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Author Topic: Quick Time Events  (Read 8118 times)

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Quick Time Events
« on: January 08, 2018, 02:15:43 PM »

    Has anyone done a QTE in their projects or games? I am thinking of having a go at doing one to see if WME could pull it off for a future project idea.

I expect you would need to do Sprites rather than Theora videos or could you do say 3 Theora videos, x1 for the good outcome, x1 for the bad outcome and x1 for the default outcome.

Play the default outcome to a point.
Ask for PLAYER INPUT on screen - Right Mouse button or Left Mouse button or both mouse buttons.
Then play good outcome or bad outcome depending on the choice from the player and it is in time.

Any pointers or demo's would be appreciated.

Muties Rock  ::rock ::beer ::beer

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Re: Quick Time Events
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2018, 05:06:37 PM »

I haven't used Theora, but what you want to do is doable through sprites and scripts.

Say you have an actor who is running. At some point you pause and have a quick time event. You will probably have a window with a half opaque background. Somewhere on the window you can add some text to give instructions to the user. You can also add any images you want (or even buttons if you want to go with that methodology).

On the window's script you catch left and right click events. Depending on what the user clicks, you either play the jump sprite on the actor (actor.PlayAnim('jump')) or the duck sprite (actor.PlayAnim('duck')). Any further actions can be easily scripted.

Alternatively, instead of actor you can use a sprite entity (again using PlayAnim).

This is of course a very rough description. You can ask more specific questions after you have given this some more thought. Good luck!

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