Sorry to have stirred up this ... stuff :-)
I understand WME will need to be enhanced, perhaps in a way that Jan seems to be not worthwile.
Only Jan knows what's to be changed under the hood.
There are some arguments I'd like to point out though:
- full 3d is inevitable. WME's "longlivity" is, IMHO, based on full 3D support.
This does not mean 2.5D or 2D games are now out of the picture. They have their
own characteristics. They will be used the upcoming years.
We at Sticky Studios love 2D (Scumbag Joe proves that :-) but things are changing
very rapidly. The market asks for it.
- WME is halfway there. It has reached "the point of no return" :-P
It is the first adventure specialised engine that has 3D character support.
- I don't think a pixelshaders and advanced stuff it neccessary. But, perhaps it is possible
to adapt existing render technology in WME and simply say: "hey, if you want fancy stuff,
check out for the API".
Because I think Jan is right when he says: "I add 3d, and whats next?"
This will keep things managable.
- We're not targeting advanced doom3 effect stuff. No one of us has the team and money
for those kind of scenes anyway. If so, I would personally say:
"go write your engine" or "license another engine".
Basic 3d with some bells and whistles is enough.
- It makes your adventure easier to sell.
Believe me, it does :-)
Which is good for the community, for WME and for world peace!
- Faster development and smaller resources.
No more hundreds of frames, but 3D models,
You can switch a camera to zoom in or focus on another part, and you'll still
only have to design one room!
There are also much more 3D specialists than 2D specialists.
Jan: I'm not sure, after reading the posts above, that I should shut up about this, or not :-( If so, sorry.