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Topics - Tal

Pages: [1]
Game announcements / Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:59:33 AM »
Hey all, Tal here. I just realized that while I've been around for a while asking for help, I never formally announced my game.

So. This is Meet Benny: Adventures in Finding Furniture!

It's a short (read: SHORT, about an hour) game where you play as depressed ghost Benny in the hopes of getting your stolen furniture back. Along the way, nothing will make sense. Ever.

This game is currently "done" in the sense that the plot and gameplay are complete, start-to-finish, and all the game-breaking bugs are patched. There are a few things that need to be fixed, though (such as speech bubbles, which cannot be coded the way I want them in WME script, apparently) and a few features I left by the wayside for time constraints (the game was built for a class that wrapped this weekend).

Anyway, I hope to have a finished, polished version available around January or February. Just thought I'd get it out there!


Technical forum / FPS cap
« on: October 07, 2008, 01:28:24 AM »
OK, word balloon problem: mostly fixed. It'll pass for the moment, though I'll probably revisit it somewhere down the line.

On to my next (and hopefully last for a good while) major problem: an FPS cap.

On my computer, my game runs on a fairly stable 30-35 frames per second.

However, on my college's computers, the ones I have to demonstrate this on, the game runs at a lovely several thousand fps. I'm not making this up, it runs insanely fast. Is there any way I can create a maximum fps of 33 or so?

I'll try to post screens of it tomorrow if possible. The computers there are insane powerhouses, so I'm not incredibly surprised. -_-

Technical forum / Overriding Talk Method
« on: September 30, 2008, 01:34:58 AM »
Hey, I'm having trouble overriding the Talk method properly. I need to create a speech bubble over characters' heads, and I'm definitely missing something in the process.


Here's what I've got right now.

My speech window (Not actually a bubble right now, just trying to get a box behind the text) is loaded in game.script as such:

Code: [Select]
global Display = Game.LoadWindow("ui_elements\BUBBLE.window");
Display.Visible = false;

I have a script called Display.script, shown below.

Code: [Select]
global Display;

method DisplayText(Text, Duration)
  this.Visible = true;
  // query the static control
  var St = this.GetControl("Texty");
  // set the text and wait
  St.Text = Text;

  // hide the text after the "Duration" period has passed
  St.Text = "";
  this.Visible = false;

"Texty" is the name of the Static Control in the window.

I then am trying to call the script in an actor named Felix; here's his script.
I'm including the Display script at the beginning of his file, then attempting to use the DisplayText method.

When I do, I get a message that I'm calling undefined methods with GetControl and both ToFits.

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"
#include "scripts\"
#include "actors\Felix\Display.script"

on "LookAt"
 Benny.Talk("It's Felix.");
 Felix.TalkAsync("I'M FELIX!");


on "Take"
   Benny.Talk("I can't take Felix!");

on "Talk"

Felix.DisplayText("Hey, Benny.");


Alright. So. I know this is a mess; can anyone help me sort this out and figure out how to get a working dialog box overriding the normal Talk function?

Thanks in advance.

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