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Topics - SoundGuy

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Technical forum / performance issue - method function calls for objects
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:06:56 PM »

I have this perfomance issue.
I want to call a method function in an entity object several times, and i see a bad performance behaviour. I tried profiling it :

this is in the actor:
Code: [Select]
Game.LOG("Before BaloonEnt " + Game.CurrentTime);
Game.LOG("After MyBaloonEnt " + Game.CurrentTime);

and this is the code in MyBaloonEnt's script:
Code: [Select]
method StopTalking()
Game.LOG("BalloonEnt StopTalking entry" + Game.CurrentTime);
this.StopTalkingReq = true;
Game.LOG("BalloonEnt StopTalking Leave" + Game.CurrentTime);

now this is the output:
18:04:19:  Before BaloonEn8878
18:04:19:  BalloonEnt StopTalking entry8878
18:04:19:  BalloonEnt StopTalking Leave8878
18:04:19:  After MyBaloonEnt 8935

For some reason - there's about  60ms going to waste everytime there's a transition between two scripts.
Ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem - but in my case there is because i'm doing this thing in a loop.

Why is this happening ? Any suggestions ?
I would rather keep my functions implemented there in object and not have .inc files just to have inline functions :(

Technical forum / unloading an object
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:25:20 PM »
I am loading several object using the new method :
Code: [Select]
var MyObject = new Object("script_filename");

when i unload them, nothing happens, they stay in memory and i still see them in the debugger.

Code: [Select]
Is it a WME bug ?

Technical forum / Figureing out poly count
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:16:58 PM »

I have some performance Issues i showed Jerrot when we met in GDC.
For some reason i am on 20-30 FPS , when i have 20,000 polygons.

One thing i was wondering is how the hell did i get to 20,000 poly's when each of my 3 characters is only 3000 polys.
that should make 9000, and let's say i have 100 particles , interface and some entities should be 10,000.
Why is it double ?
The shadows i use are flat shadows and not stencil.

Any way to debug this and have WME give me some info on what it is rendering ?


General Discussion / GCDC in Leipzig
« on: June 18, 2008, 03:48:06 PM »
Hey Muties !

I'm going to be in GC|DC in Leipzig this year for the first time, show our game Pizza Morgana around to people and futhermore - Speak about adventure games at the conference !

Any of you plan to attend ? Maybe we can do a meet-up of us Muties.


Technical forum / free entity Width & height
« on: June 05, 2008, 06:44:28 AM »

Is there a way to get a free entity's Width and Height ?
I want to change its scale, but keep it's center constant.

the Height property always returns 0 , and the width doesn't exist and returns 0.
Maybe there's a way to access that info from some sub-object , like the sprite ?


Technical forum / Export Problems
« on: May 31, 2008, 01:43:44 PM »

Once again, i'm getting a strange behaviour with .X files and WME.
this time, i've decided to create a simple chracter just to test out exporting.

this model has a UV Map modifier that stretches it's face's texture on it's face, and only the front part.
when exported, it looks great in the DirectX mview.exe and DXViewer.exe
but in WME, the textures are spread wrong over the model. (note that the wme actor file needs to have DRAW_BACKFACE=FALSE )

I also tried going through fragmotion, open it up, and resave it but it messes it up even more.
I've put the .Max file with the .X files i've exported with Max 8 and panda here:

Would appreciate your help.
Jynx ? Meta ?


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WME visual particle editor
« on: April 06, 2008, 11:48:38 PM »

I'm bringing you something i've been working on for a while now (Version added 6/4/08)  (Version added 7/4/08)

This is just a first version, very basic, only includes most of the particle controls but not all of em.
normal windows gui is kinda hard doin in WME...

some basic instructions:
click on the type of the pacticle you want to use as a template. move the sliders to adjust parameters.
You can edit the numbers on the right on the slider to change the slider's maximum.
You can add or remove sprites :
fill in the name of the sprites's file in the SpriteName and click add
or click the sprite's picture to remove it.

toggles are at the bottom.
and you can start , stop, pause , resume

you can even click "print" to get your particle's WME code into a file called Particle.script in the current dir. (assuming you have an emitter called Emit)
try it our , let me know.
I'll post the code when it's more near finished.

Also, if someone volunteers to write a help file, doc, or post about it in the wiki, i'd appreciate it.


Technical forum / z-order coding question
« on: April 02, 2008, 04:28:03 PM »
Let say I want to have a 2d entity floating near my 3d actor's head, in the same Z-order my actor is in.

I have tired doing
myRegion = Scene.GetRegionAt(actor.X,actor.Y);
it doesn't fully works, because if there is another 3d actor at the on the same

obviously just using the entity's X and Y doesn't work, because its coordinates is near the actor's head (i use the new wme 1.8.5 GetBonePosition2D() thank for that new function !)
But then the z-ordering is wrong because WME sets z-order for the actor by it's feet's position.

I didn't see any any functions that can help me on the 3dactor.

Any suggestions how to do it ?

Feature requests, suggestions / loading more than one actor in sceneeditor
« on: December 26, 2007, 07:37:45 PM »
Don't know if this was requested in the past of not, but i would like to be able to load more than one actor in the scene using the scene editor instead of doing it form the code.

at least let us position more than one actor in the scene ?

Like you might remember i use TortoiseSVN as a source control tool.
It creates hidden .svn directories where it stores its files. (one file for example is "format")

i have this in my exclude from build:
*.dci;*.bak;*.tmp;*.inc; *.svn; *.; *format*
and this in my do not compress:
*.wav;*.ogg;*.png;*.jpg; *.svn; *format*

yet i get these errors when compiling package

Error Compressing file F:\.....\data\.svn\format
Error Compressing file F:\.....\data\interface\.svn\format

Technical forum / Z ordering in 3D scenes
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:42:13 PM »
I can't seem to find no proper tutorial for building 3D scenes and I find some holes in the documentation when it comes to Z-ordering of 3D scenes.
I'm encountering all sort of questions and problems.

The most basic question i have is how does the engine decide if he should draw the 3D actor in front of or behind a certain sprite in the scene ?
How do scene regions effect the engine's decision about it ?
to get z-ordering as one would expect where should one place a hotspot for a sprite entity ? or a free sprite entity ?

Anyone working on a 3D scene building tutorial with some mode detailed explanations on how Z-ordering works ? The current 2D tutorial in WME docs doesn't cover enough about it .


Won't fix / sprite editor bug with editing frame properties
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:31:56 PM »
when editing a number cotrol (for example delay) and moving to another frame, the new number edited isn't saved.
You need to "lose focus" of the control to some other editor within that frame.

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WME Visual Dialog Editor
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:09:36 PM »

It's time to give back to the community.
I've created a visual dialog editor tool for WME to help me code dialog branches into the game. I've decided to open source it and give all you guys a chance to use it and better yet - improve it.

You can find it in
I know there are many bugs to it, and missing features (drag and drop don't work for example) and I have plans to improve it in the future.

Comments, suggestions, and replies are welcome !


I would like to ask to be able to add a default region for free entities to stick to from the scene editor, rather then having to intialize .StickToRegion() manually for each free entity from the scene_init.script file.

this is important for Z-ordering.

and the reason i use free entities and not regular sprite entities - is that i've notived regular sprite entities cannot be scaled or rotated manually

Done / DrawBackfaces in .ACT3D file
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:01:34 PM »
not sure if it's a missing feature or a bug.
The "Drawbackfaces" property for the actor3D object exists and accesible only from the script code. I would like it if this property could also be set by default to false directly from the ACT3D file .

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