I have received a few suggestions in my mailbox past week about my WME edition, so decided to make new version with a few changes, because looks like a few people still use my edition :]
v1.9, 16 June, 2012: ADD: function
Scene.ChangeScene has been updated: added two new arguments - [bool
useModernTransit = false] and [int
FadeDur = 200]
useModernTransit - if set to true, modern scene transition feature will be used, which force fade out previous scene by making it disappear slowly.
FadeDur - allow you to tweak fade duration. Applicable for modern and old fade out. Higher values - slow disappearing, low values - fast disappearing.
Example: Game.ChangeScene("scenes\level.scene", false, false, true, 400);
Modern transition and old transition are stackable.
ADD: functions
Game.IsFullScreenSwitchSupported and
SetWindowedMode updated: now if game resolution is larger than user's desktop resolution, the game will be running in full screen mode without ability to switch into Windowed mode.
ADD: Added new config/registry option:
UseGameNativeResolution to [Video] section. If set to 1, video resolution will be set to game resolution. Solve the issue when running game with 1024x768 resolution on monitor with 1920x1080 resolution.
ADD: Project files and some source codes ported to VS2010 (VS2008 project files not supported anymore, so I don't think WME KE 1.9 will compile with VS2008)
ADD: Output debug window in Visual Studio will receive game log messages. Useful when running game from Visual Studio.
ADD: Now, debug logging is can be enabled when "wme.log" is found in game directory, in addition to DebugMode variable in wme.ini/registry.
CHG: Deleted "- Wintermute Engine" from game window title. Yeah I know, Mnemonic will be unhappy, but some publishers (like Bigfish) require this.
CHG: Changed default save files directory to APPDATA (for ex. <User>\AppData\Roaming\CompanyName\GameTitle\). Same done for
Game.ScreenshotEx2 function.
CHG: Discontinued DirectX-8 version.
Note #1: You should use only Debug_D3D9 or Release_D3D9 to build.
Note #2: wme.sln its a project file that you need.
Note #3: To debug WME exe project from Visual Studio, open "wme" project properties, switch to Debugging tab, and set there following values:
Command -> ..\..\..\Binary\wme_D3D9.exe
Command Arguments -> -project "D:\path_to_project\project.wpr"
Working Directory -> D:\path_to_project\
Download link:
http://kinjal.apeironstudios.com/wme-ke_v1.9_bin_src_16june2012.7z --- contains both Binary and Source.