D on various machines.

Just wondering if the CORE 2D/3D engine is on the cards for an overhaul?

MAny thanks


Technical forum / Item on scene issue
« on: March 22, 2007, 09:51:22 PM »
    I have a scene that I do not want descriptive text to appear at the bottom of the screen.

What I mean by descriptive text is when you select an item and it says the item name at the bootom of the screen and then 'use on' and if placed on the scene or another item it says that 'name' EXAMPLE - 'use key on display' (display being a scene object)

Can I turn this off for just a specific scene??

If so how?

Many thanks


Technical forum / right click issue
« on: March 18, 2007, 08:37:07 PM »
At present I have scenes that the Inventory is selectable but the menu (lLOOK AT, TAKE , etc) is not. This is all well and good and the menu has been omitted by removing the RIGHT CLICK of the mouse button. But when I select an item from Inventory and click the right mouse button to make it go back into Inventory, I cannot becuase the right click is turned off.

Is there a way I can say - if holding an item the right click works, even in scenes that it is omitted because I do not want to bring up the menu?

Many thanks

Technical forum / TEXT issue
« on: March 13, 2007, 11:59:55 PM »
    In my project I have a scene defined for closeups of items. With this closeup is a scroll telling the player some details about the item they have picked up.

But what I also need is some text at the bottom of the screen showing these details for localization purposes.

I know how to define a window for this scene to hold the text but how would I define and get the text to appear for the different items?

As I said I have one scene, and the ability to drag items from Inventory into the scene to give the closeup and the details, I just need the Text at the bottom of the screen.

Many thanks

Software and games / New AVI creation tool
« on: March 06, 2007, 05:04:45 PM »
Hi all,
        I have been using Antechinus Animator Professional to chnage my sprites into AVI and then into THEORA files using ffmpeg2theora.

Antechinus Animator Professional is a little marvel of a program that can do image manipulation, cpature as well as creation of AVI files with sound.

Here is the link. -

You can try it for 30 days.

This offer is only open to WINTERMUTEES!!! and is available to the person who creates the best options front end screen with sound volume script etc etc. This key has not been used by anyone else and is a one user license key!.......Not warez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have purchased it merely for this competition.
Please send entires of compiled and source to and I will judge and announce the winner of this license key to this great software.

The winners source code will be available to all, and I will post on the forum.

Closing date is MARCH 23rd

Just my way of saying thanks.

 ::rock    ::beer   

Technical forum / THEORA question
« on: March 02, 2007, 10:19:49 AM »
    I am using THEIRA and the PlayTheora command, is there anyway that I can play the video clip in its entirety without having to put Sleep commands in for the duration?

As timing the Sleep command is a bit hit and miss and takes ages to get the exact length of the video clip.

Any ideas??

Many Thanks

Technical forum / Theora video volume
« on: March 01, 2007, 01:37:41 PM »
Hi all,
       Just a little question, If I needed to increase the volume of a THEORA video clip could I do this via scripting? Or would it need to be done before the THEORA clip is produced.


Technical forum / Speed issue
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:26:19 PM »
I am not sure if this is the right section of the forum , but I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on a speed comparison for the following :-

I have a sprite - 272 x 316 which displays an NPC talking, with about 100 frames. These are all lip synched prior to animating through sprite.edit.
Each frame has a sub frame which is basically a nice border to the NPC portrait. So the whole sprite has 200 frames. They are all Jpeg to keep the memory usage low.

Also the sprite is set to stream data from the harddrive rather than totally load.

This plays in a scene.entity called from a script and works fine, apart from a slight delay at the beginning, loading the sprite file initially.

What I would like to know is, would a theora video of the animation be better for the engine to handle, run faster and be more effective.

I know it would take up less space (storage wise) but that is not really an issue.

Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

Technical forum / Game security
« on: February 23, 2007, 03:43:44 PM »
Hi all,
       I was wondering if there is any game security with WME after the project has been compiled as an executeable?

What I mean is my project can be installed onto a PC and the CD/DVD removed and the game played, this is ok for submitted demos and circulated freeware games. But what about commericial games?

Is there a way that when the player loads up the project, gets to the main menu and clicks start that it checks that the correct media is in the drive and it is the official media??

I just want to stop people copying the game onto their harddrives and then giving the media to someone else to put on their machines. etc.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks.   ::rock

Technical forum / Footstep sounds with distance
« on: January 26, 2007, 03:21:40 PM »
Hi all,
       I was wondering if a pair of sounds can be assigned to the actors footsteps for the right and left foot that are lower in volume or that the volume of the footstep sounds assigned to the actor - (See different footstep sounds) could be altered to give the feeling of depth in a scene.

Any ideas how this could be implemented for say 800x600 screens and 1024x768 screens using the base footsteps sound tutorial already posted.

Many thanks

Technical forum / WME Debugger Console
« on: January 23, 2007, 01:04:27 PM »
Firstly thanks for this great utility, helps alot track problems etc.

But I have just one question, does running lots of scripts at runtime slow a game down?
I can see by the debugger that lots of scripts are running at runtime but not always used for certain scenes.

If using only the scripts needed for a scene, would this speed up runtime?
The main ones are the individual item scripts of which I have quite a few. These seem to be running even though in many scenes they are not needed.

Just a thought, thats all.

Many thanks

Technical forum / Subtitles on default resposes
« on: December 31, 2006, 06:48:37 PM »
    I am trying to create some subtitles for my projects default responses when the 5 options - TAKE, LOOK , ACTION, SENSE, MIX ITEMS do not work.

At the moment te actor does respond with animations and a verbal response and even though I have scripted the lines for actor.Talk the text does not appear.

I have got a window at the bottom of the screen that displays all actor talk lines, and this happens for all speech except the default responses when one of the main 5 options fail.

I have the MIX items default response in game.script - animations work, subtitles do not.

I have all the other responses in the menu.script -animations work, subtitles do not.

Any ideas??


Technical forum / Compiling multiple packages
« on: December 14, 2006, 06:17:42 PM »
Hi all,
        I tried to compile my project the other day and as it was creating the packages in the folder packages it got to the last package and then seemed to delete all the packages just leaving the settings file and the intial project WME runtime.

No sign of any packages whatsoever! strange eh?

I tried the bind to a runtime function which I did to my primary package which seemed to work, is this a known bug or have I missed something?

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