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Topics - SoundGuy

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
I find myself all to often needing to create a wrapping .sprite for my PNG files just to define where it's hotspot are.
in scene editor, as cursor icons. I wish there was a way to simplify this when i use SceneEditor to just input the sprite's PNG file name, and let me choose where the hotspot is.
an idea :  instead of having to rewrite stuff in WME, maybe add a dialog window that when you choose a PNG in the scene editor - let's you select the hotspot, and the automagically creates a .sprite file at the same place the PNG is at with the right parameters, and puts it's name into as the sprite ?

Fixed / debuging DLL's and WME crash reporting
« on: December 26, 2007, 05:46:28 PM »
I've noticed that I can't debug crashes within my DLL now.
I want to see the stack calls and local variables in my DLLS so i run WME through my visual studio (as i did in the 1.7's of WME).
Before, in 1.7 when my DLL crash on access violation, i would go to the right point in the VC debugger, but now - the WME crash reporting tool takes over and i don't get to the VC at all.
I tried finding a way to disable the crash reporting, but looks like i can't do it when i'm using the wme in debug mode, without the need to build the whole game's packages, which is a major inconvenience when trying to debug...


Technical forum / exporting character files
« on: November 21, 2007, 01:10:43 AM »

We're having some new trouble with exporting characters from 3ds max R8 to WME's x file.

We're using panda and with all the options as specified in the wiki, but we constantly getting all sort of errors like incorrect model scaling, corrupt animations (this might be because we rigged using biped), the model oreintation is wrong (lying down instead of standing, or facing backwards)
i even got this once (although it might have been something to do with texture size being 1440x1440) :

23:48: Loader start
23:48: Error loading texture 'actors\Watcher\tubes.jpg'.
       returned: E_OUTOFMEMORY
23:48: Cleanup
23:48: Loader start
23:48: Error loading skin mesh
       returned: E_OUTOFMEMORY
23:48: Error loading top level object from 'actors\Watcher\Watcher2.x'
       returned: E_OUTOFMEMORY

My question is - what are people use to create the .X files they use for WME ?
3DS with Panda or something else ?
Have anyone trying the KW X-port instead of panda ? there's no mention of it on the websites.

Thanks in advance for the advice and tips.

Feature requests, suggestions / Convert 3d coordinates to screen
« on: August 11, 2007, 03:32:41 AM »
I want my actor to "go back" and no "screen upwards", so i want to get the screen coordinated from a 3D coordinate where Z is reduced by a constant.
I need a funcition to convert from 3D coordinates to screen coordinates. looked around a bit in the help - didn't find anything, and it was too late for an answer in the IRC.


Technical forum / Bugs in docs
« on: May 24, 2007, 11:38:29 PM »
Hey Mnemonic !

I was looking for something and couldn't find it in the docs until meta referred me to.
the DROP_TO_FLOOR property in actor3D's file.

I think i've asked this in the past, but can you make sure that there's a complete match between all configurable properties in any definition file and those in game properties ?

also I think it would nice to have a reference to all definition files in the "scripting reference" chapter of the help.


Technical forum / nested selects
« on: December 10, 2006, 07:33:06 AM »
I had two switches nested inside one funcion.

when calling the break; command on outer select i got :

08:27: Fatal: Invalid instruction -557797922 ('scenes\room\scr\jinji_window.script', line 218, IP:0x0)

I had to take the inner switch and put it in a second function and it got cleared.


Feature requests, suggestions / F5 in scene editor
« on: November 16, 2006, 03:25:25 AM »

I would like to ask that the F5 in the scene editor will do the same thing it does in the WME project manager, I.E start up the game for debug.


Hey Mnemonic,

I would like all the parameters that can be changed from the definition file to be changable form the engine, and vice versa for constants that can only be changed from the engine to be changed from the .DEF file as well.

Examples :
Text alignment, in some cases these can only be controlled from the definition file (of an actor or window)

in Actor3d :  DrawBackfaces
I would like this to also be in the act3d file, so that my actor will look lik it should in the scene editor.

I've sure i've mentioned this before in the IRC chan, but I bumped into it again now and I decided it'll be wise if this will be written here in the forum where it belongs.

Technical forum / Moonwalking Trinity
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:49:20 AM »
In the WME 3d demo I also noticed trinity is pulling a michael jackson and moonwalk when direct contorlling her to walk back.
The walk animation should probably be played backwards when walking back.

Technical forum / DirectWalk and 2d geotry
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:38:11 AM »

i'm using a real 3d characted but my path finding relies on good ol 2d areas in the scene editor.
I tried adding the DirectControl from WME_DEMO_3D to my game and my actor just walks through everything like they aren't there.
well, they actually aren't there in the 3DS geomerty file.

Is this a Bug or misfeature ?


Done / Right align
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:36:11 PM »
I would like to request the option to change alignment from both the window definition file and from within scripts so i can do right alignment for all my text, and also changable from packages without need to duplicate packages.

This includes TEXT_ALIGN missing in editor window, and ability to change alignment from the scripts in dialog responses window. I'm sure there are more places where there is text that can be displayed but you can't control it's alignment.

Technical forum / PrintScreen
« on: September 05, 2006, 03:43:41 AM »
the event on "Keypress" in my Game.script dont' capture the keypress on PrintScreen.
Bug ? or Mis-feature ?


I had this tough.
When you're translating a sentance from one language to another, it might not have the same structure, and i wanted to be able to keep a few sentances grouped together in one talk.

Lets say my actor wants to say:
"My name Is Guybrush Threepweeod."
"I want to be a pirate."

I'd write in my code

Code: [Select]"/GUYBRUSH_HELLO_00/Hello");"/GUYBRUSH_HELLO_01/My name Is Guybrush Threepweeod.");"/GUYBRUSH_HELLO_02/I want to be a pirate.");

and in i'd have:
GUYBRUSH_HELLO_00       Hello.
GUYBRUSH_HELLO_01       My name Is Guybrush Threepweeod.
GUYBRUSH_HELLO_02       I want to be a pirate.
and i'd have 3 files GUYBRUSH_HELLO_00.ogg GUYBRUSH_HELLO_01.ogg GUYBRUSH_HELLO_02.ogg.

but i was thinking, maybe when translating it, you need more then 3 sentances ? or maybe 2 are enough.
So, i didn't want to need to keep a diffrent code for each language, but to group all these 3 into one line.
But how do i split them so the actor will say each line, and that i'd have 3 seperate audio files ?

i wrote this talk method, you can put it in your actor script file:

Code: [Select]
method Talk(inString)
// get the input string and split it into the tag and value with /
var myStr = new String(inString);
var SplitArr = myStr.Split("/");
// if it's not in format ("/aaa/bbb")  say it as it
if (SplitArr.Length < 2) {
// get it form the
var expanded = Game.ExpandString(inString);

// split it for parts with \ in them
// i assume expanded splited will only have 1 item if it's missing from so we'll treat it as single.
var expandedStr = new String(expanded);
var SplitArr2 = expandedStr.Split("\");
// if it's a one liner say it as it is.
if (SplitArr2.Length < 2) {

// say each part and play sound for it with TAG_NAME_00 etc..
for (var i= 0; i < SplitArr2.Length; i = i+1){
var fmti;
if (i < 10) {
fmti = "0" + i;
}  else {
fmti = i;
var outString = "/" + SplitArr[1] + "_" + fmti + "/" + SplitArr2[i] ;


Now, i also want to make sure that i have all my strings in my so instead of the text hardcoded i write "MISSING_TEXT BLABLABLA" so i'd know what's missing when i do QA work.
so now what i have is :


and in
GUYBRUSH_HELLO       Hello.\My name Is Guybrush Threepweeod.\I want to be a pirate.

and i keep my original recorded files GUYBRUSH_HELLO_00 through 02 and it works like a charm.

Note, Initially i wanted to use | for line seperator, but WME already changes it into a \n. which is undocumented as far as i know, and you can't split a string easily with two characters without writing another function.


Done / Subversion .svn files - ignoe in WME projman
« on: August 17, 2006, 09:00:20 PM »
I'm using SubVersion to do source control, and it generated hidden files and directories with the name .svn
I would like to be able to not see them in the tree view in the WME project manager.

for me it's a nice to have featrue, and certainly not in any priority.

Feature requests, suggestions / Music segments queueing
« on: August 02, 2006, 12:38:49 PM »
I want to do a iMuse-like  ogg music transition, and for that i need a Game.PlayMusicChannelQueue(Channel, Filename, Looping, LoopStart) that queues the next music segment seamlessly right after the current music segemnt (looped or not) has reached it's end.

I tried implementing this in the script level, but due to sound buffers i couldn't accomplish it.


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