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Messages - Uhfgood

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General Discussion / My game review blog
« on: February 28, 2009, 10:21:23 AM »
Hello my name is Keith, and I usually go by Uhfgood.  You may (vaguely) remember me. in any case, I'm reviewing games for my blog here - Indie Flux.  I'm going to do adventure game reviews every once in a while, and I've already downloaded an ags adventure to review.  I'm also going to download some WME adventures and review them.  In any case, I might try to do one adventure review a week (maybe flipping between ags, and wme every other week).  If you wish for your game to be reviewed, let me know, if you want me to take off one of the reviews I did over you game, you have but to email me.


I want to know if MouseEntry and MouseLeave are events with a window object?  The docs don't tell you if this is a lowlevel event that it uses.

Technical forum / Re: Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 23, 2008, 05:44:18 AM »
Meta - after reading your book again, as I have already a couple of times, I figured out how to do it.  I had to get the active object, rather than using WinMenu directly. 

And now it works

Thanks for the help.

Technical forum / Re: Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:09:56 AM »
I posted all the scripts up in my first post, including the left click handler.

now... I will repost just that part again.

Code: [Select]
on "LeftClick"
if( !ClickStarted )
  // perform click start
  ClickObject = Game.ActiveObject;

  // mark click start and remember the time
  ClickStarted = true;
  ClickStartTime = Game.CurrentTime;

Note Mnemonic said to take the demo again and take stuff out until it worked.  However the demos work DIFFERENTLY than what I am trying to achieve.

And yes he did mention that somehow I'm not propagating the events down to the menu, however, this code I just posted should have applied it, and thus should have went in and On "Characters" did the required code.  I still don't know what I'm doing, and I have read through your articles, very informative yes, but I'm still not very quick when it comes to all these confusing script things.  I've even done programming in C/C++ and I still don't get it.

Technical forum / Re: Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 23, 2008, 12:51:46 AM »
I'm to understand nobody knows why the menu or button isn't getting control?

Mnemonic suggested I go back and reuse the whole demo code, and then take out just what I don't need.  Only problem is it's slightly different than what the demo has.  The demo's verb coin only works on interactive objects.  In my case I want it to work any time the user holds down the left mouse button.

Here's how I want my interface to work.  The user holds down the mouse button for a period of time until the menu pops up.  If the person holds and drags the menu also pops up.  If the person clicks on an interactive object or hotspot the menu pops up.

Secondly each button is going to open into another menu.  Center will be used to close the menu to the previous one.

Any help I can get is appreciated.


Technical forum / Re: Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 21, 2008, 11:18:44 PM »
Yeah.  At the moment I've reduced it from 4 to one, that one on the top (the Characters one).  How do I handle the button event from the menu?  I have a menu script that's attached, that checks the On "Characters" event.

Technical forum / Re: Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 21, 2008, 10:47:10 PM »
A little closer to the problem.  Regardless of whether the menu is up or not, a left-click event always gets issued.  So in a sense each time I click on the button, it pops the menu back up, instead of going to the menu script and closing the window.

Not sure what to do about it though.

Done / Re: Timestamp in the log files?
« on: February 21, 2008, 09:44:15 PM »
I stand corrected.  It was just in a format I didn't recognize.  Usually I'll ignore numbers at the beginning of a line because they are like line numbers.  I don't consciously ignore them though, it's just my brain only sees what it thinks is relevant which would happen to be the date itself, not the time. 

Thanks though :-)


Technical forum / Trying to get a popup window to close.
« on: February 21, 2008, 09:40:52 PM »
Essentially I have a window that pops up when you hold down the mouse button for a small period of time.  It's actually just the code off of the 3d actors demo, that I trimmed down a little.  I can't get the window to close after clicking.  I figured the "on "Characters"" line would do what was in there, but apparently not.  I'm doing something wrong somewhere.  Also an odd thing is at first in the debugging console it would show my menu script, and now it doesn't do that at all, for no reason I can think of.

Any help is appreciated.

Here's the game.script:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"
#include "scripts\"

global ClickStarted;
global ClickStartTime;
global ClickObject;

// store some of the game's attributes in global variables for convenience
Keyboard = Game.Keyboard;
Scene = Game.Scene;

// load the right-click menu
global WinMenu = Game.LoadWindow("interface\menu\InGameMenu.window");
WinMenu.Visible = false;

// load the "caption" window
var win = Game.LoadWindow("interface\system\caption.window");
global WinCaption = win.GetWidget("caption");

global MenuObject = null;

// load our main actor
actor = Game.LoadActor("actors\John\");
Game.MainObject = actor;

// run the "game loop" script

// which scene to load?

on "LeftClick"
if( !ClickStarted )
  // perform click start
  ClickObject = Game.ActiveObject;

  // mark click start and remember the time
  ClickStarted = true;
  ClickStartTime = Game.CurrentTime;
on "LeftRelease"
if( !ClickStarted )

on "Keypress"
  // on Esc or F1 key
  if(Keyboard.KeyCode==VK_ESCAPE || Keyboard.KeyCode==VK_F1)
    // load and display the main menu window
    WinCaption.Visible = false;
    var WinMainMenu = Game.LoadWindow("interface\system\mainmenu.window");

on "QuitGame"
  // on Alt+F4 (window close)
  // load and display the quit confirmation window
  WinCaption.Visible = false;
  var WinQuit = Game.LoadWindow("interface\system\quit.window");

  // and if the user selected Yes
    // quit the game
  // otherwise just unload the quit window from memory
  else Game.UnloadObject(WinQuit);

Now here's game_loop.script:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

// this script runs in an endless loop and does all the user-interface work
// that needs to be periodically updated
// such as the floating items captions display and positioning
// and the sliding inventory window handling

global WinCaption;
global WinMenu;

global ClickStarted;
global ClickStartTime;
global ClickObject;

var VerbHoldTime = 200; // in milliseconds

// infinite loop

  // handle verb coin if the the required time has passed
  if(ClickStarted && !WinMenu.Visible && Game.CurrentTime - ClickStartTime >= VerbHoldTime)
    // position the verbs window
    WinMenu.X = Game.MouseX - WinMenu.Width/2;
    if(WinMenu.X < 0) WinMenu.X = 0;
    if(WinMenu.X + WinMenu.Width>Game.ScreenWidth) WinMenu.X = Game.ScreenWidth - WinMenu.Width;

    WinMenu.Y = Game.MouseY - WinMenu.Height/2 + 10;
    if(WinMenu.Y < 0) WinMenu.Y = 0;
    if(WinMenu.Y + WinMenu.Height>Game.ScreenHeight) WinMenu.Y = Game.ScreenHeight - WinMenu.Height;
    // and display it
    WinMenu.Visible = true;
    var Caption = WinMenu.GetWidget("caption");
    Caption.Text = ClickObject.Caption;

    // if we are about to show the verbs, we tell the actor to cancel
    // whatever he was going to do
  // save the active object for later
  var ActObj = Game.ActiveObject;

  // go to sleep for 20 miliseconds to allow the engine to perform other tasks
  // it is important for the "endless" scripts to call the Sleep command, otherwise the game will get stuck

And finally here's the code for my menu:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"
global WinMenu;
global ClickStarted;

on "Characters"
ClickStarted = false;
WinMenu.Visible = false;


Done / Timestamp in the log files?
« on: February 20, 2008, 08:40:35 AM »
Would it be too much trouble to add a timestamp (local time) in the logfiles, so you know when you ran the specified programs if more than once in the same day?


Feature requests, suggestions / WindowEdit - Keep pathnames?
« on: February 20, 2008, 06:50:23 AM »
Would it be possible for window definition made with WindowEdit keep it's pathname's (stuff like image background etc), even when the directory structure has changed?


the thing hung up on me when I tried to exit. (from the demo exe)

Not sure if this is from the demo itself or wme.  I'm running a geforce 6200.

Basically the screen goes black except i have my mouse cursor.  I can't even use ctrl-alt-del to bring up the task manager.  I had to do a hard reboot.

Bug reports / Concerning scene names and variables
« on: January 16, 2008, 10:55:51 PM »
As I tried to mention to you (Mnemonic) in person (well in irc at any rate), script compiler generated an error on "John's Bedroom".

You said it's a perfectly valid scene name but don't expect it to work as a variable.  I didn't expect it to work as a variable, as I didn't create it.

The reason I mentioned it in the first place, is I didn't create the script (scene init) or the variable.  ProjectMan did it when I created a new project.  So I sort of classify this as a bug.

General Discussion / Re: IRC... again!
« on: October 09, 2007, 09:26:18 PM »
By the way, if you're on when on one is in there you could try my channel which is on the same network -- #GameDevelopers

Just while Europe is asleep ;-)

Game design / Re: Basic color blocking - Take #3 - Shading
« on: October 01, 2007, 07:48:15 PM »

I'm really in uncharted territory here now -- shading.  I attempted a few things, one is the walls, basically the light is more or less coming from directly overhead... more towards the dresser than the foreground objects.

I'm not sure what i'm supposed to be doing here.  I have an idea of where the light source is, and i'm purposely not adding shadows yet.  The walls, and the side of the dresser (the one on the left)  I tried to do two things on the dresser, one is have it go from dark (that upper lip on the side) to light, as there's a bit of a shadow, but even that is probably incorrect since the light is above.  The other thing is the walls... local shading on the walls, dark towards the bottom lighter at the top.  I started with a little "burning", and then used the smudge tool to mush it out..  Also on the dresser I tried to add a highlight to the top of the dresser itself.

Really I just want some suggestions.  Ideas and tutorials on shading digitally (not shadows) and specifically using the mouse... I don't have a tablet nor money to buy one.


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