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Author Topic: Game design ideas  (Read 12443 times)

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Game design ideas
« on: October 09, 2005, 12:25:46 PM »

Here is a thread where you can post all those ideas you have that you don't think you'll ever get around to do. So that others might get some inspiration and ideas for their games.

And remember, folks: you can't own an idea, you can only own the implementation of an idea... ( ::) riiiiight... tell that to Bill Gates  ;))

Anyway, here goes...

Idea Nr 1.

A "claymated" game.

If I had a digital camera, I might, just might try and make a small claymated game, just for curiosity's sake.
It's an interesting idea, and if you want your game to feel and look different then all the rest Myst clones and Monkey island lookalikes (bless you, Ron), this might be one way to go.

For those of you that don't know, claymation is when you take pictures of lumps of clay that you have shaped into, say, the game character or a table, for instance. Then for the next picture, you make just a little change to the clay, and take another picture. And when you show those pictures in a sequence, you have a claymation. The tricky part, I guess, would be to get the lighting right.

Then the question is if you should try and make the game mechanics "realistic", or if the physics of the game world should follow the clay's properties (for example, that the characters can change themselves into other forms).

As for the clay... well, colorful, "kids clay" would probably be fine for something like this.

Moving on to...

Idea Nr 2.

A realistic-looking game

Take pictures of real people, real places, and real objects, with a digital camera, and make them into a game. This would mean that everything would look and feel more real and realistic, and the players immersion in the game might be increased.

One of the advantages of this idea is, that you don't have to think about rendering 3D characters and backgrounds, or even hand-drawing endless frames for the one thousand animations of the game. But at the same time, this idea would probably only work with a first-person game, where you have mostly static pictures and just a few images for each "actor"...

Then you try to make everything look as real and realistic as possible, and throw in a story or a mystery.

A relationship drama? A ghost story in a real house? Suburban adventures among beatniks, goths, and everyday loosers? ;) A detective game?

You can probably do plenty of stories with a real-life setting and "real" characters.

And, the way I see it, it's just that a real-looking game would be a refreshing change of pace to all the cartoon games and "faked realism" graphics out there...

And also, one of the ideas here, is to look different, to feel different, to taste different than all the run-of-the-mill games out there...

Of course, looking any different doesn't mean that the contents of the game will be good. But it will at least give you a chance of standing out in the endless stream of same-looking games that gets thrown our way. And you also have a chance here of taking gaming in a new direction, with ultra-realism and really real-looking graphics.

So are you up to it? :)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2005, 12:36:21 PM by organican »


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2005, 03:58:18 PM »

Well, if you want an adventure game made out of plasteline, check out The Neverhood.

About real footage videogames, there has been a lot so far... usually in the beggining of the CD-ROM era. They had so much space, they couldn't fill it up just with usual graphics, so they started to get medium-quality video and real pictures for making adventures games. And had you said, all of them were first person (I think, at least I don't know of any real footage game in third person). Man, I hated those games, they usually were more of some sort of "interactive movies" instead of real adventure games. There are, of course, honorable exceptions to that, doesn't it Mnemonic? ;)

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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2005, 04:15:04 PM »

There are, of course, honorable exceptions to that, doesn't it Mnemonic? ;)
Not sure what exactly you're hinting at :) but of course there are at least Gabriel Knight 2 and Spycraft.
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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2005, 12:44:04 PM »

I wan't to make a survival horror game such as Doom 3 or Resident Evil if possible but with the same point and click mechanism.


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 01:06:13 AM »

I wan't to make a survival horror game such as Doom 3 or Resident Evil if possible but with the same point and click mechanism.

I really think that this is a great idea for a game.

How would it be made? Like a traditional adventure, or with some action elements?

Here's a great idea: You're in a room, and zombies are trying to get in. So you have to barricade the door. And then you have to find some other way out. Things like that.

I think that the action would be the hardest to do, but it can probably be scripted somehow.

A few ideas: If the you "sneak" instead of walk, with a button or a command, you're not a easily noticed. So then it becomes a little strategy and "hide and sneak" as well.

And maybe it's best if the player can only save on a few specific locations. Otherwise they'll just save and restore every time they die.

Another thing, a health meter would be good. Every time a monster attacks you, you get hurt. And if you're damaged, you might not walk and run as fast as before.

So then you have to distract the zombies with food or something, so you can sneak past them and get away.

I know, I know, this might sound just a little too much like Resident Evil, (*roll eyes*) but I really think that this is a great idea.

That would be like saying that Mario and Sonic are the same because they both jump, run and collect things. But really, they're not. And not this either. This would be a point and click adventure! Not an action game with some adventure elements. No, an adventure game with a little real-time action and a scary story, that's what it is. This game would be something like "the Buffy" or "the X-files" of adventures!

You see, a mix between puzzles, action, and real-time strategy like this would be something unique among adventure games.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 12:49:27 AM by organican »


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2005, 02:17:24 AM »

Yeah, I was originally planning to make a Resident Evil FPS with FPSCreator but I lost interest in it, but since WME allows geometry lines within the backgrounds its possible to make a Resident Evil type of game using 3D characters. But the action part would be the hardest, just need to learn how to script and I'll probably work it out.


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2005, 12:57:42 AM »

Yeah, I was originally planning to make a Resident Evil FPS with FPSCreator but I lost interest in it, but since WME allows geometry lines within the backgrounds its possible to make a Resident Evil type of game using 3D characters. But the action part would be the hardest, just need to learn how to script and I'll probably work it out.


Are you planning to do a pure action game? Or just an adventure game with some action?

I don't think that a full action game where you shoot and kill hordes of monsters is so easy to do with WME.

Then maybe some other engine is better. Or did you mean to do an adventure game where there's just some action here and there?


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2005, 10:48:43 AM »

A working gun in my test scene. now Working with keyboard ( Resident Evil style) or mouse ...(Point and click RPG style ....)
Try this if you can't see my screenshot.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 12:16:47 AM by leucome »
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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2005, 06:48:42 PM »

A working gun in my test scene.
What approach are you using, mouse cursor shooting?
I've seen the image in the morning but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2005, 12:08:40 AM »

Yes i use Mouse cursor shooting... On left click the actor turn to the clicked object and shoot ....  This is the scrip i use . I put that script on the enemy actor.script.I will try to find better host for my screenshoot ....

#include "scripts\"
var zombihealt = 5;

on "footstep"
  this.PlaySound("sounds\footstep" + Random(1, 3) + ".ogg");
on "fire"

   actor.ShowMesh("fire");     // Show Fire picture placed on the gun this gun is curently added to the main actor hand whith actor.AddMesh 
   this.PlaySound("sounds\9mm" + Random(1, 3) + ".ogg");      // 3 gun sound play randomly 
   actor.HideMesh("fire");      //Hide Fire picture

on "LeftClick"
   if(Game.IsItemTaken("9mm"))  // Chek if i  have the gun.
      actor.TurnTo(self);       // The main actor turn to the enemy. 
      actor.PlayAnim("fire");     // The actor fire the gun 
      zombihealt =  zombihealt - 1;     // the enemy is wounded. 
      if ( zombihealt < 1)       // If the enemy is about to die... 
         this.Active = false;  //The enemy is dead .... I will use a anim someday 
« Last Edit: December 13, 2005, 01:05:47 AM by leucome »
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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2005, 11:00:22 PM »

i think its looking realy great !!!! did you do the models yourself. quite impressive !!!


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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2005, 09:38:43 PM »

i think its looking realy great !!!! did you do the models yourself. quite impressive !!!

Yes it's my own models made for my upcoming game ....
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Re: Game design ideas
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2006, 02:21:05 PM »

I've wanted to make a 3D Adventure game for a long time. I got the idea of a viking/iron age-themed game when i saw the movie "Conan - the Barbarian", when Conan pushed a mill wheel. :)

In other words: I want to make a game based on norse mytology, with gods from Vallhalla, jotuns (a sort of giants), Midgard, Utgard, Ygdrasil etc.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 02:23:32 PM by Ozmodiar »
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