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Topics - Gurkan

Pages: [1]
Game announcements / Oknytt, an adventure through Swedish folklore
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:34:56 PM »

Hello everyone!
Me and a couple of friends have banded together to create our first computer game Oknytt, which in short is a fully voiced old school point-and-click adventure game, a fairy tale heavily inspired by Swedish folklore. The gameplay is comprised of a mix of classic puzzle solving and manipulation of parts of the environment around you.
We have been working on the game for about a year now and we recently released a trailer which you can find on our website ( ) as we are closing in on our month of release. The exact date is to be announced.

If you would like to know more, feel free to ask questions here or head over to our facebook page (

Game announcements / Gemynd
« on: May 06, 2010, 09:44:00 AM »
Gemynd is a very bizarre game where my main focus was on storytelling. My main source of inspiration came from David Firths work, the creator of Salad Fingers, which often have a very disturbing and dark feeling to it. It was made in two weeks by me (Design/Scripting), Christofer Levall (Graphics) and Martin Mikaelsson (Sound).
It’s a point and click experience where the story unfolds when examining things and talking to people. If you are expecting blasting peoples heads off, you will be gravely disappointed and since it’s a very story driven game, I don’t want to spoil anything about it. You just have to play this one if you want to know more.
Download link:

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