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Messages - TheDerman

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Technical forum / Re: Reset Game
« on: March 26, 2005, 01:08:42 PM »
Yes, you are right - that's the problem - I delete several items after using them on each other - is that bad? How can they be restored after reset?

I also have a problem with some windows that popup and some speech that gets played depending on a variable value, I initially declare in game.script for some reason. This speech no longer works after reset, so I assume that's because of the variable, but I thought variables were reset to their initial values? Should I set its value in another script file?

So, no way to actually reboot the game?

Technical forum / Reset Game
« on: March 26, 2005, 12:11:09 PM »
So I used Game.Reset() to hopefully be able to start a new game, but when I get to a certain scene I find lots of things are messed up, not working, and causing script errors. For example when I run the game first time it's fine, but then after reset, if I try and pickup a certain item, I get a script error, the item disappears from the scene but doesn't show up in the inventory.

I can't find anything wrong - I can't even find where some of the items would be effected and not others - they all seem to operate in the same way.

Maybe someone can quickly explain what Game.Reset() does and doesn't do so I can find the problem.

Also, isn't there simply a way that the engine could "reboot" the game instead of resetting all the variables and things? Like, QUIT the game but then immediately restart it seamlessly?

This way, it would be just like we were starting the game up for the first time, no?


Technical forum / Re: Subtitle positions
« on: March 25, 2005, 02:48:15 PM »

GoExclusive() solved it for me.

Now everything works perfectly.

Time for some celebratory  ::beer

Technical forum / Re: Subtitle positions
« on: March 24, 2005, 11:00:33 PM »
Thanks for the help.

I moved the subtitles successfully to the bottom on the inventory - I liked it there so I made the change permanent for all subtitles at all times.  :)

My question now is, how can I use a talk function and subtitles when a window has been loaded and after GoSystemExclusive? If I don't gosystemexclusive the player can still click the character around the screen and click on other entities. I disabled the walking with a variable, but the entities can still be clicked on. So, is there an easy way to still use talk and subtitles in systemexclusive mode?

Technical forum / Subtitle positions
« on: March 24, 2005, 12:56:16 PM »
This has come up before but I couldn't find an exact answer to my questions:

I have a popup inventory that takes up a good portion of the screen when visible - I use actor.Talk for the inventory items, but obviously the subtitle is displayed wherever the actor happens to be when you click the inventory icon.

I want to move the subtitles to the bottom of the screen under the inventory ONLY when the inventory is visible.

So I guess I would change the subtitle position by altering the x and y values and the width when you click the inventory icon, but my question is, won't that leave the subtitles in that new position when I make the inventory invisible? And how do I get the subtitles to go back to their original position (above the actor) when the inventory is made invisible again? I can't find anywhere in the engine where the subtitle position is initially defined, so don't know what values to use to reset the position.

I could use an entity and use the entity's talk thing, but I don't want to have to add that entity to every scene - since I add the inventory icon to every scene, I just want to alter the position in the icon's script, so I only need to do it once.

Make sense? Good.    ;D

Technical forum / Re: Actor movement
« on: February 26, 2005, 06:14:00 PM »
The character moves normally, however the frames are such that the added movement of the sprite on top of the "move by" value makes them stutter and glide a little. The walk cycle is perfect in the sprite editor because that doesn't have the added movement.

What if a person had a character that had a different walk motion though, something that meant you didn't want them to be in constant motion when walking, like the zombie you mention? The added movement again, would mess this up somewhat.

So, is it possible to move the player character sprite solely with the "move by" values? That's all I'm asking. This would be perfect as it would allow you to move the character at whatever speed you wanted, and you could stagger their movement (if you wanted) by not "moving" some of the frames in the sprite. If it can't be done then fine, I can get around this, but I would prefer not to.

Technical forum / Re: Actor movement
« on: February 26, 2005, 02:45:05 PM »
I know that. What I'm saying is, the actor sprite is moved by the engine anyway when you click an area of the floor, even if the move amounts on each sprite frame are 0.

I'm asking if there is a way to have the actor move only through setting the frame move amounts, and not have the engine move it automatically.

Technical forum / Actor movement
« on: February 26, 2005, 11:32:26 AM »

Does the engine automatically move the actor sprites a certain amount when they're walking? You can increase this speed by "moving" each frame in the walk sprites a certain amount, yes?

Is there a way for the engine not to move the sprite, and for the movement to be completely dependant on the "move" amounts in the sprite?

The way my character is animated means that there are certain frames where it would be better they didn't move, but because the engine moves the sprite anyway, things get a little odd.

Does this make sense?


Technical forum / Cursor Combined
« on: February 14, 2005, 10:37:54 PM »
How can I offset the inventory item with the game's cursor when I have them combined?

For example, if I select and inventory item for use in the game world, that item and the game cursor are fused together like some weird mutant cursor.

The only way I can see around this is to make the item's image have a lot of blank space around it (in the alpha channel), so that when they're combined this space pushes the item image out more, but this messes up my nicely laid out inventory window.

What else can I do?

Technical forum / Re: Keep music playing
« on: February 07, 2005, 12:04:01 PM »
Ahhh so simple.  8)

Thanks - worked great.

Technical forum / Keep music playing
« on: February 07, 2005, 02:54:54 AM »
How can I keep my music and/or background track playing when I call up the main menu? Right now, as soon as I hit Esc or load the load/save/quit windows, everything stops.

This has something to do with the systemexclusive thing right?  Any way to keep the sounds playing at all times?


Technical forum / Re: Hiding inventory
« on: February 05, 2005, 11:12:24 PM »
Ok, I managed to do what I needed.



Technical forum / Re: Hiding inventory
« on: February 05, 2005, 07:29:22 PM »
Thanks McCoy - I'll take a look.  :)

Technical forum / Hiding inventory
« on: February 05, 2005, 12:56:12 PM »

I'm going to have an Inventory entity down in the corner that you click to bring up the inventory in the centre of the screen.

How can I then make the inventory invisible when you move the mouse outside it?

I'm thinking it's the mouseLeave but I'm not sure where to put this, as I can't see any inventory script or inventory window script. Maybe I could have another window the same size as the inventory that is loaded at the same time as the inventory and put the mouseLeave function on that window, to then make both windows invisible again.

Is there any other simpler way?


Technical forum / Script Explanations
« on: December 08, 2004, 07:34:58 PM »

This is probably a dumb question, but anyway...

Can somebody just quickly explain the difference between the game.script and the game_daemon.script?  What is each one actually used for?

I find the best way to start learning something is to start with the very basics, so this would help me, as I'm actually doing ok with understanding the code languge - I just need someone to explain this to me so I can fully understand how EVERYTHING works together.  :)


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