Well guys, this is related to music but not to game creation, anyway, maybe it fits better here than in general discussion.
For this new year's eve party, I'm planning to bring my computer to the building where the party is, and use it as a karaoke machine with
vanBasco's Karaoke Player (a great freeware karaoke program BTW). Well maybe not everybody knows: karaoke files has usually the .kar extension, but they're nothing more than MIDI files with an attached lyric with its "flow".
But everybody knows the problem with MIDIs... Ok, they don't take up almost any space, but they tend to suck when it comes to listen to them. That's why I want to get better quality, but I don't know if I should use a good SoundFont (I have SBLive! so no problem), or maybe a Software Synthetiser.
About SoundFonts, right now I have the original 2MB, 4MB and 8MB SoundFonts that came with the sound card, and I've downloaded the Merlin GM V3.6, and the TimGM6mb. Right now I think that the Merlin is the one that sounds best, but I'm still not much satisfied with its quality. What's the best (free) GeneralMidi complete and compliant SoundFont? (Jerrot maybe you could help me here...
). Or wich SF combinations should I use? (Like,"this one for brass sounds", "this other one for guitars", "this for drumkits", etc cetera...)
And about SoftSynths, I've downloaded WinGroove, but I don't know why, it simply doesn't work in my system (I even get
BSODs), Roland VST-88 (wich doesn't work under XP -_-U), and Yamaha SoftSynthetiser S-YXG50, wich works fairly good, and I think it shows more quality than the SoundFonts I have.
So my real final question is: What should I use to get the best quality when playing MIDI files, a good SoundFont (and I would greatly appreciate if you tell me wich one, I don't mind the size [plenty of RAM
]), or a good SoftSynth (and the same, with is the best one and blahblahblah, I don't mind if it's free or not, just a trial version is OK).
Well, thank you everyone, and have a happy christmas and new year!!