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Messages - Uhfgood

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Game design / Re: Basic color blocking - Take #2
« on: September 24, 2007, 06:52:03 PM »
Thanks for the suggestion, stucki - the lines will be removed, I will be adding some outline stuff to define stuff more, but afterwards within gimp (as i've just got gimp and a mouse and no money for photoshop or a tablet :-)

It's by no means finished, i will add shading and shadows and finally the lines back over, and some detailing.


Game design / Re: Basic color blocking on my background
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:54:54 AM »
Okay so basically i had another go at it.  I changed a few of the colors, I straighted some lines, it's almost starting to look decent.  Tell me what you think.

First one with the line drawing removed.

Second with 50% lines

Third fully opaque line drawing over the top.

Give me suggestions, thoughts, or opinions.

Game design / Re: Basic color blocking on my background
« on: September 21, 2007, 09:11:51 PM »
thanks Nihil, I will look into it.  I wanted the hallway to be white, but maybe i can make it an off-white and not nearly as bright.

Game design / Basic color blocking - Take #3 - Shading
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:37:46 AM »
Okay I started a basic paintover, using the technique of putting the sketch on a layer above the painting using multiply which basically means the white shows through and i can paint under the sketch lines.

I just decided to do it to show a friend, but if you're curious -- this part isn't even finished yet...  But I will work on it until it's perfect.




Actually the basic color blocking is generally complete until I get some feed back suggesting I change it before starting to apply shadows and so forth.

To make it less confusing, on the left side beside the computer desk is the dresser (it's the sort of light brown one).  Notice how it's shelves are more holes than shelves, they come to the edge and are seperated by the front of the dresser.  on the right side the gray thing is the bookcase, notice how the shelves are set in the case back from the edge.  Someone in the ags forums critic's lounge suggested I do this (maybe because of bad tangents or something) in any case I like it, it actually makes it look like a book case.

Basically this is the empty room before it gets all messy and the main character has to clean it up.  that's why there are no drawers in the dresser or books on the shelf.

The color choices are abit based on experience.  the dresser is a lighter wood, to contrast with the dark wood of the door and the trim, the bookcase is gray just to make it a bit different.  I made the desk something like mahogony or cherry, by adding a reddish tint, so that way it wasn't completely brown.  At one point in my life my walls were light blue with a light brown or tan floor (well the floor doesn't look tan exactly but close enough).  On the hole I think it's decent.  Note the dresser, bookcase, and door all have lighter tint on their sides, whereas the bed and the hamper and desk are darker on the sides facing the camera, not really sure if this is a good idea, but it makes me think that the foreground objects are closer to the camera, you can let me know if it isn't right.

Let's see... the hallway is on a single layer, the door is on it's own layer, the trim around door and closet are in it's own layer, trim around the bottom and outlet and switch are on it's own (same) layer... I basically put alot of things in their own layers, such as the insides of the bookcase, dresser, and desk... and then some of the sides.  the walls and the floor are the same as well... not really experienced with this software, using the gimp with a mouse but it seems to work.  at one time i thought of actually putting every white/negative space (any space bordered with lines to form a shape) on a seperate layer, but that may be overkill.
In fact this may be overkill.

I'll probably start working on the actual shading in a bit, the light is pretty much coming from the light bulb, that you can't see in the picture...  Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!


Hmm interesting.  Everyone assumes my scant drawing skills are attempting to emulate a cartoony look.  In fact I want it to be painted realistically, and it's not my intent to make it that cartoony looking.  The first character you play is a human from our world, which means he's supposed to be somewhat realistic.  Firstly although it is going to be cartoon animated (like curse of monkey island, although the characters are not really stylized like CMI), the styles i'm going for are some of the early Disney stuff.  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs backgrounds were painted in a semi-realistic style (like lighting and no distortions) although it was de-saturated watercolor, still retains a sort of realistic style.  Snow White herself was drawn as realistic as they could get back then, while the dwarfs were cartoon characters.  And that's what i'm going to go.  Comparison to a modern game, better than CMI, is maybe Broken Sword 1 and 2 -- they're drawing with a realistic style and yet they're cartoons.  That's sort of what i'm going for. 

I will probably get to start coloring soon. 

Thanks for the critiques.

i've gotten 87 views and only one reply, so that means to me that you're not following the link, but would rather see the image in the post...  Although I don't know when my webhost will go down, i'll attempt to post the images in here, and then you might decide you want to critque it :-)

Latest on top, earliest on the bottom.

I've said before I start with a yellow colored pencil and start blocking on the shapes getting perspective right, and then i go over it in a blue sketch, then after I get some critique i'll modify it and do several more until finally it gets looking correct, then it's on to a black pencil sketch and do any last minute detailing and fixing, and finally i'll ink it.

// black pencil sketch

// blue sketch number 4 -- this is the one where i got perspective right and got everything in the room correctly

// perspective was off here...

// this one wasn't too bad i think, but maybe a the room was a bit too big even if everything else was ok

// this was my initial attempt, note how the perspective is all whack, because i didn't follow any rules

// this was how it was originally going to go... I kind of had a go using this image as a start, but realized that it would be tough to navigate
// plus later when i was attempting real perspective, this was getting kind of tough for me.  As a a picture it would have been interesting,
// as a game it might not have been that great.

Anyways thanks for looking.

Thanks for the tip.  Don't know if you've seen the latest though -- I changed the placement a bit, and added a book case, in any case I like the look of this sketch, some others do to, and you said I had a good start, I think this one is going to make it to "black pencil" (using a number 2 pencil to trace out clean lines so i can ink it and then scan it for coloring).  I am looking to make it realistic.  Basically the main human characters are going to be drawn realistically, while some of the more interesting characters in my game are going to be more cartoony.  The backgrounds however I would like to be fairly realistic (or at the very least look like a very nice painting).  Like an old Disney cartoon.  (Not that I'm comparing myself,  just I'm going for that, examples being Pinocchio, and Peter Pan, and maybe Cinderella for the human characters.)

It seems everyone wants to emulate the cartoon style of Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle -- I guess because it's easy and caricatured, but not me, as I want to be a bit different :-)


Thanks for looking

This is going to sound like a spam for my blog, but rest assured it isn't ;-)  The top 4 posts concern my game Enchanted Lands -- I've been basically racking my brains trying to get a suitable looking bedroom.  Now firstly it's not complete -- I leave the stuff like open drawers and stuff in the closet and stuff on the bed off, to be added later...  I do a yellow sketch to block in the areas and a blue one over the top to define more details -- i've still got stuff to do... but please let me know what you think... Perspective was a pain.


Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Screen Resolutions
« on: August 09, 2007, 10:15:38 PM »
I third it ;-)

For 2D games we're talking about resizing the whole frame, so you might not have to resize the individual graphics, just have it rescale after the frame has been drawn. 

The other thing is aspect ratio.  This would be a kind of problem, but i think the solution would be, to set a resolution that the monitor could handle, and then scale the frame into the correct aspect ratio.  In other words, if i'm doing a 16:9 game, using a resolution of say 800x600, would squish the image to fit, however, if you resized the aspect ratio to remain fixed, but only scaled the frame, the res of the monitor would still only be 800x600, but the frame would be something like 800x450 centered... (sort of what you do with matted widescreen on some older letterbox movies -- and matted means they adjusted the aspect ratio in the studio, and outputted to a 4:3 aspect ratio display, verses using true anamorphic, where it squishes the image, and the un-squishes it when you watch it on a 16:9 tv)...

i'm really considering highdef tv resolutions myself, but my tv only is running 720p, and i don't have a way to output to it at the moment, and my monitor is not a widescreen monitor, nor does it go over 1280x1024 --  So it would be useful to make a game in say 1980x1080 -- and then have it scale to my monitor's 1280x1024 and keep the aspect ratio intact... for 1280x1024 it would be 1280x720 (which is pretty much 720p hidef resolution there).

Things to think on at least... I'll build my background first, to see if i can't find some system that will do this for me.


Technical forum / globals
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:22:46 PM »
I was trying to define a global, only whenever i ran the program the game would report "[global] referenced but not used".  In the docs it doesn't say you need to add the declaration of the global to the script it's in.  In other words you need to have global myInt = 10; in one script, but if you want to use it anywhere else you need global myInt; in any other script file that needs it.  I figured this out by searching through the forum, but you may want to correct it in the docs or else make it truely global.


Technical forum / A possible bug
« on: July 19, 2007, 08:44:16 PM »
Whenever I click the "Scripts..." button on an entity the script template window shows up, and when I click cancel, then the assign scripts window shows up like it should normally.

Possible bug in the fact that the template window shows up first?

General Discussion / Re: BugslayerUtil.dll as a trojan
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:58:23 PM »
Thanks for responding so quickly Mnem -- Of course I did not think WME had a virus, when I said that you never know, I meant you never know if a virus planted itself somewhere, which can happen as I am told sometimes.  In any case I can wait for a new version.


General Discussion / BugslayerUtil.dll as a trojan
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:54:13 AM »
I just recently upgraded my free version of avg from 7.1 to 7.5 and did a fullscan, appereantly BugslayerUtil.dll in my WME folder was reported as having a trojan and was thus deleted.  Someone needs to check into this, I don't think it's an actual virus or trojan or anything, but you never know.  Of course WME is new to (1.6) so anything new could potentially trigger that.

Let me know if anyone knows anything about this.

Game announcements / Re: My new blog
« on: December 22, 2005, 11:02:47 PM »
Leave comments all you want :-)

Game announcements / My new blog
« on: December 20, 2005, 08:37:36 PM »
As a few of you know, i'm doing a comedy fantasy adventure game.  And i've started a blog to document my projects.  If you're interested

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