I'm bringing you something i've been working on for a while now
http://www2.corbomitegames.com/ParticleEditor_0.1.zip (Version added 6/4/08)
http://www2.corbomitegames.com/ParticleEditor_0.2.zip (Version added 7/4/08)
This is just a first version, very basic, only includes most of the particle controls but not all of em.
normal windows gui is kinda hard doin in WME...
some basic instructions:
click on the type of the pacticle you want to use as a template. move the sliders to adjust parameters.
You can edit the numbers on the right on the slider to change the slider's maximum.
You can add or remove sprites :
fill in the name of the sprites's file in the SpriteName and click add
or click the sprite's picture to remove it.
toggles are at the bottom.
and you can start , stop, pause , resume
you can even click "print" to get your particle's WME code into a file called Particle.script in the current dir. (assuming you have an emitter called Emit)
try it our , let me know.
I'll post the code when it's more near finished.
Also, if someone volunteers to write a help file, doc, or post about it in the wiki, i'd appreciate it.