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Messages - Tal

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General Discussion / Re: dev tools on a usb drive
« on: December 29, 2008, 11:51:20 PM »
I've done that a bunch of times; when you're on a computer you haven't used before, you just have to tell WME where all the different tools are.

After that, though, it's really easy. Only trouble I ever had with it was when one computer wouldn't recognize the script editor to open scripts. But that was one computer.

Heck, I got it to run off a USB drive on a Mac once using CrossOver... didn't work very well, but enough to let people play my test version on Macs.

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 22, 2008, 05:40:38 AM »
Got the trail of the word balloon working right; Tomorrow I'll be doing quite a bit of work on this after I plow out my driveway. >_<

14 inches of snow here in the last two days.

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 20, 2008, 03:47:33 PM »
^_^ Thanks everyone. I'm taking the next couple of weeks to polish, though Christmas/New Years is probably going to delay that a bit... I go back to college on Jan. 12 though, and I'll be starting new projects by then so I hope to have it up sometime that week.

(And even after I release it, I'm totally open for feedback.  ;) I'm totally open to changing just about anything to make the game better.)

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:59:51 PM »

Wow. THAT worked well.

Yeah, I dunno what the problem with my previous approaches to that method was, but that worked great! Only problem now is that the little pointy thing on the bottom of the bubble isn't staying attached to the bottom of the bubble (it's a static control), but that's partly because it's based off of the old math. Shouldn't be too hard to get it to stick to the bubble.

Thank you! You have no idea how much better getting that fixed makes me feel. ^_^

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:18:41 PM »
Thanks! :D I had a lot of fun with the art... I wish I had more time to do character animations though. That's one thing I ended up lacking time to do properly beyond the basics.

The static control method sounds familiar- I think I tried it at one point, but I must not have gotten it to work. I'm gonna start looking at it again sometime in the next couple of weeks, I'll give that another go. Essentially, I'd need to be sending the string text of my actor.Talk function to the static control of a window, use HeightToFit, store the resulting height value of the static control in a variable then use that to define my balloon's height, yes? I think I can do that.

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 17, 2008, 03:50:04 PM »
Mmm, perhaps. My current version is based off the GITS code you posted some time back. I may try to do some more tweaking on that, or may go with another approach, I'm not sure. I was basically looking for a way to definitively get the size of that box, rather than approximate it, though. Thanks!

Game announcements / Re: Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 17, 2008, 03:29:19 AM »
Heh, the text balloons I was getting so frustrated over two or three months ago... I've racked my brain for every possible way I can think of to approach this, but it goes a little like this:

My talk function, as shown in the screenshot, has speech displayed over a tileable word balloon. The width of the bubble is fixed. The height of the bubble is (supposed to be) variable, depending on the amount of text present (so as to contain all the words). Unfortunately, what I can't seem to do is determine the height value of the invisible box containing the text at any given time. The width can be determined programatically with *variable*.SubtitlesWidth, but there's no SubtitlesHeight or anything like it. Without being able to determine the height of the subtitles, I can't get a guaranteed fit with my speech balloon every time... in the meantime, I've been basing it on an average number of characters per line, which is sometimes right, sometimes too much, and sometimes not enough.

^_^ I've spent something like 20 hours just trying to figure out a way around it. It's probably the last big problem in the game, other than something one of my testers caught yesterday, which is relatively simple to fix.

Game announcements / Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:59:33 AM »
Hey all, Tal here. I just realized that while I've been around for a while asking for help, I never formally announced my game.

So. This is Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!

It's a short (read: SHORT, about an hour) game where you play as depressed ghost Benny in the hopes of getting your stolen furniture back. Along the way, nothing will make sense. Ever.

This game is currently "done" in the sense that the plot and gameplay are complete, start-to-finish, and all the game-breaking bugs are patched. There are a few things that need to be fixed, though (such as speech bubbles, which cannot be coded the way I want them in WME script, apparently) and a few features I left by the wayside for time constraints (the game was built for a class that wrapped this weekend).

Anyway, I hope to have a finished, polished version available around January or February. Just thought I'd get it out there!


Technical forum / Re: FPS cap
« on: October 10, 2008, 01:33:46 AM »
Ah. OK. I just needed to know what you wanted to know. ^_^

They're 2D sprite animations done in the Sprite editor. The delay parameter is rather low, which may be the cause.

Now that you mention that, I hadn't tried messing with that. Let me go try it on the high-speed computers tomorrow and I'll get back to you if it had an effect.

Technical forum / Re: FPS cap
« on: October 09, 2008, 02:04:10 AM »
What part of my code are we looking at, specifically?

Spell, I'm talking around 33,000 fps. The dialogue is running at the proper speed; all other animations are insanely fast.

Technical forum / Re: FPS cap
« on: October 07, 2008, 07:05:41 PM »
The high framerate is a problem because it essentially negates any movement. You click, and you're there. It's not game-breaking, but it breaks the tone I want for the game. The character's not supposed to be fast.

So how/where would I code this sleep timing?

And again, it's only running maniacally on faster computers. Theoretically, wouldn't using a sleep function on the game make it run too slow on normal computers?

Also, this game is only ever running windowed. It can't be fullscreened.

Technical forum / FPS cap
« on: October 07, 2008, 01:28:24 AM »
OK, word balloon problem: mostly fixed. It'll pass for the moment, though I'll probably revisit it somewhere down the line.

On to my next (and hopefully last for a good while) major problem: an FPS cap.

On my computer, my game runs on a fairly stable 30-35 frames per second.

However, on my college's computers, the ones I have to demonstrate this on, the game runs at a lovely several thousand fps. I'm not making this up, it runs insanely fast. Is there any way I can create a maximum fps of 33 or so?

I'll try to post screens of it tomorrow if possible. The computers there are insane powerhouses, so I'm not incredibly surprised. -_-

Technical forum / Re: Overriding Talk Method
« on: October 04, 2008, 03:36:47 PM »
Yeeeeah, I'm pretty sure I tried that, but it wasn't positioning properly.

I'll try it again when I'm back at a Windows computer to be sure, though.

Doing animations now!


Wow. That worked. Thanks! I think I had tried using this.whatever instead of Benny.whatever before I fixed some of the other problems in my code.

That takes care of the second; still don't know what to do about the first (text stays onscreen, bubble doesn't, screws up positioning), and the I got a temporary solution for by using a lines-measuring code like in your GITS window, but in my case I don't think it's going to help that much.

Technical forum / Re: Overriding Talk Method
« on: October 03, 2008, 11:01:48 PM »
EDIT: Progress, progress. Again! I'm on a roll.

Got the box to float above a character's head and contain the text properly, but there are still three core things that bug me. First, when at the full left or right of a screen the text will remain fully on the screen; the window won't.

Second, I still didn't find a way to determine which character is speaking from within the custom method script; I'm temporarily building separate talk method scripts for each character, because it tracks their position through Benny.X and such rather than using a variable to determine who should be speaking.

The third is that the box still doesn't fit to the size of the text.

Code: [Select]
ethod Talk(Text, SoundFilename, Duration, TalkStances, TextAlignment)
Game.Interactive = false;
global WinWindow;
global WinSubtitles;
var Static;

WinWindow = Game.LoadWindow("interface\BUBBLE\BUBBLE.window");
WinSubtitles = Game.CreateWindow("subtitles_window"); // position the subtitles window
WinWindow.X = actor.X - 200;
WinWindow.Y = actor.Y - 400;
WinWindow.Width = 400;
//~ WinSubtitles.Height = 300;
WinSubtitles.Visible = true;

// position of actors' speech subtitles
this.SubtitlesPosX = actor.X;
this.SubtitlesPosY = actor.Y - 400;
this.SubtitlesPosRelative = false;
this.SubtitlesWidth = 380;

Yeh. So. I'll update if I get further tonight.

Technical forum / Re: Overriding Talk Method
« on: October 03, 2008, 01:05:44 PM »
OK, let me try and follow you here, my programming skills aren't great but I'm getting better.

So. Instead of defining the method in a separate script and then having that link over to my actor, I should define the method in the actor itself?
Then, instead of sending the text to the box through Display.GetControl, I'd just be using the regular Talk method and defining the box around it?

I did finally get the box to display on my old code, but the window wouldn't adapt to the size of the text.

Sorry I can't try this out fully at the moment, I have class but I'll be working on it late tonight and most of Sunday.

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